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Mmmmmm…. yummy! Human!

Mmmmmm…. yummy! Human!

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

Chris Rock vs. Ron Paul

EvilDeathBee says...

I've never been to the States, but a friend of mine who went to Hawaii was stunned at the amount of drug ads on the telly. It's hard for me to imagine TV where every 2nd ad is someone trying to push some BS drug at you. We get none of that crap here in Australia. Sure we get ads for things like pain relievers, hay fever, etc but none of these "Here's a list of symptoms. If you have one, you need this drug". That's just fucked.

Hot Women Pandering to their Nerd Base

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
Rosario Dawson can pander to my nerd base anytime... repeatedly... with whipped cream... and strawberries... her fazer is set to stunning... yeah, that last one was pretty bad.

You'd need to be careful. Her horse-like mouth and jaw would be likely to chew any extruding features off. Especially if cartman had tutored it first.

Well, she's gonna need that horse-like mouth and jaw to accommodate my horse-like penis (it's multi-colored and smells like hay).

QI - The Superstition of Pigeons

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^IAmTheBlurr:

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Hope is an a positive position of bias. There is no certainty that unknown things will end up satisfying hopes. Bias is irrational. Being agnostic to uncertainty is the logical/reasonable stance to the unknown or unknowable. So hope, the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best, is irrational.

We’re talking about two different things then. You’re talking about the expected outcome of the hopeful events occurrence not matching initial expectation, and I’m talking about the desire for the event to occur regardless of whether or not expectation meets reality.

Almost certainly, then, desire can't be seen as rational. Wanting gravitation to exist some other way, and hoping that it could isn't rational.

Using reason can't always get you to an answer. For example, the famous Buridan's ass example. There is a ass between 2 exact piles of hay. He is hungry, and wishes to eat the hay. Which pile of hay should he choose, more over, which one will he choose? Using only reason, and leaving it to no deus ex machina ( like making a random choice), choose for him. While I do wish to be a man of reason, I have to admit to myself that most times, I am not, and for many questions I will never have an answer.

I think most human choices are emotional rather than rational. We then use post-rationalization to justify our behavior. Why is eating meat any better than eating plants? Well, since we like meat more than veggi, we are quick to find answers to support ourselves. But our justifications leave wanting most times, and would really restrict us to eating nothing composed of biological matter if we fleshed out all of our conclusions to the logical ends. I am just ranting now, sorry. I love morality, rationality, and philosophy so much I hijack things

Dog Nurses Goats with Milk Underpants. No Lie.

bareboards2 says...

From the poster on YouTube. I think the dog was okay, @MikesHL13

Actually, Gladys was not trained for her session with the Milk Pants. The idea evolved from the fact that Gladys was completely obsessed with the baby goats, she licked them from the moment they were born, & accompanied us to bottle feed them 3 times a day – never missing a session. She cleaned all the little dribbles of milk as they drank & just adored them, lying super still on the ground while they pounced on her when they were small & running with them as they got bigger & bouncier. cont'd
FetchingTags 1 week ago

We joked that she would love to feed them herself, if only there was a way for her to hold the bottles. Practice for the video consisted of a failed attempt with a rigged bottle harness – she was too short & bottle angle was wrong, & what you see in the footage. She was less than a year old, & the words stand/stay were not in her vocabulary. She just stood on the hay & wore the pants while we taped & arranged goats.
FetchingTags 1 week ago

Bull Terriers are certainly not known for doing things that they don't want to. . .
FetchingTags 1 week ago

Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Also, this is a great opportunity to mention Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine

The New Road to Serfdom
Christopher Hayes, In These Times, November 9, 2007

In the early ’80s, as Margaret Thatcher attempted to hack away at England’s substantial public sector, she found a frustrating degree of public resistance. The closer she got to the bone, the more the patient wriggled and withdrew. Thatcher doggedly persisted, yet her pace wasn’t fast enough for right-wing Austrian economist Friedrich von Hayek, her idol and ideological mentor. You see, in 1981, Hayek had traveled to Gen. Augusto Pinochet’s Chile, where, under the barbed restraints of dictatorship and with the guidance of University of Chicago-trained economists, Pinochet had gouged out nearly every vestige of the public sector, privatizing everything from utilities to the Chilean state pension program. Hayek returned gushing, and wrote Thatcher, urging her to follow Chile’s aggressive model more faithfully.

In her reply, Thatcher explained tersely that “in Britain, with our democratic institutions and the need for a higher degree of consent, some of the measures adopted in Chile are quite unacceptable. Our reform must be in line with our traditions and our Constitution. At times, the process may seem painfully slow.”

The Hayek/Thatcher exchange is one of many revealing historical nuggets unearthed in The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, Naomi Klein’s ambitious history of neoliberalism. Hayek isn’t the star of The Shock Doctrine—that dubious honor goes to his protegé and fellow Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman. But Klein’s totemic, capacious and brilliant alternate history of the last three decades of global political economy can best be understood as a latter-day response to Hayek’s classic right-wing manifesto, The Road to Serfdom.

More of this review here:

The Pollen Count is High

Portal 2 (Videogames Talk Post)

Duuude, the light is too bright...

Craig Ferguson on Charlie Sheen

Family Guy - Where hamburgers come from

BoneRemake says...

As per WIkipedia :

There are five types of veal:

* Bob veal, from calves that are slaughtered when only a few days old (70-150 lb.) up to 150 lb.[2]
* Formula-fed (or "milk-fed") veal, from calves that are raised on a milk formula supplement. The meat colour is ivory or creamy pink, with a firm, fine, and velvety appearance. They are usually slaughtered when they reach 18–20 weeks of age (450-500 lb).[3]
* Non-formula-fed ("red" or "grain-fed")[4] veal, from calves that are raised on grain, hay, or other solid food, in addition to milk. The meat is darker in colour, and some additional marbling and fat may be apparent. Usually marketed as calf, rather than veal, at 22–26 weeks of age (650-700 lb).
* Rose veal UK is from calves reared on farms in association with the UK RSPCA's Freedom Food programme. Its name comes from its pink colour, which is a result of the calves being slaughtered at around 35 weeks.[5]
* Free-raised veal, The veal calves are raised in the pasture, have unlimited access to mother’s milk and pasture grasses. They are not administered hormones or antibiotics. These conditions replicate those used to raise authentic pasture-raised veal. The meat is a rich pink color. Free-raised veal are typically lower in fat than other veal.[citation needed] Calves are slaughtered at about 24 weeks of age.

The veal industry's support for the dairy industry goes beyond the purchase of surplus calves. It also buys large amounts of milk by-products. Almost 70% of veal feeds (by weight) are milk products. Most popular are whey and whey protein concentrate (WPC), by-products of the manufacture of cheese. Milk by-products are sources of protein and lactose. Skimmed milk powder, casein, buttermilk powder and other forms of milk by-products are used from time to time.[6]


I wanted to know a little bit more. Found the video to be funny, very crude.

Keith Olbermann Says Goodbye in Last Edition of Countdown

jwray says...

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^Duckman33:
Wonder if Cenk will get his slot.

The new lineup is supposedly:
6pm Cenk Uygur
7pm Chis Matthews (unchanged)
8pm Lawrence O'Donnell
9pm Rachel Maddow (unchanged)
10pm Ed Shultz
Which give us, as someone at Balloon Juice put it, "FDL-style nonsense at 6pm, Beltway Spazz and nonsense at 7pm, Arrogant Insiderism at 8pm, Rachel at 9pm, and Angry Dude at 10pm".
In the short run, I just wanna know about what's happening to Keith because I like the guy, but in the long run I wanna know if MSNBC intends on being a real liberal voice, or just a caricature of liberalism that the media uses to perpetuate false equivalencies with Fox.
Choosing Cenk as their backfill for Keith has me worried they're going for the latter. Give Chris Hayes or Sam Seder a show instead, bitches.

Hey. I like Cenk, or at least the stuff that gets sifted from him.

Keith Olbermann Says Goodbye in Last Edition of Countdown

NetRunner says...

>> ^Duckman33:

Wonder if Cenk will get his slot.

The new lineup is supposedly:

6pm Cenk Uygur
7pm Chis Matthews (unchanged)
8pm Lawrence O'Donnell
9pm Rachel Maddow (unchanged)
10pm Ed Shultz

Which give us, as someone at Balloon Juice put it, "FDL-style nonsense at 6pm, Beltway Spazz and nonsense at 7pm, Arrogant Insiderism at 8pm, Rachel at 9pm, and Angry Dude at 10pm".

In the short run, I just wanna know about what's happening to Keith because I like the guy, but in the long run I wanna know if MSNBC intends on being a real liberal voice, or just a caricature of liberalism that the media uses to perpetuate false equivalencies with Fox.

Choosing Cenk as their backfill for Keith has me worried they're going for the latter. Give Chris Hayes or Sam Seder a show instead, bitches.

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