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Eta Carinae: 3D Model of the Most Dangerous Star Known

Why the Olympic monobob event is only for women

Road Rager Shoots At Other Driver 11 Times

newtboy says...

Intolerant of newts,
And truth.
And honesty.
And evidence.
And knowledge.
And reason.
And logic.
And tolerance.

Edit: Oh, and intolerant of people who don’t want to be shot at on the freeway.

And sorry to have to tell you, but you are both toxic AND intolerant. As a newt, I know toxic.

Also so sorry to be sesquipedalian, but you have the advantage there, being able to say all you think you know on a subject in under 144 characters. I can’t. Life is details, details you wish to ignore because they invalidate your arguments.

Besides, as you know from experience, it’s much easier to just make unproven claims, “Everyone knows Trump is an incestuous pedophile.” Than it is to disprove them (your turn).

Just think how lonely you would be without me. No one else wants to engage with you at all. I know, with help, you can fly higher than an eagle…..

I am the wind beneath your wings

bobknight33 said:

Not toxic, Just intolerant of pedantic people like Netboy.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I feel like, if integrated here, this could drive traffic to the sift. Not sure if that’s your plan or wish, just a thought.
Also, copyright it now!!! Wordle sold for “low seven figures” to the New York Times.

lucky760 said:


Road Rager Shoots At Other Driver 11 Times

StukaFox says...

Yeah, I was supposed to be on one to Lyon about a week before everything shut down, thus fucking me out of the opportunity I worked a year for. Don't worry, I am leaving. Not where I wanted to originally -- looks like it's either Chile or Uruguay now, according to who likes my money more -- but I am leaving.

Ever heard that "ancient Chinese curse" thing, "May you live in interesting times"? It's not Chinese or ancient, but there are two others associated with it:
1. "May you come to the attention of powerful men."
2. "May all your wishes be granted."

Beware the second, especially in your case.

bobknight33 said:

Planes leave daily.

Harvard Rejection Letter

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Math is the main requirement for engineering. If you can’t do basic math, it’s incredibly unlikely you could earn a degree in any kind of engineering. If your wife couldn’t write a sentence I would also doubt any journalist credentials she claimed, if she couldn’t do basic arithmetic I would doubt any degree she claimed. There are basic minimum requirements to graduate that you don’t seem to meet. So much for your stupid rebuttal.

Clearly it’s not…but what is? Not math. Not critical thinking. Not history.

As I’ve said repeatedly, clearly, and directly, no. I don’t think he’s achieving as much as even I hoped for in my unbounded cynicism, and I never had high hopes from him, he’s not my choice….but I understand exactly why he’s not getting much done and don’t hold him 100% accountable for much of it. Without a functional congress, his hands are tied on many fronts.
Foreign policy, that’s on him. I wish we had soldiers in the Ukraine so Russia would be forced to attack America if they want to attack the Ukraine….like we said we would when they gave up their nukes by treaty.

I invite you to explain how I’m wrong at any time, but without facts and reliable sources to cite you’ll likely fail like so often before.

? Grand master? I pointed out a basic fact, GDP under Obama was double GDP under Trump. What delusional fantasy are you railing against now?

Didn’t watch. Guaranteed it was more informative and less self aggrandizing than any Trump “press conference” ever, with fewer exaggerations and outright falsehoods.

Incomprehensible. Take a deep breath and try again. Use your words.

Massive debt, unequalled corruption, isolationism, nationalism, and division certainly don’t make America better, and that’s the Trump legacy. Investment in America makes it better, Biden’s already done that and wants to do more.

bobknight33 said:

My wife has a journalism degree but can't do any meaningful math.

So much your stupid argument.

Everyone is different, grammar is not my strong suit.

You know so much that just ain't so. You in a bubble. Are you 1 of the 30% that think Biden is doing a great job?

You sit here thinking up on you high horse but you are so often wrong is it laughable

Trying to put the failed OBAMA on some grand master of a POTUS truly shows how much shit for brains you have.

Truly I bet you think Bidens 2 hour press conference today was pretty fucking all right.

80% failure where you most likely 80% success. This is how shit you are.

You, like Obama, Biden Clinton are good at speaking BS. Just keep giving your failed ideas of what makes America better.

VLDL: Final minutes of the sale

Let's talk about questions and the Potter case....

newtboy says...

There you go again, insisting that if police can’t kill with impunity and immunity, then anarchy will rule, there will be no police, and crime rates will skyrocket, making the US into Thunderdome in months.

Infantile, ignorant, and asinine, police in almost every other country kill far less than American police who kill around 3 people per day on average. In many countries they don’t carry guns, without a massive jump in crime. Imagine that. Are you saying US police are so incompetent that every other nation can police itself without letting them murder over nothing but contempt of cop, but divided America is totally incapable of that type of policing?

I would remind you, in the racist, sexist fantasy time period Trumpists wish to return to, police murdered non whites routinely and without fear. Wanting to return to that is pure racism…not surprising. Also, the Uber rich payed over 90% in taxes, without going bankrupt or just shutting down. Your “capitalist utopia” doesn’t exist without taxes at 3 times what they are now without loopholes. D’oh!
(For tax years 1944 through 1951, the highest marginal tax rate for individuals was 91%, increasing to 92% for 1952 and 1953, and reverting to 91% 1954 through 1963. For the 1964 tax year, the top marginal tax rate for individuals was lowered to 77%, and then to 70% for tax years 1965 through 1981)

I would also remind you how you screamed and cried over that terrorist bitch that was shot attacking the capitol with hundreds of armed violent cohorts that had already murdered and disabled dozens of police. You absolutely wanted that officer prosecuted if not just lynched….for a good shoot of a violent attacking murderer (part of the violent murdering mob makes you a murderer). Your blatant undeniable racist prejudice and obvious hypocrisy are showing, Bobby.

If police need to murder unarmed citizens over misdemeanors, they should absolutely stand down as that makes them the murderous criminal gang, not the police.

bobknight33 said:

Crime will go up and police will do less.
Already at record highs but will go even higher.

Cops should just stand down.

YouTuber tracking down guy who stole his stuff

eric3579 says...

I'd guess that this particular guy would happily trade the legal ramifications, which he may still receive, instead of the shit i imagine he is getting now from every corner of his world. Seems to me there is ample evidence, without the victims desire to prosecute him, and I assume there may be plenty of pressure to do so. He went and stole from a highly prolific internet star hugely popular within the thief's sphere of peoples, i'd imagine. EVERYONE in his community (neighbors,friends,work,church,the social media world, etc.) know of this video and surly he will feel the wrath of his choices for a long long time. Wouldn't be surprised if he loses any job he might have. Maybe even need to move from being completely ostracized from his community. I could easily see it happening in an especially yee-haw area like Rutherford county, Tennessee. He will forever be infamous with this video following him for eternity. I don't wish that shit on anyone, but you know what they say about the bed you've made.

newtboy said:

It’s sad that thieves caught red handed are allowed to get away with these blatantly false excuses and half apologies so often.

Jordan Klepper vs. Anti-Vaxxers in SoCal | The Daily Show

newtboy says...

Funny they want to imply these are far left liberal anti vaxers because they’re Californians, but they all spouted far right wing talking points verbatim. I wish, when they bring up body autonomy, he would ask “so you’re pro choice, right?” I think their answers would clear up who many of these people really are.

FYI, Jordan, there are tons of bat shit crazy right wingers in California , especially in the LA area.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still can’t answer?
I asked you what Republicans plan to do to return to this imaginary time you wishfully imagine? What’s their plan to fix everything Biden broke?


Congress requires new tech to detect and stop drunk drivers

Is Meat REALLY Bad For The Climate?

newtboy says...

A 2012 United Nations report summarized 65 different estimated maximum sustainable population size and the most common estimate was 8 billion. Advocates of reduced population often put forward much lower numbers. Paul R. Ehrlich stated in 2018 that the optimum population is between 1.5 and 2 billion

Since we are at or near 8 billion and are far from sustainable, haven’t been for over 50 years, I think the 1.5 number is far more realistic, maybe even high. I think the 8 billion estimates assume international cooperation, constant advances in farming tech with constantly increasing yields (that aren’t happening), and don’t account for climate change disrupting supply chains and production at various levels….so wishful thinking.

War sucks for population control. It’s messy, expensive, destructive of both infrastructure and ecology, and just crap at killing meaningful numbers. We need to reduce by billions, the worst war killed a few million and destroyed much of Europe. A war that kills 1000 times more people….yikes. Forget global warming, hello planetary disintegration.

The only acceptable method IMO is quit having children, then you don’t kill anyone to achieve sustainability. For some idiotic reason, average people find the idea of not having excess children horrific and totally out of the question, but the idea of starving their children to death seems to garner a “shit happens”.

Agreed, we need something like an airborne infectious prion where there could be no vaccine, no sterilization, no escape…..only that would wipe out everyone so maybe not that.

cloudballoon said:

Sources for the 8-10 billion & 1.5 billion figures? I'm just both fascinated & concerned about how the scientists come up with those numbers and what tech & better farming can do.

Yeah I agree the human population can't just grow & grow. But it seems the only way to do that is 1) war & 2) high cost of living has worked so far. Diseases used to be a fair equalizer as well, but with advanced R&D, even a pandemic like what we have is able to prevent mass casuality rates of the past.

How to make an abandoned house in Blender - Tutorial

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