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Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

Trancecoach says...

(Did Babymech just say that getting brutally gang raped in front of one's children by intruders in one's home is somehow comparable or "on par" with getting cut off in traffic? What the fuck is wrong with you?)

What Ms. Carrera doesn't appreciate here is that the assault of Cytheria undermines the narrative put forward by the Social Justice Warriors (i.e., modern feminists) that gives attention to the Duke lacrosse hoax, the Treyvon Martin case, and the Ferguson debacle, but completely ignores Cytheria's rape. Why? Because it negates the notion that rape is always a function of class and privilege (i.e., white affluent men raping poor minority females) and never not. If Emma Sulkowicz or Jackie Coakley lie about being assaulted, the SJWs are all over it, but if Cytheria reports being assaulted by underprivileged African American men, the SJWs simply ignore it.

Modern feminists don't care about rape victims. They never have. They aren't trying to protect women. They are trying to punish masculinity by displacing their own inabilities to cope with anything outside of their wealthy, upper-middle class bubbles...

Nazi Wildebeest

Greece's Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis on BBC's Newsnigh

radx says...

In the current situation, "structural reforms" is used to subsume two entirely different sets of measures.

The first is meant to remove what you previously mentioned: corruption in all the shapes and forms it takes in Greece, from a (intentionally) broken tax system formed over decades of nepotism to a bankrupt national media in the hands of oligarchs. The institutions of the Greek state are precisely what you expect when a country has been run by four families (Papandreou, Samaras, Mitsotakis, Karamanlis) for basically five decades.

This kind of structural reform is part of Syriza's program. Like you said, it'll be hard work and they might very well fail. They'll have only weeks, maybe a few months to undo significant parts of what has grown over half a century. It's not fair, but that's what it is.

The second kind of "structural reform" is meant to increase competitiveness, generally speaking, and a reduction of the public sector. In case of Greece, this included the slashing of wages, pensions, benefits, public employment. The economic and social results are part of just about every article these days, so I won't mention them again. A Great Depression, as predicted.

That's the sort of "structural reforms" Syriza wants to undo. And it's the sort that is expected of Spain, Italy and France as well, which, if done, would probably throw the entire continent into a Great Depression.

I'd go so far as to call any demand to increase competitiveness to German levels madness. Germany gained its competitiveness by 15 years of beggar-thy-neighbour economics, undercutting the agreed upon target of ~2% inflation (read: 2% growth of unit labour costs) the entire time. France played by the rules, was on target the entire time, and is now expected to suffer for it. Only Greece was significantly above target, and are now slightly below target. That's only halfway, yet already more than any democratic country can take.

They could have spread the adjustment out over 20 years, with Germany running above average ULC growth, but decided to throw Greece (and to a lesser degree Spain) off a cliff instead.

So where are we now? Debt rose, GDP crashed, debt as percentage of GDP skyrocketed. That's a fail. Social situation is miserable, health care system basically collapsed, reducing Greece to North African standards. That's a fail.

Those are not reforms to allow Greece to function independently. Those are reforms to throw the Greek population into misery, with ever increasing likeliness of radical solutions (eg Golden Dawn, who are eagerly hoping for a failure of Syriza).

So yes, almost every nation in Europe needs reforms of one sort or another. But using austerity as a rod to beat discipline into supposedly sovereign nations is just about the shortest way imaginable to blow up the Eurozone. Inflicting this amount of pain on people against their will does not work in democratic countries, and the rise of Syriza, Podemos, Sinn Féin, the SNP and the Greens as well as the surge of popularity for Front National and Golden Dawn are clear indicators that the current form of politics cannot be sustained.

Force austerity on France and Le Pen wins the election.

Meaningful reforms that are to increase Europe's "prosperity" would have the support of the people. And reforms are definatly needed, given that the Eurozone is in its fifth year of stagnation, with many countries suffering from both a recession and deflation. A European Union without increasing prosperity for the masses will not last long, I'm sure of it. And a European Union that intentionally causes Great Depressions wouldn't be worth having anyway.

Yet after everything is said and done, I believe you are still absolutely correct in saying that the pro-austerity states won't blink.

Which is what makes it interesting, really. Greece might be able to take a default. They run a primary surplus and most (90%+) of the funds went to foreign banks, the ECB and the IMF anyway, or were used to stabilize the banking system. The people got bugger all. But the Greek banking system would collapse without access to the European system.

Which raises the question: would the pro-austerity states risk a collapse of the Greek banking system and everything it entails? Spanish banks would follow in a heartbeat.

As for the morality of it (they elected those governments, they deserved it): I don't believe in collective punishment, especially not the kind that cripples an entire generation, which is what years of 50+% youth unemployment and a failing educational system does.

My own country, Germany, in particular gets no sympathy from me in this case. Parts of our system were intentionally reformed to channel funds into the market, knowing full well that there was nowhere near enough demand for credit to soak up the surplus savings, nowhere near enough reliable debtors to generate a reasonable return of investment without generating bubbles, be it real estate or financial. They were looking for debtors, and if all it took was turning a blind eye to the painfully obvious longterm problems it would create in Southern Europe, they were more than eager to play along.

RedSky said:

The simple truth from the point of view of Germany and other austerity backing Nordic countries is if they buy their loans (and in effect transfer money to Greece) without austerity stipulations, there will be no pressure or guarantee that structural reforms that allow Greece to function independently will ever be implemented.

Three Topics, One Interesting Conversation

Engels says...

Wait, you think that servicemen didn't have to face children in Iraq that fought for the insurgency, be it bomb-strapped or not? Because honey, that shit's above board. If on the other hand you are suggesting that this woman is somehow glamorizing war and dismissing the importance of Iraqi lives, that's another matter, but converting children to your cause is the oldest and easiest trick in the book. It happened in Vietnam, it happens every single day in your pick of war-torn African nations, and it sure as shit is happening as we speak in Iraq and Afghanistan.

100 Years of Beauty Pt I & II Side by Side Comparison

Chappie Full trailer

Chappie Full trailer

ChaosEngine says...

Actually no, I know I have an Irish accent. And yes, everyone has some kind of accent, but it's a question of degrees. A Scottish accent or a deep south US accent is far more pronounced than a neutral English accent.

The point is that an accent is a deviation from standard pronunciation.

I guess that if an AI "learned" language from Die Antwoord, it would have a South African accent. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a scene where Dev Patel leaves and finds the robot has learned to speak while he was away.

Anyway, as I said... because movies.

Hugh Jackmans haircut is still stupid though

schlub said:

What do you consider to be no accent? The way you speak? Newsflash: you have an accent too - everyone does...

Chappie Full trailer

ChaosEngine says...

WTF is up with Hugh Jackmans weird mullet thing??
And why does the robot have a south african accent (why would a robot have ANY accent)?

Why? Because movies...

Now that's cleared up.... looking forward to this. Should be entertaining.

Racism in the United States: By the Numbers

robbersdog49 says...

Here, take as long as you want. All the info and sources are exactly where he says they are, in the YouTube description. I've copied them here for you. If he hadn't provided all of these I might be inclined to agree with you. But he did provide the evidence, so you don't just have to believe the buzz words, you can actually check it out for yourself.


On average, black men's prison sentences are 20% longer than white men's for comparable crimes:

Black people and white people use illegal drugs at similar rates, but black people are far more likely to be arrested for drug use:

African Americans are far more likely to be stopped and searched (although the contraband hit rate is higher among white people) in California:

And in New York (where the data isn't quite as good but appears to be comparable to CA):

Those wrongfully convicted and later exonerated by DNA are disproportionately African American:

Black kids are far more likely to be tried as adults and more likely to receive life sentences:

Black former convicts get fewer employer callbacks than white former convicts:

Emily and Brendan are more hirable than Lakisha and Jamal:

On that front, this study is also interesting: and similar results have been found in the UK: and also in Australia:

Also, this news story has some great analysis:

High schools with mostly African American and Latino students are less likely to offer courses in Algebra II or Chemistry than high schools with mostly white students:

This article explores many of the other ways that increasingly segregated schools have negatively affected African American students:

And this story discusses the fact that African American students are more than twice as likely to be suspended as white students--even in preschool.

The ACP report on racial disparities in U.S. health care:
This (dated) study is also damning: and there's lot of good info here:

More info on increasing disparities in life expectancy between black and white people in the US:

The most recent polls show fewer white people thinking racism is not a problem than the ones I used in this video (although still a huge divide): and and

Racial wealth disparity and the role that inheritance plays:
Related wikipedia article:

The widening of the wealth gap:

Nonvideo recommendations: I really like Roxane Gay's work in Slate and The Butter; this story in the NYT Chris Rock's recent interview at, and Ashley Ford's commentary and analysis: Also Kiese Laymon's wriitng is great, including

ulysses1904 said:

"By the numbers", which means "recent surveys", "studies have shown", "a nationwide poll", "let's look at some data", "overwhelming evidence has shown". All the statistical buzz phrases. I would rather see this issue presented in a ponderous TED presentation than this overly glib Michael Moore cartoon short.

To be clear, my problem is with the messenger, not the message.

Grimm (Member Profile)

Doubt - How Deniers Win

bcglorf says...

I'm guess from you're tone your American, or at least only figure Americans are going to be reading? You note that 'we' can't get to the moon, while Chinese rovers navigate it's surface. You note with alarm what coastal Florida will face from sea level rise, and not an entire nation like Kiribati. When we look at a global problem we can't ignore technology just because it's Chinese, or focus so hard on Florida's coast we ignore an entire nation in peril.

Sea levels aren't going to be fine in 2099 and then rise a foot on the eve of 2100. They will continue to rise about 3mm annually, as they have already for the last 100 years.(on a more granular level slightly less than 3mm nearer 1900 and slightly more nearer 2100 but the point stands). Coastal land owners aren't merely going to see this coming. They've watched it happening for nearly 100 years already and managed to cope thus far. Cope is of course a bad word for building housing near the coast and at less than a foot above sea level. It's like how occupants at the base of active volcanoes 'cope' with the occasional eruption. All that is to say, the problem for homes built in such locations has always been a matter of when not if disaster will strike. The entire island nation of Kiribati is barely above sea level. It is one tsunami away from annihilation. Climate change though is, let me be brutally honest, a small part of the problem. A tsunami in 1914 would've annihilated Kiribati, as a tsunami today in 2014 would, as a tsunami in 2114 would. And we are talking annihilate in a way the 2004 tsunami never touched. I mean an island that's all uninhabited, cleared to the ground and brand new, albeit a bit smaller for the wear. That scenario is going to happen sooner or later, even if the planet were cooling for the next 100 years so let's be cautious about preaching it's salvation through prevention of climate change.

Your points on food production are, sorry, wrong. You are correct enough that local food growth is a big part of the problem. You are dead wrong that most, or even any appreciable amount is to blame on climate change now or in the future. All the African nations starving for want of local food production lack it for the same reason, violence and instability. From this point forward referenced as 'men with guns'. The people in Africa have, or at least had, the means to grow their own food. Despite your insistence that men with guns couldn't stop them from eating then, they still did and continue to. A farmer has to control his land for a whole year to plant, raise and harvest his crop or his livestock. Trouble is men with guns come by at harvest time and take everything. In places like the DRC or Somalia they rape the farmer's wife and daughters too. This has been going on for decades and decades, and it obviously doesn't take many years for the farmer to decide it's time to move their family, if they are lucky enough to still be alive. That is the population make up of all the refugee camps of starving people wanting for food. It's not a climate change problem, it's a people are horrible to each other problem. A different climate, better or worse growing conditions, is a tiny and hardly worth noting dent in the real problem.
CO@ emission restrictions do not equate to global economic downturn, they could just as easily mean global economic upturn as new tech is adopted and implemented.
I stated meaningful CO2 emission changes. That means changes that will sway us to less than 1 foot of sea level change by 2100 and corresponding temperatures. Those are massive and rapid reductions, and I'm sorry but that can not be an economic boon too. I'm completely confident that electric cars and alternative or fusion power will have almost entirely supplanted fossil fuel usage before 2100, and because they are good business. Pushing today though for massive emission reductions can only be accomplish be reducing global consumption. People don't like that, and they jump all over any excuse to go to war if it means lifting those reductions. That's just the terrible nature of our species.

As for glaciers, I did read the article. You'll notice it observed that increasing the spatial resolution of models changed the picture entirely? The IPCC noted this and updated their findings accordingly as well(page 242). The best guess by 2100 is better than 50% of the glaciers through the entire range remaining. The uncertainty range even includes a potential, though less likely GAIN of mass:
. Results for the Himalaya range between 2% gain and 29% loss to 2035; to 2100, the range of losses is 15 to 78% under RCP4.5. The modelmean loss to 2100 is 45% under RCP4.5 and 68% under RCP8.5 (medium confidence). It is virtually certain that these projections are more reliable than in earlier erroneous assessment (Cruz et al., 2007) of complete disappearance by 2035.

If you still want to insist Nepal will be without glaciers in 2100 please provide a source of your own or stop insisting on contradicting the science to make things scarier.

Cop Caught on Camera: "Call The Cops. They Can't Unrape You"

dannym3141 says...

The american police seem like some kind of african militia imposing their will on a township. Or some bastardised wild-west town from a film, where the bad guys got the sheriff's badge. They effectively do whatever they like as long as there's plausible deniability to their actions, or no witnesses left over. If they happen to overstep the line, they get told they're very naughty.

I'm afraid the spirit of the wild west lives on in the minds of many US law enforcement.. it's a case of the stereotypical aviator glasses wearing, steel toe cap booted, pencil mustachio'd ex-jock strolling around a one horse town, trying to feel powerful any way he can, hating all those he used to bully all the more for having nice cars and better paid/more fulfilling jobs.

Why do they always have to be men? Are there statistically more men in the american police or what?

Cenk Uygur debates Sam Harris

billpayer says...

@RedSky profiling is dumb. I thought that exactly as Harris mention the old granny in the wheelchair who shouldn't be searched. Guess what, if that was the case where do you think they will hide the next one ? It's so dumb. If the bad guys know you will not search children or old people, who do you think will be used for smuggling next ?.
Your other post, Radical Christians are just as happy to die and go to heaven. it's called the Military, and yes they forcibly proselytize and recruit from the poor and minorities and yes they murder people of other religions on a massive scale.

@gwiz665 No. Judaism is just as bad. Judaism also suffers from Racism. That could be argued is why it does not spread. Look up Jewish intermarriage. Their doctrine preaches the disregard and manipulation of the 'GOYA' or 'animals' because they are lesser human beings. That is why they do not inter-marry or recruit. That is why over 90% Israeli's support bombing defenseless Gazans including targeting children. That is why Israel is imprisoning or forcibly deporting Africans. That is why Israel treats Israeli Arabs like sub humans.


Very Well Trained Attack Dog.

▶ Attorney shuts down police stop of black handyman

newtboy says...

Yes, I would make a bad cop. I am NOT the kind of person that enjoys forcefully telling others how to be, how to act, where they can be, nor am I the one to put others in jail for 'no victim' crimes or just for non-compliance with my wishes. I'm CERTANLY not the kind of person that supports people 'on my team' that are disgusting racist criminals...but you are.
Not an assumption, you said it clearly. YOU said he could have gone from one neighborhood to another in 15+min, so it's reasonable to 'detain' him. That MUST mean it's reasonable to detain ANY black man within a 15 minute radius (by car, no one told them he didn't have a car). That's just stupidly makes ALL black men in a 30 mile diameter 'suspects'. (which seems to be how you see them).
No, YOU throw the race card out every time your ass itches, and I think you must have a rash because it's constant! I throw it right back at you, and you cry foul.
YOU care what color people are, you've made that QUITE clear.

EDIT: It's hilarious that you follow your complaint about someone 'throwing out the race(ism) card" and follow instantly with something racist. You could just as easily say that calls for criminal investigation feature men, the young, the poor, or (my favorite) the religious (check your statistics, nearly 100% of cons consider themselves 'religious', so the next time you have a call, just go to the nearest church and start 'investigating' whomever you find there).

Yes, clearly 'young African Americans' are most often the 'suspects', that does not mean they are most often the perps however.
If you get a call to look for a male black, about a 'crime' that may have happened some time ago, it's rather pointless period. There's no way in hell you could find the right person with that description unless there's still one male black AT THE SCENE of the crime you are investigating, and even then that person could easily be a witness. "male black" is not enough description to make it OK for cops to accost citizens. PERIOD. Just as "male white" would not be.
I would say YOU seem far more clueless than I. You have a myopic viewpoint where cops are ALWAYS in the right, citizens are ALWAYS in the wrong, and black people are ALWAYS suspect and dangerous.
Try to be a little logical at all, and less ridiculous please.

lantern53 said:

Wow, you would make the worst cop imaginable.

You're all tied up in political correctness.

But...not everyone is cut out for the job.

"Your assessment and theory seems to be it would be proper to stop, search, and question all of them, and let the court figure out which one (if any) is the criminal. You wouldn't think the same if the skin color was 'white'...would you?"

Another childish assumption, and...
Do you throw out the race card every time your ass itches?

Cops don't care what color you are. But if you listen to any (moderate size town) police band, you'll find that the majority of calls for criminal investigation feature young male african-americans.

So if you get a call to look for a male black, it's rather pointless, don't you think, to stop any Howdy-doodie looking cracker ass white boy?

But you sit in your little cubicle, protected by people who would risk their life to protect yours, and view your little videos and you're totally clueless.

Try to be a little more logical and a little less emotional.

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