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Redneck on Transgender Bathrooms

Payback says...

Redneck is a socio-economic worldview, not an accent.

I know he calls him self redneck, but his worldview isn't redneck. He's just (allegedly) from the South.

Maisie Williams (aka Arya Stark) Pranks Game of Thrones Fans

Maisie Williams (aka Arya Stark) Pranks Game of Thrones Fans

Doctor Strange Teaser Trailer

entr0py says...

I see he's been to the Hugh Laurie school of american accents, looks fun though. They've got to find some way to introduce him to Martin Freeman's Everett K. Ross, those two are adorable together.

Strangers Lift Van Off Trapped Woman

CrushBug says...

Because of your account image, I read that in a huge Irish accent and laughed way more than I should have.

lucky760 said:

Jesus Fuck! What the fuck was the driver looking at for fuck's sake?!


101 year old woman becomes a little girl again in the snow

Sausage Party -Red Band Trailer

Shepppard says...

The whiskey is also Indian, The taco is Mexican, the Twinkie is gay, There's an Arab looking falaffel in there, the baby carrots are children, The Bagel had a new york accent, and if there isn't Canadian maple syrup or back bacon in there, i'll be shocked.

But yes, please, lets focus on the Irish potato.

ChaosEngine said:

Hah! that irish potato was fucking hilarious.

You know, the same way it's hilarious when we see jews as moneygrubbers and black people as ignorant fried chicken loving morons!

racism is fun!

The Philosophy of Star Trek

hatsix says...

I like it, I just can't get over the MANY mispronunciations. I have such a hard time taking "eagle-tarians" seriously. I don't hear any specific accents that lead me to believe English isn't the Narrator's first language... I just get the feeling that the Narrator only knows english from reading it, not from hearing it spoken.

Despite my pedantry getting in the way, I still like it. The narrator doesn't try to say "Everything is great" or "Everything is terrible"... mainly pointing out how the Star Trek canon is a tapestry of many different, real-world philosophies. Nothing ground-breaking or eye-opening, and it could be 30 minutes, but still good.

Bernie Sanders' accent, explained

ulysses1904 says...

The bit about pop culture portraying New Yorkers as criminals, with the "stigma" leading some to intentionally lose their accents, that was pretty lame for an otherwise intelligent video. It gets presented as a researched fact when it sounds more like a ridiculous theory.

From my experience, current generations weaned on those movies shown in the clip would be more inclined to adopt that accent as just another affectation, tattoo, piercing, meme, avatar, email signature, sampling, bumper sticker.

And the bit about the accent losing favor after WWII, "as Americans were focused on their own identity, rather than maintaining ties to England". Sounds like something a college freshman would write at the last minute to fill out a 1000 word essay.

An Unfortunate History of White Actors Playing Other Races

Payback says...

That Short Circuit character made me cringe when I first saw it, if for no other reason than the actor was complete shit even without the accent.

I also firmly believe some of these HAD to be played by whites as no one with a shred of self respect would play the character the way the director obviously wanted if they were that race...

late night with seth meyers-boston accent trailer

enoch says...

but he has the accent down pat.i get so irrationally irked when an actor flubs the accent.
i know..its stupid,but i cant heeelp it.

artician said:

I thought this was Adam Sandler from the thumbnail, but clicking on the link I now see it's the love-child Adam Sandler had with Hugh Laurie...?

South African Police Officer on Bike Chasing Suspects

Payback says...

Pulls up to car, blam blam blam.
Kids on either side of road, blam blam blam.
One handed, banking around corner, house and yard downrange, blam blam blam.

I figure it's like the old west.

On a completely unrelated note, he sounds like Sharlto Copely's brother. The South African accent aside, the timbre is close.

Spacedog79 said:

Holy shit, talk about shoot first and ask questions later.

Green Room -- Patrick Stewart as a vicious Skinhead

Green Room -- Patrick Stewart as a vicious Skinhead

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