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Westboro Baptist Church Humiliated in Vegas

Jinx says...

I was a Christian and these guys make me wonder why anybody still is.

And VoodooV, normally I would agree with you but somebody once pointed out how they are pretty much the best advert for atheism. Hell, maybe its an elaborate ploy, maybe they are undercover atheists trying to subvert religion!

Police Infiltrators and Provocateurs Caught On Tape

shagen454 says...

If you guys really believe any one of these cops wants to be apart of the protest and at the same time is one of the people containing the protest then I urge you guys to encourage these people to step up for an interview. I have a crew that would interview them with immense respect in a heartbeat.

>> ^ChaosEngine:

"One thing is obvious, an undercover cop wearing a political Tee and hanging out in a protest should be unacceptable police procedure for a supposedly democratic society."
Yeah, fuck the cops. They're not allowed be part of the solution. They must not think for themselves. There is no possible way he's there because he believes in the protest and we should absolutely apply the "guilty until proven innocent" principle here.

Police Infiltrators and Provocateurs Caught On Tape

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

"One thing is obvious, an undercover cop wearing a political Tee and hanging out in a protest should be unacceptable police procedure for a supposedly democratic society."

Yeah, fuck the cops. They're not allowed be part of the solution. They must not think for themselves. There is no possible way he's there because he believes in the protest and we should absolutely apply the "guilty until proven innocent" principle here.

Police Infiltrators and Provocateurs Caught On Tape

shagen454 says...

That is why I wrote that there is no evidence that I see. Regardless, cops walking around with people looking like Black Bloc is very suspicious. The other cop is wearing a very political shirt. If they were undercover... why are they not acting more like under cover cops ie everyday joes? Instead they suggest that they are politically motivated.>> ^entr0py:

Yep, that was definitely a video of some cops walking around and riding bikes without uniforms. Not really the solid evidence of wrongdoing I was hoping for.

enoch (Member Profile)

Occupy Wall Street: Undercover Occupation from Funny Or Die

Who owns the police? OWS CITI BANK ARRESTS

joedirt says...

Unfortunately, people have spun this arrest into an untruth.

Sadly, the police was warranted in arresting them for disorderly conduct. They were told to leave and then proceeded to yell in the bank for 5 minutes. There were undercover cops in the crowd and they told the bank to lock the doors until enough police arrived.

The actual in-bank protest video is here;

Drones Planned Against the Pentagon, plot foiled

marbles says...

Boston: FBI Thwarts Own R/C Bomb
Another case of FBI entrapment, proving the only terrorism Americans must fear, comes from within the bowels of their own government.
By Tony Cartalucci

The United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) claims to have thwarted their own "drone" bomb, in yet another farcical case of entrapment and fear mongering aimed not at ending the "War on Terror" but perpetuating the mythological, unending conflict. FBI agents apparently strung along another subpar malcontent by providing him with materials, including a model airplane, real C4 explosives, and small arms. Rezwan Ferdaus, 26, was approached by undercover FBI agents and tasked first with building remote detonation devices he was told would be used in Iraq against US troops. FBI agents went as far as falsely telling Ferdaus that one of his devices had killed 3 US troops. The grand finale was assisting Ferdaus in a spectacular, Hollywood-style attack we are told by FBI agents, would have involve simultaneous assaults on both the US Capitol and the Pentagon involving drone bombs and multiple gunmen.

Photo: Your FBI at work - sneaking around the United States, constructing drones made of toy planes like the one above, building bombs, handing out weapons and live explosives to prospective "terrorists" then stopping them "just in time" for sensational headlines to get Americans wringing their hands in fear from what Media Monarchy calls, "terronoia."

According to an AFP report, FBI special agent Richard DesLauriers claimed the sting operation proved ''a committed individual, even one with no direct connections to, or formal training from, an international terrorist organisation, can pose a serious danger to the community.'' DesLauriers fails to explain where, if not from the FBI or other federal agencies, Ferdaus could have acquired C4 explosives for his alleged plot. Additionally, DesLauriers fails to explain how Ferdaus can be considered acting as an "individual" with no "direct connections" to an international terrorist organization, when FBI agents were posing as just that, supplying him with motivation, supplies, explosives, logistics, and weapons.

If convicted, Ferdaus faces 15 years in prison for supporting a foreign terrorist organization and an additional 40 years on other terror related charges. In order to support a foreign terrorist organization, Ferdaus would have to have believed, by necessity, to be in contact with one, again undermining FBI special agent DesLauriers' statement. Ironically, Ferdaus is being arrested, held, and awaiting trial that could see him locked up for most of his life, while the US State Department, Department of Defense, and the White House itself are verifiably supporting foreign terrorist organizations, including the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), listed as #26 on the State Department's own list, as well as Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) in Iran, listed as #28 by the US State Department.

Wrong woman to rob--Undercover cop!

notarobot says...

Got a link?>> ^holymackerel013:

>> ^notarobot:
^Unless the guy who told him to go rob the woman in the car all the cameras was an undercover cop too!

There is a full version of this video out there that gives more insight into what is going on in this video. The gun was loaded but not chambered and you get the see the other guy who sets up the robbery. In the full video, the other guy admits that they both planned on robbing her because they are broke. neither man had any drugs. Both guys are arrested for very serious charges.

Wrong woman to rob--Undercover cop!

holymackerel013 says...

>> ^notarobot:

^Unless the guy who told him to go rob the woman in the car all the cameras was an undercover cop too!

There is a full version of this video out there that gives more insight into what is going on in this video. The gun was loaded but not chambered and you get the see the other guy who sets up the robbery. In the full video, the other guy admits that they both planned on robbing her because they are broke. neither man had any drugs. Both guys are arrested for very serious charges.

Drugs Are a Powerful Thing People

RedSky (Member Profile)

Wrong woman to rob--Undercover cop!

dannym3141 jokingly says...

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^notarobot:
But in all seriousness, this warondrugs set up BS probably cost some astronomical sum to nab a guy who might have just become desperate trying to keep Citibank from foreclosing on him.

Yeah, without knowing anything about the situation, I think it's safe to assume that the guy with the gun is the real victim here. I mean I'm sure he wouldn't threaten to kill her if he didn't have a good reason. Look at him.

Because saying "might" means you just assumed something to be true.

Wrong woman to rob--Undercover cop!

entr0py jokingly says...

>> ^notarobot:

But in all seriousness, this warondrugs set up BS probably cost some astronomical sum to nab a guy who might have just become desperate trying to keep Citibank from foreclosing on him.

Yeah, without knowing anything about the situation, I think it's safe to assume that the guy with the gun is the real victim here. I mean I'm sure he wouldn't threaten to kill her if he didn't have a good reason. Look at him.

Wrong woman to rob--Undercover cop!

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