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African Lollipop

Why ISIS attacked Brussels

vil says...

Misleading - maybe not many are current generation migrants but most are second or third generation offspring of north african and middle east muslim migrants brought up inside muslim communities in Europe. Not your traditional Europeans.

Why ISIS attacked Brussels? Logistics - they have a huge support network there. Effect - seat of many European institutions. Who would care if they attacked Brno?

There is no reason to believe that second or third generation offspring of current migrants will be any different. And I dont mean Syrian war refugees - I mean the other two thirds of whoever has come to Europe recently.

Hollywood Whitewashing: Last Week Tonight, Feb2016

SDGundamX says...

You know, I read a recent interview with John Oliver where he is very emphatic that his show is "comedy" and that, despite what people want to read into it, he is not making political statements. I think if I had watched this video before reading that interview I would have scoffed (as others here already have). But it's pretty clear to me now that he and his writers know exactly what they are doing.

Basically, this video is the result of John Oliver saying, "You know, when you think about this history of racism in American cinema you can find some pretty fucked up stuff. How can we make a joke out of that?"

It's not designed to be an actual literary critique, it's meant to use the facts to play up a punch line. I'm pretty sure John and his writing crew know that "The Last Samurai" does not refer to Tom Cruise's character (i.e. just because the character is trained how to use the sword and armor does not automatically make him a samurai), but it's easy to see how they can make a joke out of the ambiguity of the title and Americans' tendency for self-centeredness (I'm sure there are people in the U.S. who think the title does indeed refer to Cruise's character).

I actually don't have a problem with actors "playing outside their ethnicity" (whatever the hell that is supposed to mean). I'm reminded of the recent controversy about the video game Uncharted 4 which has a white actress voice-acting the role of a black South African character. The Creative Director responded to the controversy by pointing out that a white character is voiced by a black actor in the same game, and that the decisions were made based on the choosing the best actor for the role--not on what the actor looked like in real life (read more about the story here).

As CG progresses and digital characters become a norm, I think this is an issue that's only going to get greater in the film industry. In our demand for political correctness will we demand that the actors physically resemble the characters they are portraying onscreen? That seems a bit absurd to me. But so too is the idea of excluding people for consideration from roles based solely on the color of their skin.

muslim rape game has come to europe-taharrush gamea

vil says...

Excellent propaganda. 40 seconds of radical muslim horror - in German, Belgian, French, Swedish cities possibly near you, a real present day danger which we need to do something about .

And then they start using the words refugee and Arab.

Of the current wave of people uncontrollably and iresponsibly invited by Angela Merkel and company to Germany estimates are (because real official numbers apparently will not be available before mid 2016) about 40% are refugees from war zones, mostly Syria, families, many educated people, several irrelevant religions (including a few flavors of muslim) some Arabs. We can keep these and try to help them. Educational videos and money will keep them warm and fed, Afghan families will eventually learn to use flushing toilets. They will find jobs and start kebab joints and go to school. Refugees.

Which leaves 60% of north african, balkan, middle eastern immigrants, overwhelmingly men 18-25, muslim, many illiterate (some Arab but that is irrelevant). Who join the masses of crazy radical muslims already living here in Europe previously. Not refugees. Not running away from something but running to the social systems and muslim ghettos of western Europe. Not easily separable from the above mentioned refugees. Protected by the insane political correctness of German and Swedish and Belgian politicians. Educational videos will entertain them and keep them warm. No amount of welfare will ever be enough for them. Very few will get an education and jobs, lots of trouble ahead. How do we get rid of these people now? Radical muslim immigrants.

Meanwhile we also have lots of regular immigrants in Europe, like Ukrainians, Russians, varieties of asians, and generally from all over the world as the trend is that jobs are available in parts of Europe and overall its a nice safe place to live in.

Problem is if we dont get rid of the stupid radical muslims its not going to stay that way, as jews and now women have found out in some large European cities. Hopefully the refugees can stay, but our inability to react in the face of danger at least according to previously agreed measures (Schengen border protection) will make it difficult for us to help real refugees in the face of public opinion damaged by these idiots (radical muslims and politically correct politicians).

When WTF Visits Kubrick's ‘The Shining’.

poolcleaner says...

Hey, what the hell, what happened to the beautiful African goddess hanging over the television set? Reagan?! A black republican? Oh. Shit. Kill it with an axe, Eugene!

OverLord (Member Profile)

South African Police Officer on Bike Chasing Suspects

Payback says...

Pulls up to car, blam blam blam.
Kids on either side of road, blam blam blam.
One handed, banking around corner, house and yard downrange, blam blam blam.

I figure it's like the old west.

On a completely unrelated note, he sounds like Sharlto Copely's brother. The South African accent aside, the timbre is close.

Spacedog79 said:

Holy shit, talk about shoot first and ask questions later.

A particular take on what went wrong with Islam

diego says...

ive never been to the middle east, but for various reasons had friends from several different countries in and around the area. i think the answer is simple: muslims, like christians, jews, mormons are not all alike (ok not sure about the mormons!), and even if you have a st augustine or a ghazali saying thats how it should be there will always be those who disagree, vocally or quiet like. Hes right that the culture changed, and he's right that its tragic that arab scientists are basically the butt of a joke, but i think its difficult to ommit that the peak of arab science also coincided with a peak in their power and resources. How many african nobel prizes are there in that period? or from indigenous peoples? Im not saying they are stupid, just that its difficult to get an award for cutting edge top notch science when you are at a serious deficit in resources.

SFOGuy said:

OK, but the question, even if they are just harnessing the atom for peaceful means, still stands---What about Al Ghazali's prohibition against math?
Personally and culturally?

Obviously, they've rationalized it (again, let's assume every single intended use is peaceful. Unlike, for example, Pakistan's)---

I'm a bit curious what that looks like inside a person's brain.

Fox Guest So Vile & Sexist Even Hannity Cringes

VoodooV says...

assuming one defines feminism as "the sexes should be equal"

...then the word is redundant. we already have words that describe one that supports equality.

It's become a completely meaningless word because everyone views the word differently.

some people view feminists as "man haters" Im sure there are some out there. That's the problem with any 'ism. There's always a group that takes it way too far. but I'm pretty sure they are a small small minority.

But we see this in other themes as well. Try to give women equality, and somehow that gets interpreted as being a man-hater.
-Try to promote equality for african americans, and that gets interpreted as hating whites.
-Try to promote LGBT rights and that gets interpreted into the idea that LGBT is something that can be "caught" like a cold.

It's rampant insecurity. promoting rights for others isn't going to take your rights away.

Species Migration due to Climate Change

Americapox: The Missing Plague

rich_magnet says...

The American buffalo (Bison bison) is also commonly known as the American buffalo. Same for the European bison (Bison bonasus). From wikipedia:

The term "buffalo" is sometimes considered to be a misnomer for this animal, and could be confused with two "true buffalo", the Asian water buffalo and the African buffalo. However, "bison" is a Greek word meaning ox-like animal, while "buffalo" originated with the French fur trappers who called these massive beasts bœufs, meaning ox or bullock—so both names, "bison" and "buffalo", have a similar meaning. The name "buffalo" is listed in many dictionaries as an acceptable name for American buffalo or bison.

ChaosEngine said:

I'm surprised at Grey. There are no buffalo in America (the continent). Those are Bison.

Buffalo live in Africa and Asia.

this is what a fascist sounds like

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Funny that you mention it. (I'm baaaack.)

Notice how the first words from the host are a smug, preemptive remark about the recently departed officer who *ahem* "was by-the-way African American".

Then immediately they show two older black mans to confirm the FauxNews Agenda (you know, like the Gay or Black Agenda but for real)

Black Lives Matter is calling attention to the exact "hypocrisy" you're "pointing out" with your - OMG. BLACK ON BLACK CRIME STATS ARE AN ACTUAL CONCERN OF MINE BUT NOT THE BLACK COMMUNITY FOR SOME REASON - Bullshit.

Because what you'd said before {Republi-tards figured out that being Politically Correct is the only way for them to be politically popular, that is} is something along like lines of..

Black are sub-human and incapable of anything but savagery, so of course they'd killed each other.

So EITHER.. you're feinting concern for Black on Black Crime

OR.. {Ahem. this one} implying that black people are too shitty, stupid and fuck up to even approach the civil Republican Bastion society Right-Wing Talk Radio has sculpted in your mind.

p.s.- I know I'm yellin' at crazy person, guys. And sure.. that makes me crazy too.

But he's just such a relentlessly ignorant c__tbag. .. I mean. FauxNewsTalkRadio.. is.. bag.. of c..stuff

bobknight33 said:

Black lives don't matter unless its political.

Your stupidity is now legendary

Drachen_Jager says...

Don't white people in America have any shame? You marginalize African Americans to the point where they get little or no education, they can't find work. So you call them lazy and don't provide social assistance. So, duh, they steal shit and sell drugs. That's what desperate people do.

Then this guy comes along and tries to shame them? No, buddy, you and your cop friends start treating African Americans as human beings, you develop a fair society where even the poorest and blackest citizens get a good education and a fair shot at jobs, then you can talk. Until then you're just the poster-child for white privilege, and the sad thing is you don't even know it.

Adam Ruins Everything: Polygraph Tests

Lawdeedaw says...

I don't assume anything more than Adam is assuming. He even says police don't believe in it yet claims it is believed in...

And what are you saying about Africa? I made the point to say,
A-Some Africans believe in something, but most do not. It should not be attributed to their population at large.
B-In this same manner a relatively few (even 1/2 million Americans is a paltry sum, since our population is in the hundred millions) Americans believe in lie detectors.

I did not imply anything more. Nothing about educating, nothing about anything. It was a comparison. I guess you could infer it, but then I am fine with videos like this (So long as they don't blow the proportions out of proportions.)

Again, my point is clear. A very minor amount of people believe. Just like a flat earth is still believed in. Unfortunately people lose perspective of HUGE numbers, like millions. So yeah, there is that.

newtboy said:

Unfortunately, I disagree. Far too many people believe lie detectors work, in the same way many believe finger prints are completely unique and identifying them is a's not, that's why computers can't be used to identify fingerprints, it takes a human 'fingerprint artist'. Even many law enforcement agencies still use polygraphs as factual tools. in your second paragraph you admit that many probably really believe in lie detectors...but because that doesn't make them!? If only SOME Africans believe raping a virgin cures AIDS, you seem to be saying that educating them about their mistaken belief is dumb and a thing to ridicule...ignoring the immense damage those few can do with their mistaken beliefs.

So, you have personal experience with the fallacy of lie detectors, and so you assume everyone knows they don't work? You give others too much credit, I think.

Many law enforcement agencies still treat polygraph results as fact, and have actually tried many times to have them admitted in court as evidence....just like fingerprints, eye witness identification, and even psychics. perhaps most know it's pseudo science, but enough don't know, or don't understand what that means, that pounding it into their heads that it's junk is not just reasonable, it's a necessity.

Adam Ruins Everything: Polygraph Tests

newtboy says...

Unfortunately, I disagree. Far too many people believe lie detectors work, in the same way many believe finger prints are completely unique and identifying them is a's not, that's why computers can't be used to identify fingerprints, it takes a human 'fingerprint artist'. Even many law enforcement agencies still use polygraphs as factual tools. in your second paragraph you admit that many probably really believe in lie detectors...but because that doesn't make them!? If only SOME Africans believe raping a virgin cures AIDS, you seem to be saying that educating them about their mistaken belief is dumb and a thing to ridicule...ignoring the immense damage those few can do with their mistaken beliefs.

So, you have personal experience with the fallacy of lie detectors, and so you assume everyone knows they don't work? You give others too much credit, I think.

Many law enforcement agencies still treat polygraph results as fact, and have actually tried many times to have them admitted in court as evidence....just like fingerprints, eye witness identification, and even psychics. perhaps most know it's pseudo science, but enough don't know, or don't understand what that means, that pounding it into their heads that it's junk is not just reasonable, it's a necessity.

Lawdeedaw said:

I agree with everything you said brycewi. And it would apply here too IF Adam was providing information that wasn't well known by nearly everyone today. Most people believe lie detectors are pseudo science. It is not even comparable to global warming, and even less than anti-vaccines (Or if this is somehow untrue, then Adam doesn't provide how truly well believed this phenomenon is as he prattles on.) So that is where we would vary significantly on, not that the service of providing debunking of something taken as true is important/unimportant.

Yes, some people believe it works. Others watch it on talk shows and such for entertainment and even some law enforcement use it for confessional purposes. We get that. But then again some Africans believe raping a virgin will cure AIDs...does that mean their country is a bunch of degenerates? No, because only a few do.

Adam goes off on this rant based on information in what, the 90s? When everyone had this unshakable faith in the lie detector? My family's entire life rested on one of these machines at one time, so I know. (It didn't turn out good, lets leave it at that.)

Further, we differentiate three "uses" of the lie detector.
A-Nobody believes it works, just like nobody believes Jerry Springer or Wrestling isn't fake.
B-Lumping those people in with those who do believe is disingenuous at best, manipulative at worst.
2-Law Enforcement:
A-They really don't care as long as they obtain guilty confessions. In other words, they already know (think) they have the bad guy and use it as an interrogation techniques.
B-You can argue with this practice as shady and deceptive (ironic isn't it?) but we shouldn't confuse belief with reliance.
3-Excluding the examples above, since they DON'T believe, those in the ultra fringe don't constitute "widely accepted."

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