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How to make an abandoned house in Blender - Tutorial

Can the world's whitest paint save Earth?

newtboy says...

Good for slightly cooling heat islands (cities) a tiny bit, but unless they require it on every house, building, parking lot, road, anything else dark…it won’t do much even locally. The thought that they could paint 1% of the planet is absolutely insanity. Have they even been to earth? It’s huge, and mostly unpaintable. (and I have serious doubts about that number since way more than 1% of the earth WAS covered with white ice that’s now dark ocean or exposed permafrost, and that has to be replaced before we are back to the earth’s normal reflective value, they’re talking about making it more reflective than it was naturally to reduce average temperatures…good luck).

They seem to completely ignore that it’s only that reflective when brand new, are we going to pressure wash 1% of the earth twice a week to keep it reflecting? I think not, so within two weeks, it won’t be any better than 80% regular paint. What a waste of time and energy.

I’m sure there are excellent applications for such a reflective paint, combating climate change is absolutely not one. Wishful thinking at best.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Fuck, bro. That’s so dildos.
Good luck on the gi test. Vomiting blood sucks, and I’ve only had to for a few days once. Ugh.
Glad to hear you’ve got some time, though. Are you on a transplant list yet? The sooner the better. Do you know if a partial liver transplant is an option?

Tell your friends and family, just like I’m telling Videosift readers right now, donate blood, plasma, or platelets. You may need them some day. I know they put more albumen in you, and I’m sure you’ll need more. Know your blood type?

Stay optimistic. Wishing you well.

Mordhaus said:

No hepatitis per tests, had another 15 liters of fluid drained today. One way to instantly lose 34 pounds I guess. MRI moved to mid month and then an upper gi scope so they can see if I am one of the people who can be affected by enlarged varices in the throat and stomach. If I am, I might get to experience another fun side effect apparently, vomiting blood.

This is beyond depressing. But they did say it looks like I might have 2-5 years before the liver fully goes tits up.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Remember Brandon Straka? The creator of the fake #walkaway movement, who claimed to have been a democrat but became disillusioned, switched parties, and became a far far right wing liar, faking his movement using stock photos and made up people who #walkedaway with him.

He was a speaker at the “stop the steal” rally, a coordinator for the violent mob, and a leader at the “stop the steal”riot.

He’s flipping on the “let’s commit treason for Trump” crowd. Threatened with 6 months in jail, he’s turning over any and all communications he has with fellow rioters and anyone in Trump’s administration or organization. As a leader of a (fake) right wing movement, and a speaker, he would have been in communication with the Trump team if not Trump himself. There’s a reason Trump wants no one to testify, because when there’s proof he coordinated and facilitated the failed coup attempt, as we all know he did, he could end up before a firing squad.

I bet he wishes he paid his lawyers now, he needs a bunch of really top notch lawyers, and can’t find any decent lawyers that are dumb enough to work for him, they like to be paid.


Nancy Cartwright does her 7 Simpsons characters in under 40

Mom Reads Sexually Explicit School Library Book to Board

surfingyt says...

bewbs tears over a book make me happy. just wish i could see his tears when these kids found out porn exists for free on internet, likely 5-10 years earlier lol

Why I Give Abortions

newtboy says...



What? That's insanity. Are you saying the baby is fully formed at the instant of conception!? The train is fully formed before it rounds the bend, the pre-baby isn't. If you remove the visual obstruction the train is complete and functions fine, but not the "baby".

If I use your non logic, if I invest in a stock, I'm instantly a millionaire because that stock might make me one in the future. How about a loan...I'm going to be good for it!

The train doesn't exist before it's built. The baby doesn't exist until it's born. If you hear a clank on the tracks, it doesn't mean the train is built.

Anyone saying there's a heart at 6 weeks is a liar. As you said, no heartbeat without a heart, so anyone claiming there's a heartbeat at 6 weeks is a liar. Obstetricians and gynecologists and their national organizations agree, no matter what your friends the ultrasound technicians think.

When they write they observed a heartbeat at 6 weeks (can't be heard until 12-22 weeks when chambers and valves are formed) , absolutely they are liars. I'll gladly tell any you wish, there's no heart, there's barely a tube. It's not a functional heart until it pumps, which it never does at 6 weeks, or even 10.

Drs who hear it on the Doppler are listening at >12 weeks along, so they're stretching the truth, but not totally lying. By then, most heart structures exist, but aren't ready to pump yet.

Like I said, you got it backwards, you see the twitch in a "tube" at +-6 weeks, you HEAR it after 12-22 weeks on Doppler. You should know that if you really had the experience you claim....but you don't, so.....

Want to try again, this time address the question, if you are so experienced, why don't you know you SEE a twitch 6-18 weeks before you HEAR a PULSE? Why do you think you HEAR it first?

I'm going to expect another day or two of silence, followed by claims you answered this already, followed by another non sequitur argument ignoring the question of WHY ARE YOU SO WRONG!?

bobknight33 said:

If I use you useless logic......
When I hear the train from from around the bend and still un seen you are implying that the train does not exist unless I see it.

The only liar is that 8 inches between you ears.

The 40 or so OBGYN sonographers that I service over 19 years are are correct. They hear the heart beat. Can't have it unless you have one.

When they write in their report that the heart beat has been observed ( by sound) are you calling them liars?

If so they you are implying that the DRs who read the report and look at the doppler and confirm the heartbeat and then tell the patient this news, are wrong also?

Like I've said before You way the fuck out of your league on this.

Climbers rope in chipper accident simulation Cal-Line

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

Massachusetts VS Grendle's Den - 459 US 116- 1982
A case in Massachusetts where the state deferred to the church in issuing liquor licenses, allowing them to veto any licenses they wished for their own reasons.
The supreme court voted 8-1 in favor of Grendle, stating clearly that it's extremely unconstitutional to allow a non governing body to apply the law based on their personal beliefs...and a blatant violation of the separation between church and state. This case is from 1982.
This means precedent is set, and the Texas law will be tossed....unless the new court ignores precedent and the constitution, which thanks to Trumpists is a possibility.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaahahahaha! Nice projection....and another failing grade in English. Want to compare transcripts? I know we can only go to 8th grade before yours ends....too bad, I was still getting all "A"s with maybe one "B" in PE then. I would suggest we compare SAT scores, but you indicated you didn't get that far.

I did not catch your cranial rectosis, thanks for the concern, out of character though it may be.

We all know that if you could back up your nonsense with anything that resembles a fact or citation, you would. You never can, and when you try you invariably either turn out to have totally misread what you cite, you cite propaganda sites rated at 5 Pinocchios, or you link to spoof sites based in Columbia that try to install viruses.

We all also know you only make these public insults to try to feel like a big boy, in private you were usually far more reasonable, civil, sometimes even flattering, and privately you could admit you were wrong, not in public though, there you're an uncivil moron spouting insane conspiracy theories and utter nonsense then hiding when challenged, or at best replying with factless, pointless, preschool level snark, and since you said you support lying in any circumstance if it helps your argument or cause, including under oath in the highest court in the land by the top government official, I won't speak to you in private. This made you a constant and consistent unapologetic liar that can never back up their nonsense because there is no corroboration or verification possible for blatant lies, so instead you answer with dumb insults.

At least I offer a fact based (often with citations) argument when I insult your lack of intelligence, education, knowledge, logic, honesty, and civility. You cannot say the same, because you never have a fact based argument to offer, and consequently you are totally incapable of insulting me. D'oh!

So sorry I use fact and citations to disprove your insane infantile nonsense constantly, and don't slink away into the shadows when challenged because my positions are reasoned and considered, and can be logically and factually corroborated, not just insulting preschool nonsense based on wishful thinking like you spout.

bobknight33 said:

Your not worth the wasted dialog because you head is so far up your rear that you can not her anything except you own echos.

Tales From the Far Side Parts 1 & 2

cloudballoon says...

This is like The Boondocks (2005) treatment. Look like they came straight out of the comics, but the show got near zero laughs out of me. But I didn't hate though, it was essential viewing, still kind of is. I just wish the upcoming 2022 reboot will be better (i.e. more biting & relevant).

New Zealand PSA - Trade School

StukaFox says...

I wish we had this in the US:

1. At 18, you go into two years of national service, PERIOD. Unless you're in a coma, you're going. And you're going to go someplace you're not from and be on a team with people you're not used to so that your millimeter-wide view of America gets forced open to a mile.

You will be evaluated for mental and physical wellness. If you're suffering from mental illness, you will get help. If you're struggling with weight or other physical issues, you will get help.

You will be helping out in communities that you are not used to seeing: rural, inner-city, black, white, Latino. You will meet gay people, hard-core religious people, prisoners, entrepreneurs, carpenters and mechanics. You will get to know their world and help them understand yours.

2. After your two years, you have some choices:

- You can go into the military and strengthen those skills you've shown an aptitude for.

- If you want, you can attend a trade school, fully covered.

- If you want to go to college, your first two years will be covered if you get a AA/AS. Should you go for a four-year degree, your first three years will be covered.

Imagine what kind of nation we'd be living in right now has this been done in 1990.

NYC's Anti-Vax Rally in 49 Seconds

newtboy says...

If we held these rallies in every major city and exterminated attendees, the average IQ in America would jump up 20 points overnight.
I just wish some infectious people would start showing up to these rallies, sneezing on the crowd that denies Covid is a hazard.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Sad you dont know what truth is. It is not on cable news.
Jan 6 was much to do about nothing except a large group of people wished to voice their displeasure of the government.

Few actually wanted to breach the walls but even so didn't have a plan past that. So yo have a few who breached and many many just followed for a look ... Those who got caught should face their crime of trespassing.

FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said.

Prosecutors have filed conspiracy charges against 40 of those defendants, alleging that they engaged in some degree of planning before the attack.

JiggaJonson said:

It's sad watching people try to spin this as 'proof' that trump's lies have somehow come to fruition. Like a covid patient on a death bed still asserting the virus is a conspiracy.

Northerner terrifies Londoners by saying "Hello"

StukaFox says...

Yeah, you laugh, but this is pretty much a real thing. I didn't know you're not supposed to make eye contact with fellow riders on the Tube. Being the happy American sort, I did exactly that, including a smile and a nod to the poor bastard who looked up at exactly the wrong moment. The look of disgust and British disapproval on his face would done a New Yorker proud.

I've never wished I had a fart in the chamber so bad in my entire life.

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