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What do you do for work ? (Talks Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

>> ^kymbos:

You people work and sleep some crazy hours!
@lucky760 how can you work till 3am then get up at 5:45am? I would not be able to cope with that.

Yes, it definitely is really tough. I am so desperate to go to bed most nights and I have to fight hard against my brain and body to stay awake, but it's my role in life to suffer so that my family doesn't have to. Sometimes I start to feel I am Jack's lost mind, and once or twice a week when I really start to get delirious, I'll very regrettably hit the hay at 10pm without getting any work done that night.

High doses of caffeine late at night doesn't work any more even though I don't consume it any other time of the day. I sometimes (jokingly) consider getting on drugs to help me stay awake. Instead, I hit the deck and give me 30 push-ups to rev my heart back up. That's usually good for a 30 minute boost (one minute per push-up).

Hayman bales himself!

Hayman bales himself!

Hayman bales himself!

Kickass 15 Yr. Old Kid Uses Nanotubes To detect Cancer

MilkmanDan says...

My grandfather is a 5+ year survivor of pancreatic cancer, which puts him in a lucky 6% according to wikipedia. In his case, he probably owes his life to the fact that the cancer randomly created a bulge/tumor that happened to block a bile duct and made him extremely jaundiced. The skin color got him to make a very rare (for him) visit to the hospital, so if it hadn't blocked that duct it is extremely unlikely that he would have been diagnosed in time.

He had a "Whipple" surgery that (as I understand it) removes the pancreas and notable portions of intestine and stomach. Came through that better than anyone would have any reason to expect and now he's back to maintaining his large cattle ranch, manhandling heavy feed sacks and hay bales every day. Tough guy.

I hope this kid's test makes it so there are more lucky folks like my grandpa. Not to mention more appreciative family members like myself!

marinara (Member Profile)

Justice For Trayvon?

ctrlaltbleach says...

I don't like stigmatizing anyone I try real hard not to do that sort of garbage. But, man I think that comment is racist. Seems your implying only white people are racist.

Oh and by the way whether the killer shot him as a racist act or not I think the reason they still have a good reason to call it racist is because the killer of a black boy is still on the lose when he could and very would be in jail had the boy been white.

>> ^bobknight33:

Is wasn't whit a man. He is an Hispanic Democrat.
If his name was Jorge or to say it "HOR-hay" which is the same as George but in Spanish dialect then this would be a non story.
The only raciest thing going on it the leftest implying it to be raciest.

truth is that we only have a media which hunt and not the truth, which will come out in due time.

Justice For Trayvon?

bobknight33 says...

Is wasn't white a man. He is an Hispanic Democrat.

If his name was Jorge or to say it "HOR-hay" which is the same as George but in Spanish dialect then this would be a non story.

The only raciest thing going on it the leftest implying it to be raciest.

truth is that we only have a media which hunt and not the truth, which will come out in due time.

Cenk Loses his Shit on former Republican Senator Bob McEwen

Sotto_Voce says...

>> ^messenger:

That Yes or No part was silly. A politician can't make promises like that, and to conclude that the answer must be yes is unfair. I'm glad Cenk went back to his YouTube-only format. Reading scripts to a camera is not his way.
That said, he still has some stupid arguments with guests on his YT show. Case in point:
it. IMO that interview was much worse. I wish he wouldn't do that. It takes away his credibility.>> ^Sotto_Voce:
On his internet show, Cenk used to have good debates with conservatives because he would remain calm and allow them to speak while still putting forward his case forcefully. You really got a sense that he was interested in having a conversation rather than using his guest as a foil for his own argument. See his interview of John Ziegler, for instance.
Now it seems like he's decided that the way to make it on cable TV is to turn into a liberal version of O'Reilly, and that's sad. Take, for instance, his ridiculous "ANSWER THE QUESTION! YES OR NO!" tactic. I hate that. There are often answers that are more complicated than just a straight yes or a no, and to demand that they be simplified just encourages a dumbing down of the discourse. I'm on Cenk's side on the substance here, but his style was really annoying.

Jesus, that is a horrible interview. But it looks like that's from his Current TV show, so it's consistent with my "TV is ruining Cenk" hypothesis. I never thought he was a particularly profound analyst, but AFAIK he wasn't always this ridiculous. I really think he's deliberately going down the route of garnering attention by providing red meat for the base. Maybe that is the way to be successful on cable news, but it's still pathetic.

Honestly, are there any good hosts on cable news? Maddow is pretty smart, but her constant snark is a little grating. Lawrence O'Donnell does the whole outrage thing a bit too much, although he does it infinitely better than Cenk. I like the format of Chris Hayes' new show a lot, but he really comes across as a smarmy tool. The best I can think of is Fareed Zakaria. Anderson Cooper is decent too, but he covers too much fluff.

How It Should Have Ended: Assassin's Creed

NetRunner says...

"There goes Altair, being chased yet again by Italy's finest."

Ahem, Altair was in Jerusalem, Damascus, and Acre. Ezio was in Italy.

Also, the mechanics they're making fun of here? In the Italy-based games, guards would recognize you when you sat on benches, and jab their spears into hay-bales.

Though Ezio still survives 1000 foot falls when he just lands in hay, or piles of leaves, or oddly enough, flowery bushes...

Though they've also said that assassins are actually imbued with special abilities they inherited via a little human/SPOILER interbreeding.

A site named "dorkly" should know these things!

Playing God (with Spider Goats)


VideoSift's SOPA/PIPA Response (Sift Talk Post)

VideoSift's SOPA/PIPA Response (Sift Talk Post)

VideoSift's SOPA/PIPA Response (Sift Talk Post)

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