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Ahoy: FAL.

Can't have a capitalized accented E in my video title? (Geek Talk Post)

oritteropo says...

I compared the two É's, and they were the same.

I haven't actually tried that in a title, only lower case accented characters.

ant said:

I tried Alt and 0201 to make É, but VS rejected it.

Unreal Rescue In Baton Rouge Floodwater

Stuff under Microscope

Rogue One Trailer

cloudballoon says...

I too was pleasantly surprised and excited to see Donny in the trailer until he spoke... I think Donny's unusually bad accent/line delivery here sticks out like a sore thumb... but I'm Chinese so I might be overly sensitive? Still, seeing him wielding that staff is awesome. Trailer is otherwise great. Not bringing my hopes up much though. SW7:TFA was so middle of the road for me (i.e. Better than the prequels but not as good as the OT) I wish Rogue One is much much better.

Doctor Strange Official Trailer 2

How Similar Are French and Italian?

ulysses1904 says...

I can understand some Portuguese\Spanish similarities but it's usually on Liveleak when a Brazilian newscaster is narrating video of an "off-duty" cop taking out some thugs. So it helps when there is context and they speak clearly like a newscaster does. And it helps that it's Brazilian Portuguese, the Portugal accent sounds much different to my ear. I was hoping that studying Spanish for years would give me a leg up on Portuguese but I'm kidding myself.

I checked out some of the LangFocus vids on Youtube, thanks to your post.

oritteropo said:

To me Portuguese initially sounds like Spanish, but I can't understand a single word so I know it's Portuguese instead. Written is a bit easier to guess a few words.

Liberal Redneck: $100-million Kentucky 'Ark' is ridiculous

Woman learns Pokemon reality

Mad Max: Story of the V8 Interceptor

newtboy jokingly says...

*quality history of an iconic car.
I can't believe they couldn't sell it at first...astonishing.
At least twice the Aussies have tried to dispose of it, and twice it survived them. Lets not give them another shot at crushing it.
Besides, Max lives here in the US now...and he had an American accent in the first movie, so in a way it's always been an American's car. I say we keep it!

Street Musician inspires Dancer, encouraged by her father

newtboy says...

That you would make the comment at all shows that you think it's worth noting that 'Look, this one ISN'T a fundamentalist, and this Arab looking woman isn't being subjugated!', only leaving out "now I've seen everything."
For me, that's what was disturbing, the apparent surprise that any random Arab family might NOT be Islamic extremists.

I got your point about there being fundamentalists in other religions, but that's not the point. You would not see a white man encouraging his daughter to dance and say "Look, she's not wearing the little house on the prairie dress. Dad must not be a fundamentalist.", or a Semite with their daughter and say "She's not wearing a sheitel (wig) or a tichel (headscarf). Dad must not be a fundamentalist.", and when people jump to that disparaging (even subconsciously racist?) conclusion about them apparently based solely on their skin color and/or accent, it's unseemly (to me) and is exemplary of a problem.

EDIT: Also, I don't understand your 'diagram'. shouldn't it be
(non fundamentalists (religious people) fundamentalists)
or more clearly but probably not proper punctuation-
[non fundamentalists (religious people] fundamentalists)
Or even-
[non religious people-{non fundamentalists]-(religious people}-fundamentalist)

Drachen_Jager said:

Wow, do I need to draw a venn diagram every time I comment here?

(non funda(mentalists - religious people (fundamentalists))

The group of non-fundamentalists includes religious and non-religious people. My comment was in response to the video's comment.

The Canadian English Accent

gargoyle says...

Excellent stuff. I've lived in Vancouver, Montreal and Ottawa. It's perfect. That Montreal accent is unmistakable to me. And I have friends from Newfoundland and the prairies. Very clearly Canadian.

Liberal Redneck tells off Am Family Assoc Target boycott

Redneck on Transgender Bathrooms

Redneck on Transgender Bathrooms

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