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Short thriller: An Occurrence at Arverne
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Settled Science At The Guardian
So stupid bob.
Misrepresentation in every sentence.
100% un true Bull crap to quote someone you listen too.
So sad you listen to junk like this, having zero grasp of science you actually believe this troll.
Chyna delusional fool.
That's not an answer, it's the same fact free nonsense stupidity you started with.
Every claim, every word is true.
Do you deny Ivanka got a gift of patents worth millions? She did. They bragged about it.
Do you deny Trump owes China money? He does, prove he doesn't.
Do you deny his trade wars cost America tens to hundreds of Billions in losses and tariffs? They did.
Do you deny his trade talks failed? They did.
Do you deny Kevin Bacon was in Footloose? He was.
I can't find a word in it that's untrue, but I expect nothing less from you. You can't factually declare any statements untrue statements with evidence or facts so, like a two year old, you just claim it's all untrue and think you won an argument, but you have lost both the argument and your adulthood.
You still haven't said what's untrue, and claiming it's all untrue is just so stupidly infantile I feel bad for you, but it's the best you've got without direction on how to answer, isn't it?
So sad, Bob. You've got nothing but insist you're the one with everything. You don't bluff well, Bob. Grow up.
I expect you deny Trump's stated lust for Ivanka as a YOUNG girl, I expect you deny his multiple fraud convictions, I suppose you deny his lifetime ban from charities due to charity frauds, or his children. I suppose you deny his having more felons in his cabinet than any two previous administrations, and more convictions while in office than any three combined. I know you deny that tariffs are paid by the country that enacts them, but they are. I expect you deny his trade deal fell through, it did.
That covers weak and corrupt thoroughly.
You have an established pattern of denying facts and spouting lies, so if you agreed with the truth it would instantly come into question. You saying it's 100% un true is a great indicator it's 100% correct.
I did 100% un true
Bull crap
I did 100% un true
Bull crap
Exactly what is untrue?
You won't reply because you can't answer, and Trump hasn't given you an answer.
Weak and corrupt are Trump's traits, too weak to walk down a ramp, too weak to keep his lust for his young teenaged daughter private, too corrupt to beat multiple fraud charges, too corrupt to ever be connected to a charity ever again because of massive, pervasive frauds, his children too, his cabinet even more so.
There is none so blind as he who will not see, and you're hiding in the basement closet, eyes closed and blindfolded against seeing anything bad about Trump.
So ridiculously stupid and dishonest, Bob. Just dumb. I know you're incapable of investigating yourself, but you insist on spouting your ignorant theories as facts constantly knowing there are people here who will investigate and castigate you over your intentional dishonesty. Stop lying.
Helicopter night rescue of trapped firefighters
These people risk their lives because you won't stop eating meat. (they say less because they've lost faith in humanity. If they say no meat, then people will just give up and not listen.)
....cue the excuses, ad hominens, and undermining of legitimate science. (I've heard it all before, I won't be reading them, I'm just here to remind you are putting these people in harms way for no good reason)
Louis DeJoy Says He Will Not Put Mail Sorting Machines Back
This plan was in place well before this guy showed up. Old machines were removed also under last administration.
There is enough cash for the mail system .
Nothing bur another dump on Trump trick.
Democrats will cheat via this un necessary mail shit.
IF you can get your Starbucks or protest or groceries you can vote in person.
Covid is is a nothing burger unless you over 65. This is a non issue.
Absentee voting and vote by mail are different.
1 has check and balances and the other doesn't.
Vote by mail is not regulated and hence cheating can occur.
There has been a good few stories about the mess this occurs. Un counted, late mail.
What happens if not postmark by NOV3? Dems will scream count them. Thats wrong.
So why would Trump want this of fund the Democrat party for this method?
Vote by mail as a excuse for covid is BS.
People shop, protest, eat work in public.
Mask up and VOTE.
How to Be a Woke White Person
I am just glad the depicted abomination of a pink-orange-yellow human counts as "white", hypnotic cat t-shirt notwithstanding. Last thing I would want to get into is a colour dispute though so never you mind my overzealousness. Can un-pink/yellow/orange coloured people be either woke or unwoke, or are they woke by default, implicitly? Wokespeak is a foreign language so I have some trouble with the concept.
Moving Day
And how is this Trumps Fault?
People not paying their bills is Trumps fault?
Democrats keeping states closed down longer than necessary keeping people out of work is un Constitutional and how is this Trumps fault?
Is a 3% death rate with 1/2 of deaths for those past retirement age and government should keep business closed?
Precondition groups should be told to stay home and receive aid.
Mask Up, Go to to work, Pay your bills.
My brother has a precondition and was told by his Dr. to stay home. He collects more $ from gov cheese.
I've yet to miss a day of work.
Trump Publicly Suggests Postponing The Election
we would be president-less. which would be un-president-ed
the loss of senators also. looks like the GOP is serious about smaller government. donnie alone is a near 300lb weight loss.
but what is the diff between absentee and mail-in voting? our state automatically registers a driver's license holder and is mailing out ballots. damn proud of that.
don is gone. may he disappear along with virus.
I'm going to take this as pure 'dead cat on the table' distraction. The constitution is clear that unless he's explicitly re-elected, the president is out of the white house come January (according to the *related=
Tesla Model 3 - Teslacam Stories: ALL EPISODES
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New version of "The Star-Spangled Banner" in a minor key
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What "defund the police" really means
How about:
“De-Uniform the Police”
The message will never get through, though. We are what we eat, media-wise, and the majority of us consumes our daily-doses from sources only possible from “elites” money/influence. To be sure, that media does not stray from the path, to or fro, so if it’s not in their lexicon, it’s less likely to be in ours as well.
But if one can assume for a moment that there is indeed a rational thought to “Defund the Police”, one may then begin to identify alternatives not previously considered.
Is too much money going unchecked to the Police? Are too many tasks being relegated to police action? Are certain villains entrenched within the ranks? Is reform ever really going to work? Is it just that damned Uniform (play on word “un-informed”)? Or those boots? All of these are valid questions we should each have answers to, and more, if we can just start talking about it finally.
My gripe is about the Police Union, that keep the secrets and perpetuate the misdeeds of “bad apples”, kinda like the clergy has done with their pedos. And the Boy Scouts?
Cop Drives Man Over 100 Miles After Traffic Stop ...
You just love to shit on cops.
I know this is a un believable story to you because in you small little peanut mind all a cop can be is bad.
There is more good than bad but you narrow minded head is blinded by your own prejudice .
Did we pay that cop >4 hours of overtime for his "good deed", and for his gas and vehicle maintenance? If so, it wasn't really a good deed, it was self serving and a waste of hundreds of tax dollars. It's only a nice gesture if it's on the cop's dime and on his personal time, not mine. It probably would have been cheaper to buy him a plane ticket.
Joe Biden response towards Tara Reade allegations
Just fyi
The supposed sexual assault happeend in the middle of 1993
Isn't it a bit odd that the person who passed the Violence Against Women Act in 1994 (so he was lobbying to get it passed and the bill was introduced in January 1993), am I the only person who thinks its odd that he passed this bill:
see also for the full text
So you mean to tell me
While he was co-sponsoring/writing/passing THAT PARTICULAR LAW that created the following:
--- established annual $1.6 billion toward investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against women
---codified sex crimes to make them Federal crimes
---imposed automatic and mandatory penalties on those convicted
---allowed civil cases to be brought in cases prosecutors chose to leave un-prosecuted
---created confidentiality protections for victims
---created a training program for judges to encourage them to prosecute sexual assault crimes against women
So WHILE he's making it easier to sue and bring charges against former employers and creates mandatory minimums for those found guilty and if the prosecutors don't want to do it, created a pathway for civil lawsuits to be brought - you're telling me that WHILE he's doing that, he sexually assaults one of his employees from his offices WHILE he's doing that?
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That the best you got you little bitch?
Finger banging Joe 2020
Well this will sink his 2020 chances.
Hillary at the dugout warming up.
Trump talked about grabbing by the P.
Joe actually did.