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Hodor makes fun of Apple in Samsung ad

MICROSOFT WINDOWS 10 Update Interrupts Weather

Babymech says...

I will never come to terms with how much hyperbole is being thrown at this (semi-)botched launch. How is the world 'letting' Microsoft have a poor product roll-out strategy? How is Microsoft more nefarious than Blackwater, or the Corrections Corporation of America? How am I more locked out of my PC when Windows stops working than I'm locked out of my DVD player when I have to return the disc I rented?

I mean - I get why people care. I have a McLuhanesque relationship with my PC that I'll never have with my phone or my tablet (devices that regularly force me to upgrade OS, and also 'siphon' personal data), and I can feel actual low levels of anxiety when my PC breaks, even if I don't need it for anything. I just don't get the hyperbole.

artician said:

I will never come to terms with how the rest of the world let/is letting this Win10 thing happen. One of the most nefarious corporations in history openly siphons personal data from its users, and has the ability to lock people out of their own property.

Primitive Bow and Arrow

Payback says...

He should have came out with an April 1st video where he goes through this huge, lengthy process, cracks open the clay tablet at the finish and shows an iPad.

*cue rickroll*

What if the World went Vegetarian?

dannym3141 says...

The self righteousness of your post almost made me feel sick. Vegetarianism SHOULD be a stepping stone to veganism? It SHOULD be whatever the hell you want it to be - for example a temporary situation for when you SHOULD return to eating meat.

Now i'm not going to do what you did and reel off the standard list of reasons why veganism is bad for you, they are well documented and discussed but we all know that it is very possible to have a varied and sufficient diet regardless of what you limit yourself to.

As for your comment about milk, i did a quick bit of research - most of the sources i can find saying that milk causes calcium to be ejected out of the body sourced from the bones and/or cause osteoporosis are new age blog style websites written by a vegan who - like you - clearly has some serious agenda.

As for decent sources, here is what i found:
- Several scientific papers noting that though some observational studies have shown more alkali diets being beneficial to bone health in pre- and post- menopausal women, it has yet to be proven in any definitive clinical trial
(and other sources, but not as scientific)

- The Harvard School of Public Health state that it is not clear what the best source of calcium is for bone health. However the consumption of dairy products has more beneficial effects than just bone health - protection against colon cancer for example, also other vitamins, proteins and minerals that are present.

Job losses may seem irrelevant to you, but i suggest that's because you have a very very tenuous grasp on the farming profession and don't rely on it for your income. No, you can't simply replace any and all dairy farms/farmers and workers with plant-based farming alternatives. There are a huge number of reasons for this which only a farmer would be able to tell us in detail, but for example - the equipment is different and requires a huge investment (both for acquisition and storage and transport and so on), the land and buildings are not necessarily interchangeable, the skills and knowledge are often built up since childhood and are not instantly transferable, the connections within the industry for logistics and business dealings are different. These are just a few that i thought up.

Yes, some animals are poorly treated in the farming industry and it makes me very sad to think of. However if you are careful and attentive you can ensure that you do not consume any products that were unfairly treated. This is like saying that a minority of clothes sold in shops are made in sweatshops by exploited child labour, therefore we should ban all clothes from the planet.

I could go on and on and on, and even begin my own dissertation on how "everyone going vegan" would be detrimental to overall public health and prosperity; if we grow more crops, more animals must be killed to ensure the crop is healthy and full.. we are not able to process celulose because we evolved.. there are things you can't get from plants that your body needs.. etc. But this comment is already very long, and i think i've broken the backbone of your argument already.

I will mention though that your crusade could end up being very damaging to the health of people who have auto immune diseases and/or allergies that rely on meat to have a balanced and varied diet. I recently discovered that i have coeliac disease (auto immune response to gluten) and secondary lactose intolerance, and i really wish i could explain to you just how difficult it is to avoid gluten containing grains and lactose.

For you it is a choice to not eat anything that comes from animals, for me it is a necessity that i have to avoid gluten and lactose otherwise i get debilitating pain within half an hour. If i did not have access to meat and eggs, there would be very little that i could eat. Wheat is added to almost everything, or almost everything is made in the same vicinity as wheat products resulting in cross contamination. Meat and eggs are sometimes the ONLY thing that i can be sure are safe to eat, and yet some self righteous do-gooder like yourself sits there on a high horse telling me how terrible it is that i inevitably, medically do what our ancestors have been doing for hundreds of thousands of years of human prosperity and ascendance.

If you'd had a bit more of an open mind when you wrote that comment, if i hadn't found out i have these medical conditions, if you'd said things in a debatable way, presented your sources (you provide none), offered it up for discussion rather than a commandment written on a stone tablet, then i probably wouldn't have replied like this. But when i'm forced into doing something and an interfering busybody strolls along and shrieks "oooooooooh you shouldn't be doing that!!!" it really does wind me up.

EEVBlog - Worlds Worst Computer Tablet Teardown

worthwords says...

yah, i've worked in industry. you can have serial numbers but you cannot call it CE (consumer edition).

I've used a similar tablet in a real hospital and they were truly awful sysems, unreliable with about 20 mins battery life and terrible touch screen. The hospital probably paid millions for them and i wouldn't be surprised if the internals were as here.

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

You're probably not dehydrated

ant says...

I did a few months ago, so I lowered my sugar consumption like from drinks. Doctors didn't say I have diabetes. However, they did say I have high blood pressures (family tree members have it and had to take daily tablets) and very low vitamin D (not an outdoor guy; taking pills and trying to go outside for at least 15 minutes per day). I have lots of allergies (itches, leaks, etc.) too.

Payback said:

That was one of the things that lead me to discover my diabeetus.

Get your blood sugar checked.

This is Why the TSA is Completely Ineffective

yellowc says...

Honestly, stop making me do stupid shit like taking out my laptop, tablet etc. Let me keep them in my bag because you can see everything you need anyway. Don't make me take off my shoes because you're also scanning right through them. Don't assume I've got liquids until you actually scan them THEN enquire.

And well, there you go. Other than the horrendous lines, which can be partially attributed to the enormous amount of time the above three things takes every person. We'd be all good, you can do your pointless shit and I'll carry on with my life.

The liquids gets everyone because we're all so damn frightened of maybe forgetting we drank some water to stay alive, that we're all checking our bags, wasting time, just in case we might have some.

Seriously, any other non-US airport, where you just throw your bag on, walk on through some scanner, pick up your bag and walk along. That's just fine, I'm at my gate from check-in in like 20mins.

Are we suggesting that all terrorism will only ever occur boarding from a US airport? I mean wouldn't it be exactly the opposite? Come on.

Cuba's Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify - all without the Internet

Bruti79 says...

Cuba is one of my favourite places to travel to. If you ever get the chance to (and the US will get it very soon,) I recommend going. Go off the resorts, talk and meet with everyone.

As for computers, technology and the ilk, there is a black market for it. A lot of tourists have deals set up where they bring in tablets, phones, clothing for people and get paid well for it.

I was talking to one of the guides from Moron (yes, actually named that.) They said aside from drugs, the second highest black market industry is high fashion. They essentially see what the tourists are wearing, and then they try and copy, hand make, bargain for the same clothes. Tech works the same way, they see the cameras, phones, tablets, and either cobble together something from parts they have around, or they make a deal.

It's a really rad place, food, dancing, people, if you get a chance to go, go. You will love it. =)

Raven the dog napping with baby Addison

poolcleaner says...

It's perfectly fine when I watch it on my phone! Even on my tablet it's fine. Or on my vertical flipping monitor.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, that some footage is better filmed in potrait view, or as you call it "vert". BUT, I will agree that this wasn't improved by the choice of holding the mobile device.

I'll tell you in private which subject matter REQUIRES portrait view for adequate coverage of the subject. Coverage lol.

Harzzach said:

Yes, money cant buy happiness, but can it buy a seminar "How to avoid vert video recording"?

Ultimate Pomeranian Sneeze

Google Translate vs. “La Bamba”

eric3579 says...

That's pretty impressive. Does it actual work like that. I'm quite ignorant to these things . Have never had a smart phone or tablet.

KUNG FURY - Official Movie

spawnflagger says...

I bought it for $5 from VHX, but don't see any download link. According to the comments there, many others are seeing the same problem. (I want to be able to watch on a tablet on a plane)

Photoshop experts use Photoshop 1.0

spawnflagger says...

I mostly use Corel PhotoPaint because it came with CorelDraw suite X5 (they are up to vX7 now). I've always liked Draw better than Illustrator, but not a big fan of PhotoPaint either. I do have Adobe CS5.5 on my work laptop, but I swear anytime I need to do something I think is straightforward, it takes 20 minutes of googling and howtos to get it done.

Gimp is so-so, Pixlr was fun to play with until the annoying ads came. If you have a Wacom tablet (or screen), then Corel Painter is nice. On iPad, the Paper App is really impressive, as is the Dabbler App that comes with nVidia Shield Tablet. Lastly will give a shout-out to Microsoft for Fresh-Paint App on Win8.1 tablets (be careful about your save files though)

ant said:

Ditto. 8.10 on my very old, updated Windows XP Pro SP3 machine! What do you use now on the newer OSes? I used in 64-bit W7 @ work. It was OK.

What colors do YOU see?

mintbbb says...

Yeah, tnis is weird.. Right now, this video, it is blue and black-ish gold. When I first saw the photo, it was gold and white. When I read the article again, it was black-ish and blue. Those were on my main computer.. When I checked the same site/pic on my laptop, the dress was definitely white and gold! I had to double-check to make sure I was on the same site as before.. And later today, I checked things with my laptop again, and black-ish gold and blue!

Looks like it it turns to blue, my brain just can't get it back to white.. Gotta check with tablets next...

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