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Best worst metal video ever (American Movie anyone?)

poolcleaner says...

This is the BEST (doom) metal video ever produced. Fourth wall breaking and sinister! My favorite era of Candlemass.

The lyrics of the song are played out in the music video and go beyond the fourth wall into the sinister rhythm of metal music itself -- head banging and dancing in place are the effects of an entranced metalhead now "Dancing and singing to my fiddle".

Brilliant song. Brilliant video -- especially in October. *horrorshow

All hail the Messiah Marcolin!


Can't you see the devil in me
Just take a look in my eyes
I will play for you this wicked melody
It's magic will reach for your soul

It burns inside, no place to hide
This strange tune possesses your mind
It comes over you and the nightmare is true
You'll enter the realm of the dark

You are bewitched
You are bewitched

Bewitched, be delight, you'll reach the night
Dancing and singing to my fiddle
So take my hand, and understand
That no one will see you again

You are bewitched
You are bewitched

I am the master of the enchanted tune
I'll play for your joy, for your soul, for you doom
My fingers they dance upon the strings like fire
Weaving a spell of my burning desire

Sing with me, meet your destiny
Set yourself free to the magic
So come with me, my kingdom to see
Believe me you're captured my friend

You are bewitched
You are bewitched
You are bewitched
You are bewitched

Dancer Gets Funky at Music Festival

Bill Maher: The United States of You Don’t Wanna Know

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Swear everyone on the sift has shit logic.

Define "small fanbase".

You think that providing thought provoking political satire to innumerable crowds of strangers over 35 years as a comedian..

Acquiring and maintaining two relatively popular sociopolitical panel discussion shows for over 20 years..

And creating a documentary entitled Religulous with the express purpose of calling on our society at large to question their own religious convictions..

ISN'T effective or engaging..?

Yet Jon Stewart..

The same Jon Stewart who has explicitly stated that he's doesn't wish to be considered some political figurehead.

And whose Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear - while rather large and somewhat inspiring - was PURPOSEFULLY meant to be neutral..

Not leaning to one viewpoint or another and, thereby, basically useless and ineffectual..

is some sort of generational-change messiah by comparison?

OR! @Lawdeedaw & @ Truckchase..

Do you just not like Bill Maher and think Jon Stewart is "cooler"/funnier..?

Because that definitely what it seems like..

Truckchase said:

Effective at making a small, angry fanbase feel feelings <> creating change by engaging the masses.

Theramintrees - seeing things

shinyblurry says...

If God doesn't give you any revelation of His existence then the scripture is broken and you would have an excuse when you stand before Him. I would be the first to say that this is unfair. However, we're all human beings and I know that people willfully reject God. Not only from my own personal experience, but the bible itself is littered with accounts of people who know better and fall into rebellion against God.

God has made the truth of these things so clear to me, and I believe He is faithful to do the same for you. If God sent Jesus to die on the cross for you and me, He is faithful to let us how we should respond to that.

I think it's clear that an infinite being suffering an infinite punishment is infinitely worse than a finite being suffering an infinite punishment. The finite being has a finite experience, eternally or not. Adding up everyone who ever lived, it is still only a finite experience of suffering, whereas the infinite being has an infinite experience of suffering. Qualitatively, an eternity of suffering of a number of finite beings does not equal even a moment of suffering of an infinite being. Whether you think that is debatable or or not, God the Father considered the sacrifice greater than the punishment, and that is what counts.

Jesus was doing what His Father wanted Him to do, which was to reconcile the human race to Himself, who are alienated from God and spiritually dead because of sin. As far as whether the sayings of Jesus are authentic, we have the manuscripts to prove that they were not made up over a period of centuries or even decades. We have around twenty five thousand manuscripts of the NT alone, which is about 24 thousand more manuscripts than any other ancient text. We have manuscript evidence even going back to the first century, and using all of the manuscripts there is a science called textual criticism that can reconstruct what was in the original manuscripts from that pool of evidence. The idea that the bible is patched together from centuries of retranslations and additions is demonstratably false.

Even if we didn't have any manuscripts, from the writings of the early church fathers alone we could reconstruct the entire bible except for 7 verses in the first 250 years. Even before that, we have the prophetic writings from the Old Testament which show that Jesus did exactly what He was prophesied to do. He did not speak anything different than what had been written thousands of years in advance. If you understand the bible as you a whole, you will see it is one story and it is all saying the same thing. The fact of its internal consistency, considering it was authored by 40 people over a period of 3000 years is another proof of its authenticity.

There are many reasons to believe Jesus is the Christ, but the biggest one is Gods personal revelation, which He is faithful to give to you. If you want to know whether Jesus is the Messiah, simply pray and ask. If He isn't, you've wasted a couple of minutes. If He is, you are avoiding an eternal consequence. God bless!

newtboy said:

The scripture is wrong

Theramintrees - seeing things

shinyblurry says...

Hi RFlagg. God has given evidence of His existence through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, by raising Him from the dead. You’re right, you could have a supernatural experience in any religion, because the devil is the god of every false religion and he can give signs too. He has never raised a man from the dead, however, neither did he ever pay for the worlds sins, yours and mine.

God revealed Himself to man from the very beginning. Everyone from the beginning knew who God was, but gradually the knowledge of God faded away as men chose to turn away and follow after their own ways. Therefore, God raised up a people for Himself who would prepare the way for His Messiah.

Darren brown doesn’t know that you have an enemy of your soul who is trying to destroy you. You seem to be saying that supernatural experiences are a phenomena of human consciousness rather than from an external power. But there is an intelligence behind those experiences; they aren't merely delusions in and of themselves. There is also a manipulative hand seeking to influence how you see those experiences.

You mentioned that you were a former Christian, and this is what you listed: you watched TBN, foxnews and voted republican. I hope you know that none of those things makes you a Christian. Jesus talks about true and false Christians; what makes you believe you ever really were a Christian? Going to church? Praying? Reading the bible? None of those things makes you a Christian either. If you never really were a Christian, you should know from the bible that you are unable to tell the difference between Christianity and any other religion without Gods help. He has to open your eyes because right now you are dead in trespasses and sins. Jesus Christ didn't come to make bad people good, He came to make dead people alive.

RFlagg said:

Yahweh has NEVER given evidence of his existence.

Newly Discovered "Book Of Christ" His Own Words

artician jokingly says...

Finally, someone else who agrees! I am so. sick. of seeing the Messiah portrayed as a white guy. It's ridiculous and fucking disgusting!

#AintMaJesus #ColorMyChrist

wot wot wot!

ant said:

I love Jesus, but this video was offensive.

Newly Discovered "Book Of Christ" His Own Words

enoch says...

jesus would have thought this was hilarious.the messiah has an incredible sense of humor..must take after his dad.have you SEEN the platypus?

ant said:

I love Jesus, but this video was offensive.

"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

shinyblurry says...

Hey Enoch,

No I am getting married soon and I don't think my fiance would appreciate that. As far as posting scripture is concerned, faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. You may believe that they are merely words in a book, but the gospel is the power of God unto salvation. I understand where you're coming from Enoch. Sometimes I feel like you are trying to pat me on the head, but it's not that I don't understand your gnostic beliefs. It is that I did understand it, fully embraced them, and rejected it all on the basis of divine revelation. I had gnostic beliefs, mixed with hindu, buddhist and new age ideas, among other things, before I became a Christian. I rejected those beliefs and embraced the word of God as the truth because the Lord directly revealed Himself to me as the Messiah. It wasn't that I read the bible and thought it sounded reasonable, it is because I had direct revelation it is the absolute truth. That's why I am a Christian.

I don't know if you hold the belief that the body is the problem as some gnostics do, but it is sin which is the problem. That is why mankind is separated from God and that is why we need a Savior. Jesus made the way for us to be reborn and be reconciled to God; not as the gnostics teach, that He brought secret knowledge, but that He paid the penalty for sin in our place.

enoch said:

@newtboy @shinyblurry
are you guys going to make out?

Sam Harris: Can Psychedelics Help You Expand Your Mind?

shinyblurry says...

Hi Engels,

I just wanted to address what is a common misconception about the teachings of Jesus Christ, which is that He taught the oneness of mankind, or that we could all achieve some kind of evolutionary process of consciousness expansion. This is simply false; Jesus Christ taught that He is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that there is no other way to reach God except through Him. He taught that we are all sinners, alienated from God, and that His suffering and death on the cross and resurrection from death was the universal atonement for our sins and the hope of all mankind, which we receive by putting our faith and trust in Him.

The popular culture has distorted our understanding of Jesus, but this distortion is easily remedied by studying the scriptures. A reading of the gospel of John, for instance, will show you that the Jesus you have heard about and the Jesus of the bible couldn't be more different. I would challenge you to do so and learn more about Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who He truly was and was not, and what He taught about Himself. It is a question He posed to His disciples:

Matthew 16:13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?"
Matthew 16:14 And they said, "Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets."
Matthew 16:15 He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"

Engels said:

I really liked how he handled this. He sees psychedelics as a tool to reach what's already natively there, albeit hard to reach with our modern thought processes.

I also like his assertion that we all have the potential to be like Jesus, or another religious figure that taught the oneness of man.

Cenk Uygur debates Sam Harris

gwiz665 says...

@billpayer The distinction is how direct of a line you can draw between belief and behavior. All religions are certainly not equally guilty.

Judaism is not an aggressively spreading religion, in that while the old testament is fairly horrible, the main purpose is to sit around and wait for the messiah to return to smite all of us. The action this leads to is sitting around and waiting.

Islam, on the other hand, is to be spread by the sword, so the action lead from that is to aggressively spread it.

The whole problem of Martyrdom changes the rules for everyone as well. If you want to die and genuinely believe that you will go to heaven if you kill yourself if you take infidels with you, then we have to stop you. This glorification of death is disturbing.

Rewatching it I still get the exact same feeling. Cenk is flaundering and Sam is trying hopelessly to explain his points to him.

Lawrence O'Donnell discusses Russell Brand's "Revolution"

Malcolm X: Why I left the Nation of Islam

shang says...

The nation of Islam is not Muslims. Its a cult, they believe Elijah Mohammed is a messiah whose real name is Wallace D. Fard Muhammad who faked his death and came back as Elijah Mohammed.

They believe blacks are the lost tribe of Israel. That Arabs are not true Muslims. And white race was created by Lucifer.

They also have a suicide pact as well as they are organized crime lime mafia and have performed many assassinations.

Ice they assassinated Malcolm who was "2nd" they replaced him with Louis Farrakhan who has admitted he killed Malcolm.

Why Iran hates us

billpayer says...

The reason ISRAEL hates us is because its leaders are part of a radical JEWISH cult looking to usher in the age of their messiah, the "JAHWAY". As middle easterners, traditionally perceived as Muslim, they see us as the evil that stands in the way of their plans. Their goal is to create the conditions necessary in the world for their messiah, "Yahway", to come to earth. They believe that when the Yahway comes he will subjugate all nations to JUDAISM and institute worldwide JEW law (slavery of the GOYIM ie. everyone else).

Looking at ISRAEL through the lens of global politics will not yield the truth about why ISRAEL is pursuing (HAS) the bomb. It is only when you understand that ISRAEL is a theocracy headed by a man who believes he is being directed by his god to usher in the end times will you begin to understand their motivations. This video is a propaganda video that was produced by people inside the regime to indoctrinate people into their cult.

Ah ahahahaha. Fuck off you propagandist racist pigs.
PS. Never watched your shit video either
Israel, an apartheid country fueled by hate.

This propaganda is playing all over youtube

shinyblurry says...

To understand Iran you have to understand that it is a theocracy, and everything its leaders do is driven by their radical interpretation of the Qurans end time scenario. The supreme leader believes he is appointed by allah to usher in their version of the Messiah, a figure they call the "Mahdi". They believe that when the Mahdi comes he will conquer the world and institute worldwide shariah law. Iran will never negotiate; it is preparing for armeggedon.

Woz: This is not my America

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