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Cape Cod Potato Chips Ad

A Seagull Tries to Eat Live Pigeon in Downtown Vancouver BC

If you're a bird, then do NOT land in here!!

Crow goes sledging

Payback says...

I understand that with some fairly minor surgery to their tounges, crows can be taught to mimic. They are also one of the only other animals than man who seem use tools. Such as using a stick to get at something in a hole.
>> ^csnel3:

>> ^ant:
wings says these are not crows. <IMG class=smiley src="">

Wow, That link has a lot of other links, alot of info and comments. I saw somebody thought these birds looked like a cousin to the crow.
Most people seemed to think it was definatley a Corvus, to me, These look like the same russian crows that were in the epic "Your text to link..." vid (great music).
I have a family of about 12 crows that live in my neighborhood, they have been here for years. They wait for me to come out because I often give them treats (peanuts, food scraps, they will eat anything).
This time of year (winter) they hangout with other local crow families. Right before dusk there are about 70 of them outside, just socializing with each other and watching everything , looking for food , or fun, they do like to fuck with the squirells.
They all have learned to crack peanuts, I gave the local family some peanuts and they loved them, now all the crows know how to crack'em open. They clearly can teach each other .
Throw a peanut to a pigeon or a seagull and they won't know what to do with it. Crack it for them and they will eat it. Crows will just figure things out on their own if you give them time.

Crow goes sledging

freernuts says...

Fun video but I honestly wasn't that surprised; crows are smart!>> ^ant:

... Throw a peanut to a pigeon or a seagull and they won't know what to do with it. Crack it for them and they will eat it. Crows will just figure things out on their own if you give them time.

Are you saying @pigeon is stupid/dumb? [grin]

Crow goes sledging

ant jokingly says...

... Throw a peanut to a pigeon or a seagull and they won't know what to do with it. Crack it for them and they will eat it. Crows will just figure things out on their own if you give them time.

Are you saying @pigeon is stupid/dumb? [grin]

Crow goes sledging

csnel3 says...

>> ^ant:
wings says these are not crows. <IMG class=smiley src="">

Wow, That link has a lot of other links, alot of info and comments. I saw somebody thought these birds looked like a cousin to the crow.
Most people seemed to think it was definatley a Corvus, to me, These look like the same russian crows that were in the epic "Your text to link..." vid (great music).

I have a family of about 12 crows that live in my neighborhood, they have been here for years. They wait for me to come out because I often give them treats (peanuts, food scraps, they will eat anything).
This time of year (winter) they hangout with other local crow families. Right before dusk there are about 70 of them outside, just socializing with each other and watching everything , looking for food , or fun, they do like to fuck with the squirells.
They all have learned to crack peanuts, I gave the local family some peanuts and they loved them, now all the crows know how to crack'em open. They clearly can teach each other .
Throw a peanut to a pigeon or a seagull and they won't know what to do with it. Crack it for them and they will eat it. Crows will just figure things out on their own if you give them time.

Cats Hanging Out with the Eagles

critical_d says...

I think you are right Issy...the vid was uploaded to YT by "pla1554alaska". Check out some of their other vids...they have eagles like we have seagulls!

>> ^Issykitty:

Is this in Alaska? Some of our relatives took a cruise on up there and they flipped out and took pics of a lot of them. Bald Eagles are a common sight there, apparently.

USS Independence LCS-2

ghark says...

Anyone play Endless War?

Feels like it evolved into real life, I mean seriously, WHICH country is going to invade America and make the use of one of these actually necessary. England maybe? France? Are the Palestinians going to object to their illegal occupation and shoot some long range pipe bombs over the Mediteranean and Tyrrhenian Seas and the Atlantic Ocean so they blow up some seagulls on the East Coast? Maybe Mexico will forget that they are connected to NA by land and paddle boats around and storm America with a large shipment of Marijuana?

Can't let those hippies get high, gotta bomb those 'sea-Mehicans' with airspace-ships or we're doomed.

He has a Seagull!

Producer has camera rolling, captures 'turkey attack' moment

Producer has camera rolling, captures 'turkey attack' moment

joedirt (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

People who feel the most disenfranchised are those who need to have the strongest voices imho.

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
Hey thnx.. I was trying to channel the "clever" writing styles. I only hop on every now and again when I see the crew of seagulls doing their business all over the stuff.

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
I only hop into sift talks every now and again but I thought your comment was semi correct even though...

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

Confused bird on an mall escalator

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