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South Park - Behind the Scenes - Voice Recording

This is what voter suppression looks like...

Isaac Hayes - Chocolate Salty Balls Live

EMPIRE says...

oh it's from 2002. I did find it weird that Isaac Hayes would still be playing South Park's songs.

edit: Oh wait. he's actually dead. Wow. My first statement is now highly ironic. I guess he went to the big Xenu in the sky.

Trolling is an art

nanrod (Member Profile)

steroidg says...

Hay nice post. I had no idea this can be genetic. Better get my 2 year old checked up so he doesn't have to go trough what I went through at 24. That was some of the most physically painful memories of my life.

In reply to this comment by nanrod:
Here's my anecdotal two bits worth. There is a condition called phimosis (abnormally tight foreskin) which runs in my family. It can lead to chronic infections of the foreskin, urinary tract infections, kidney infections and ultimately lead to loss of kidney function. None of these are guaranteed to happen but they can't be predicted. My father was not circumcised at birth but required the procedure at the age of 15. He swore then that no son of his would go through the same thing so me and 3 brothers were circumcised. When my son was born we decided against it after much research but again he had to be circumcised at 9. Bottom line if a parent opts for circumcision for family medical reasons they shouldn't be condemned or criticized, but lacking a family history like mine I see no compelling reason for it.

Other than aesthetics, of course, uncut dicks are ugly.

FPSRussia Shows Off Assorted Shotgun Rounds

Mmmmmm…. yummy! Human!

Mmmmmm…. yummy! Human!

Mmmmmm…. yummy! Human!

Mmmmmm…. yummy! Human!

Mmmmmm…. yummy! Human!

Mmmmmm…. yummy! Human!

Mmmmmm…. yummy! Human!

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

Chris Rock vs. Ron Paul

EvilDeathBee says...

I've never been to the States, but a friend of mine who went to Hawaii was stunned at the amount of drug ads on the telly. It's hard for me to imagine TV where every 2nd ad is someone trying to push some BS drug at you. We get none of that crap here in Australia. Sure we get ads for things like pain relievers, hay fever, etc but none of these "Here's a list of symptoms. If you have one, you need this drug". That's just fucked.

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