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Afghanistan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

drradon says...

even though it is entertaining watching you jokers pi$$ing on each others' shoes, anyone wasting his/her time arguing over the validity of a comedian's analysis of international diplomacy qualifies, in my books, as a fool.

never argue with a jackass - you can never raise his IQ and you will only lower your own...

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

newtboy says...

Kind of, but the head of department is morally and ethically obligated to make note of the subordinate who made the actual discovery or breakthrough and usually shares the prize at least if it doesn’t go directly to the discovery maker alone. This is especially true when the head misinterprets and discards the data and denies any discovery was made until the discoverer, on their own, forms a hypothesis, tests it, and repeats it, all without the head of department’s involvement.

In this case, one person made the discovery and the department head dismissed it, then that subordinate on her own continued her investigation and formed her own hypothesis, tested and verified it, and only then her department head became convinced, then took ALL credit for the discovery with no mention of her. That is NOT how scientific teams work.

This wasn’t just her discovery, she figured out what it was too…her hypothesis and her testing, her repeating the discovery, almost certainly her writing it up. If she were a man, she definitely would have gotten credit for both the discovery and the hypothesis, and for confirming her hypothesis. She might not have been given the “prize” individually, but she would have definitely gotten the credit and shared in the accolades. (I think a male in the same position would have shared the prize at a minimum, and had the department head claimed credit as they did here, would have publicly disgraced the department head by proving they not only had nothing to do with the discovery, they had dismissed it when shown and added nothing at all to the hypothesis or testing it, and they would have been drummed out of the scientific community for plagiarism and theft of intellectual property).

When he dismissed her findings completely, he removed himself from the discovery and she became group leader of her own separate project. She deserves both prizes, both monetary awards, a public apology from the man who stole her work without giving her credit, and a serious civil judgement against him for any bonus, advancement, raise, accolades, or paid engagements he received based on his lie that he discovered pulsars. That’s her money that he stole.

vil said:

OK I will take a risk on this one. Every scientific breakthrough is supported by scientific personnel who run experiments and collect data. The head of the laboratory or institution gets to interpret the data and get the Nobel Prize. That is how teams work in science.

Its even in the video, getting the discovery discovered is a lot of tedious work, someone has to find the anomalous signal, that is great, someone else then gets to state a hypothesis about what it means, which when it proves to be right gives them the prize. Seems fair. Even if its just one on one student and professor, unless the student comes up with a fundamental concept, just noticing an anomaly does not make a Nobel Prize laureate of the student. Even if his line of search is originally against the opinion of the professor.

Now arguably in this case Ms. Bell made a bigger contribution than just collecting data and if you juxtapose that with how women were treated back then, its a nice story. But if she were a man in the same position there would be no Nobel Prize either. And possibly no compensating prize years later.

And yes she deserves her prize, I believe.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

D’oh! Numbers are out….from Trump’s first to last month in office, GDP raised 1.6% per year, the worst since Hover in the Great Depression. So much for being an economic genius, he’s literally the worst on the economy in living history.

How many more ways will he be determined to have been literally the worst? Already judged the worst by lack of leadership, abundance of division, worst economically, worst at public health, worst at trade deals, worst on the environment, worst at telling the truth, worst at civility, worst/most criminal convictions of any administration, …..what’s left?

Use of force incident at Walmart in East Syracuse NY

newtboy says...

Actually if you look, I didn't quote you, I paraphrased what you've lied for years, barely missing quoting your recent false claims....i accidentally switched the word "crime" and "killing".
Where's the meaningful difference?
It's still a blatantly racist lie of extreme exaggeration....But you're correct, you recently lied that 99% of black homicides are by other blacks and 1% by police...recently you only imply the lie that 99% of crime against blacks is black on black crime.
The real number if I recall topped out at about 91%, about 7% more than white on white crime at the maximum and falling since 2012 or so. In 2018, 81% of white homicides were white on white, 89% black on black. Claiming it was EVER 99% black on black and 1% police (so 0% white or non black on black) is a bold faced racist lie racists've been telling it for years despite being shown the real crime statistics from the FBI repeatedly. The slight discrepancy is easily explained by higher poverty rates among blacks and redlining, forcing blacks to live only in designated minority areas with other blacks while whites can buy property anywhere.

You never ask why white Karens are so disrespectful, do you.
We know why you think....because you think most black families don't include fathers, because you believe black men don't raise children, they abandon them.

Maybe it's because they've been disrespected, often to death, for 400 years and don't see a reason to respect their bullies....Just a guess.

No I don't, my pair are grown, I don't need to grow a second pair, nor do I need to show them to little girls like you. Funny, you subconsciously know I have a pair so you call me nutboy...because you imagine them so large they're the main focus of my appearance. Thanks for the unintended compliment.

bobknight33 said:

You completely miss quoted me . Would I expect less of you? nope.

"99% of crime against black people is black on black crime."

Is not what I say ..

It 99% black on black killing and 1% cop on black killing. Fix the 99% and the 1% will drop also.

It is not because they are black it is that they are disrespectful and I ask why.

So answer the question why be that disrespectful? There is no reason for this behavior.

Just say it nutboy You don't have a pair to grow.

Use of force incident at Walmart in East Syracuse NY

Mordhaus says...

Well, the one cop is going to lose his job. I can understand his frustration, but even if someone is biting you, you can't just slug them. Not when you have a Taser and help.

I do have to wonder why the female cop is not helping. Both guys could have used some help to keep the crowd back at least. The closest I saw he trying to help was when the one lady was biting the guy. As soon as he swung, she raised her hands and was like "Nope, not losing my job or freedom."

Fire broke out on a subsea pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico

Chicago Cop Abandons Woman Being Threatened With A Gun

olyar15 says...

Not making any assumptions, just raising possibilities that goes through the mind of any cop facing such a situation. And I'm not condoning his behaviour, but I do see how the recent racial unrest would make some cops second-guess their actions, and become reluctant to respond the same way had they faced a white guy.

Also, you never shoot to wound. Shooting is lethal force.

Valedictorian Gives Unapproved Speech on Abortion Rights

Mordhaus says...

You can't kill a living human being...

Death Penalty exists...

Abortion will always be a touchy subject, but if you have money to travel, you can get that abortion in places that support them. So what these abortion laws do is punish poor people who can't make that trip. Then those same people are forced to either put the child up for adoption (because we don't have a ton of children that can't be adopted already) or they can raise that child, most likely in the same situation that led to them being poor and not having a proper family unit.

Storytime, and god help me if my wife ever finds out I talked about this.

I was raised in a poor home, with an abusive family. My wife was raised in a poor home with a good family. When we started dating after High School back in 1992, you had two choices for safe sex, condoms or birth control (doctor visit with no insurance and it was Texas in 1992, they weren't just tossing it out like free candy). We had to use condoms because we couldn't afford birth control and because she was scared of using it. If you have ever read the side effects, you might be too, seeing as death can be one of them in rare instances.

So condoms were the watchword. But accidents happen; maybe one just didn't work right, maybe it was the one that broke one time, but we ended up getting pregnant. I told her that I would do whatever she wanted. We planned to marry soon anyway, so I said we could shotgun it if need be. She said she didn't think she wanted a child. So I said that it was HER decision, but I would be there through it.

It isn't easy. Unless you have been in that exact situation, you will never know the fear and uncertainty involved. We were 18 and 20, just starting out with shit jobs, living with parents, and with a 1968 Catalina as our only vehicle. Her parents would have forced her to have it if they knew, because they thought the same way as @bobknight33. We would have been stuck living with them, they already didn't like me because I wasn't deeply religious and not into ranch life. My parents wouldn't have taken us in because my mom didn't like my wife until years later. The stress and anger would have probably split us up, and both of us would have likely remained poor to this day.

Instead, my wife chose to not have the child and got an abortion in the first trimester. We kept it to ourselves, married later, and are still together today. We both fought our way out of being poor people to being on the upper spectrum of middle class. We decided we just didn't want kids and now we spoil our niece. I will swear right now that we would never have made it to where we are today if we had been forced to raise a child because of someone else's deranged idea that every child must be born regardless of the future in store for it.

So, yes, I can speak to what an actual poor person goes through in that situation. We were lucky, because there weren't laws rammed through by religious people who have no clue of the consequences, just a strong delusion that God wants all children born. Funny how those religious people wash their hands of the aftermath of their crusade. Even funnier are the ones that quietly send Mary Lou to California to 'visit an aunt' for a couple of months when they find out their spawn got knocked up.


If you fight against easy abortions, except those where the child has reached the capability to survive if it had to be medically removed from the mother, you and the rest of your ilk can go fuck yourselves.

Rising crime rates

luxintenebris jokingly says...

just thinking...

Ever read the book "Freakonomics"?

'specially that theory on abortion and crime?

that's the quandary i'd like to see 🦜 and all the other 🦜 🦜 have to think through.

if crime goes down while abortion is legal, then liberals support low crime while conservatives w/loving the unborn, support high crime.

better point...

the malfeasance of the president & his administration most assuredly raised the crime rate in d.c. w/his election. so how does anyone question the democrats on being soft on criminals, when just removing mar-a-lard-dough would have quelled a crime wave?

newtboy said:

Only two of the largest 25 cities are led by Republicans, but also two of the most dangerous 20, three of the worst 25. Fox and @bobknight33 hope you don't know that because if you don't it makes it sound like Democrats can't lead, when really Republicans do worse statistically.

Such sad little whining, Bob. You've tried this dishonest ploy before and failed....remember?

Funny how the crime rate wasn't Trump's or Republican's fault or responsibility in any way, but suddenly after January 20 everything is controlled by and the fault of the president including crimes that happened before he was in office.

Of course crime rates were lower during full lockdown, and of course they rose after real leadership allowed opening of businesses and cities. Too difficult a concept for some.

Yes, a vote of no confidence from any cities police union, especially Chicago's, is a badge of honor. They are so corrupt that, if you don't play ball with them, they threaten public officials and the public in official statements.

More delicious tears from losers. Big Daddy Biden crushing it. Harris 2028!!!

GOP Try to Rewrite the History of the Jan 6th Insurrection

newtboy says...

Accidental Upvote, screen jerked. Someone please downvote the lie above for me.

Yes, rewriting with lies and false, ever evolving stories they can't keep straight.
If you're going to be a liar, you better be smart or you won't be able to remember the you.
Your life is nothing but lies and false stories. We all saw what happened live on tv, but you trust liar Trump over your own eyes and ears and the Everest of evidence you Maga morons left online...months of planning. Not one Antifa member has been arrested, not one BLM member, (the guy who once said black lives do matter doesn't count, I know it's all you've got) but hundreds and hundreds of stupid short bus Trumptards are awaiting prison because Trump told them to overthrow the government and make him president again. They said this repeatedly on camera. This was not business as usual, these were not peaceful protesters nor peaceful visitors, it was an armed, violent, quite deadly attempted coup. When you try a coup, you are an insurrectionist. As part of the mob rioting inside the capitol building, every single one is complicit in 5 deaths and should go away for life. If they WERE BLM or Antifa, you would agree.

You are the liar. You only tell false stories....constantly, and then hide like a baby when they are proven to be lies time and time and time again.

Your failed election/insurrection lies so far....
Trump won an election....that has never happened.
There was massive election fraud by democrats.
There was no attack on the capitol.
Trump wasn't involved at all.
Trump didn't tell them to attack.
Trump did everything possible to stop them.
There wasn't any violence.
It was really all BLM and Antifa, not Trumpists.
It was led by BLM and Antifa, who tricked Trumpists.
No one was armed.
It was planned by Pelosi.
It was planned by McConnell to please Pelosi.
It was a normal day and just some normal visitors acting appropriately.
Trump isn't so stupid that he stared directly into an eclipse on national television.....sorry, I guess that's unrelated, but still a failed lie.

Your idiotic bullshit is never ending....just saying baseless factless nonsense until people are so sick of it they ignore you, then calling that winning. Hint, that's losing like a spoiled baby everyone dislikes, not winning.

For you....Barry Morphew was charged with first-degree murder for the death of his wife Suzanne Morphew, but that didn't stop him from casting a ballot in her name for Donald Trump. Republicans actually murdered their loved ones to commit voter fraud for Trump, and he still lost in a historic landslide. Remove all the cheating, frauds, road blocks, voter purges, etc, Biden would have 75% of the vote, loser.

Second one for you....Trump is charging his secret service detail almost $200000 a year, $400 a day every day for one small room at Maralago to be near enough to protect him. No other ex president has EVER charged their security detail to stay on their property, I guess Trump is either so broke he really needs every tax payer penny he can squeeze out or so unpatriotic he just wants to keep sticking it to America....most likely both. Your hero, convicted fraud and charity thief who raised the debt in 4 years of a recovered economy as much as Obama in 8 years of recovering from the last Republican recession/depression....Your "financial genius".

And a third Trumptard snowflake story for today....7 republican majority counties in Oregon that make up 2% of the population voted to secede from Oregon and join Idaho because they hate the liberal majority but think they shouldn't move, the state needs to change to suit them, giving up over 75% of the state, most of which doesn't want this, so they can not live in a liberal state. Talk about whining little bitches. Your party is Benjamin Buttoning back into this rate, by 2022 we can just abort you. Lmfahs!

bobknight33 said:

Not rewriting, Just correcting the lies/ false stories.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Fact check.....
3,500,000 child cases * .008 mortality = 28000 dead children you fucking inhuman monster.
3,500,000 * 10% who have long term disabilities = 350,000 children disabled for life.
Pay up, your ilk being obstinately unsafe caused their disabilities, you should pay to support them for life just as if you were driving blindfolded because Trump said car bumpers make them safe in accidents and you ran over a few, leaving them to die in the streets because getting hurt by a car is fake news.

Well over 570000 dead Americans you Anti American enemy of the people.
32000000 cases * 10% long term side effects like severe permanent heart, lung, brain damage = 3,200,000 disabled people created.

I think it's fair to say most readers here hope you're next. No one is more deserving of infection, no one is more deserving of severe permanent disabilities, no one is less deserving of a vaccine or hospitalization. I hope your children bring it home day 1 when school restarts.

Ask Brazil how following your plan has worked....better yet, put your money where your mouth is and move there, unvaccinated, and let us know.

Fake news made too many ignorant morons fight against public health measures, costing us over 1/2 million deaths and well over $5 Trillion in unnecessary expenses that could ALL have been avoided with adult, serious leadership we sorely lacked for a full year plus until January.

Bob, you ARE fake news. Dangerous, deadly, and costly fake news.

BTW, it costs about an extra $2.2 million to raise a child with disabilities, and an EXTRA $3,175 to $5,853 per month for adults - keep in mind they mostly have no income and don't add to the gdp, so add the average $61,224 cost of living in the US and you have over $120000 per year per person (3200000 disabled so far) you get a recurring yearly cost of your "ignore the danger and get to work/school" plan cost of up to $3.84 e11 ($384,000,000,000) per year so impossible cost to bear. Granted, not every person with permanent damage is totally disabled, so being generous assume only 10% are....still $38,400,000,000 PER YEAR at current average cost not including children. That doesn't include direct cost of hospitalization for covid, from $51,000 to $78,000, nor the loss in gdp from 3.2 million earners gone.
Fuck your $5 Trillion....most of which went to businesses.

bobknight33 said:

Facts checked.

"Seventeen states and DC reported more than
500 cases per 100,000 children.."

"Mortality (44 states and NYC reported)*•Children were 0%-0.8% of all COVID-19 deaths, and 20 states reported zero child deaths"

{{ ie 100 to 99.2% of child covid cased lived}}}

"In states reporting, 0%-0.3% of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in death.."

{{ ie 100 to 99.7% of child covid cased lived}}}

Facts checked.
KIDS are ok to go to school = also all people under 70 ( unless u have some condition) should go about your business.

Were are at about 5 trillion in payouts to keep kids / people home for 0/03% death rate.

Fake news scared tooooo many people.

IBM Selectric Golf Ball in slow motion

A Message from Alaskans (to Texas) on Wind Power

newtboy says...

My understanding was that the areas that rely on wind for up to 25% of their power were not the areas that had power shortages but on the contrary were some of the only generation still happening in the state....of course, if Texas wasn't so obstinate they would agree to meet federal standards, would have upgraded both their wind and fossil fuel generation to withstand hard freezes, and would have had access to power from their neighbors if they still failed, and would have had billions of federal dollars to make it happen, but noooooo.....

Truth be told, Texas expected only 7% of total winter generation to be renewable/wind and got much more than that. They lost nearly half of their wind generation capabilities temporarily at the peak of the freeze, 16GW, but that loss was only half what was lost from natural gas and nuclear coolant freezing, 30+GW, and it was down longer.

(btw, I was born and raised in Texas)

Spacedog79 said:

Indeed, amazingly the wind power in Texas actually met expectations of the power it would provide in the cold snap.

The trouble is wind is so undependable they only counted on there being about 10% of capacity available. Wind gets absolved of blame by having almost no expectation that it will be available in the first place.

I say screw wind, build nuclear reactors instead and get the job done properly.

Police in America - Where Are The Good Apples?

newtboy says...

Yet every 3-4 years one shows up, reports fellow officers for criminal acts, and is promptly drummed out of law enforcement.

Making a complaint against another cop gets a cop blacklisted nation wide, but murdering unarmed citizens earns a paid vacation and usually a major promotion and or raise within the year.

TheFreak said:

I disagree. No good apple would join the police because they know it's a system that encourages abuse.

A good apple who wants to be part of a profession that helps their community does not turn a blind eye to the bad apples. At best you have a lot of benign apples who aren't rotten themselves but are OK with the other rotten apples because....

They like the prestige?
They enjoy the sense of power?
They have Leem Neesons Action Dreams™ of taking out the bad guys? Cops and robbers fantasies with life and death stakes where the Sneetches on both sides are barely distinguishable by stars on their bellies?

If you want to stop police shootings you start by taking away their guns. If you don't want to police the streets without a gun then you don't belong in that role.

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

scheherazade says...

"What on earth are you talking about?"

The rules for property and income when one or both parties decide they no longer want to be in the relationship.

"not having a marriage means you almost certainly will pay for them for 18+ years but won't have many rights to be in their lives"

Incorrect. If you are on birth certificate, you have the same rights and obligations.
The only pitfalls are that :
- Child support is calculated from the income of the parent with less custody (rather than from the true cost of raising a child).
- Women almost always get custody if the choice is between two parents (like when they live far apart and child can only be at one or the other).

"and may lose your rights to any assets if she grabs first"

Negative. Co-parenting does not conflate property.

Shared assets when not married are divided either by percentage of purchase price contribution, or by percentage stated in a contract.

"My brother paid well over a hundred thousand dollars for his divorce in Texas"

"My brother won."

Won by your own definition. Hence I congratulate.

"You assume women take off time to raise the kids"

No assumptions. Although afaik they still do it more often.

"You start from a false position that men work both harder and better, but you have no data to back that up. "

Top result from a zero effort google of "men working hours vs women working hours"

" since you admit many women outearn men and the trend reinforces that"

I admit that women [as a group] under 35 out earn men under 35 because of preferential admittance (such as to higher education) and preferential hiring (such as to managerial positions).

I did not say that women earn more in the same position for the same hours worked. Young men are simply getting shut out of opportunities, so their incomes are lower. As by design.

It does however highlight how affirmative action is being poorly controlled.
The target statistic is based on overall population at all ages.
The adjustment is skewed to younger ages (school admission is typically for younger people).
So the system is trying to balance out incomes of older men by trimming up incomes of younger women, with no accounting for the effects on younger men or consequences of older men retiring.
The situation is doomed to overshoot with time.

A natural result is the popularity of people like Jordan Peterson, with messages like : "Young men, nobody will help you, stop waiting for someone to help you, stop lamenting your situation, you gotta pull yourself up by your boot straps. Start by cleaning your room, then go make something of yourself".

"Bullshit. You said you would immediately dismiss any woman who has...
"Long dating history? Too much risk[etc]" -scheherazade "

Straw man argument.

You know I stated that those marriageability criteria exist specifically due to risk of consequences of divorce.

I never stated that I have personal issues with those attributes.
I have dated women on that list. I didn't /marry/ them.

My only criteria for a relationship that I am happy being in is :
- We are mutually attracted
- We like each other
- We are nice to each other
I don't care what your religion is, your politics, your family status, whatever. It's all just noise to me.

" And again, prenuptial. Do you not know what they are?"

Prenups can be negated by these simple words :

"I did not understand what I was signing"
"My lawyer was not present".

Poof. Prenup thrown out.

"their husbands are more likely to break their vows first"

A woman to cheat needs a willing man (easy)
A man to cheat needs a willing woman (hard)

Times have changed. Online dating made chatting someone up in person and make an impression uncommon, and even considered creepy/unusual. Now people are picked on their online profile based on looks/height/social-media-game.

Dating apps and sites publish their statistics. Nowadays, around 20% of men match with around 80% of women.
Most men aren't having sex. Most men can't find a match to cheat with if they wanted to.

The tall cute photogenic guys are cleaning up.
The 20% of men that match the bulk of women are going through women like a mill. They will smash whatever bored housewife crosses their path.

A 2 second google result :

"Women don't like men that believe wholeheartedly that all women are just lessers, leeches"


Fortunately, I never say that about women.

" you can't grasp that a codified, delineated, agreed to partnership is almost always better, more fulfilling, and has many benefits cohabitation lacks"

False equivalence.

Cohabitation and Partnership are mutually independent.
Meaning both can exist at the same time.


newtboy said:

What on earth are you talking about?
Do you believe the government dictates your vows? What "rules"? You just cannot grasp the concept of no fault divorce or prenuptial, can you?

I guess you never planned on kids or shared assets. If you do, not having a marriage means you almost certainly will pay for them for 18+ years but won't have many rights to be in their lives, and may lose your rights to any assets if she grabs first. Uncle Sam is in your relationship, married or not....without a marriage contract, he makes ALL the rules and you have no say.

My brother paid well over a hundred thousand dollars for his divorce in Texas that in my state would have cost under $10K and you congratulate him? You are one strange person.

Again, your perception, not based in fact since the 60's. You assume women take off time to raise the kids and take care of parents and assume fathers don't take paternity leave or have obligations outside work. How 50's. You start from a false position that men work both harder and better, but you have no data to back that up. It certainly hasn't been my experience, I've seen women in the workplace working harder and longer for less pay, sacrificing just like their male counterparts if not more, putting off having families until it's too late while men can have kids long after normal retirement age, putting themselves in dangerous situations where those with power over them have opportunities to abuse that power and abuse those women in ways that rarely happen to men. These aren't exceptions, they're the norm. since you admit many women outearn men and the trend reinforces that, meaning soon women in most catagories will out earn men and have more to lose, you admit you're wrong in your position now, right? Of course not, I expect you will still start from a point that hasn't been correct since the era and sexual revolution, early 70's at latest.

No, many of the studies I've seen compared people in the same exact positions in the same industries, even same companies, and women consistently get paid less for the exact same job and hours, and women rarely work less today, and just as often out work their male counterparts knowing they are often token hires not valued by the bosses so have less job security. If I recall correctly, 80% of job losses due to Covid were women, and the men are getting rehired faster. I think you are thinking of some studies from the 80's that made those assumptions and accusations. Comparing apples to apples, women still get shortchanged and as often as not overworked.

Bullshit. You said you would immediately dismiss any woman who has...
"Long dating history? Too much risk
Tends to have short relationships? Too much risk
Likes attention? Too much risk
Single mother (non-widow)? Too much risk
Any mental issues (depression, bipolar, narcissist, anxiety, etc)? Too much risk
Older (why you still single...)? Too much risk
Likes to party? Too much risk
Drinks? Too much risk"

And again, prenuptial. Do you not know what they are? Specify what you expect and agree, and you walk with exactly what you agreed to, no government rules or split involved. Geez. You speak as if you had never heard of them.

Most divorces may be initiated by the woman (if that's true, I expect it's just another assumption) because their husbands are more likely to break their vows first, but are not willing to pay to end the marriage, including penalties for breaking the marriage contract, and we're too dumb to get a prenuptial (or got one that spells out harsh penalties for cheating). Yes, I am assuming men cheat on their spouses more often than the reverse, because men are wired that way.

You are not more likely than not to face a divorce, because it's unlikely any woman meeting your criteria would give you a second thought, and you need to get married to get divorced.

I bet if you show your significant other this thread your 20 year relationship will be in big trouble, or at best enter a long dry dark spell. Women don't like men that believe wholeheartedly that all women are just lessers, leeches that take more than they deserve or even could give back and destroy you whenever they think it serves them. It's probably a good thing you aren't married.

Laws and family court aren't as you describe. Maybe when you enter the 21st century you'll recognize that. The rules of your marriage can be whatever you agree to, including the specifics of the split if it ends.

It's a sad thing you can't grasp that a codified, delineated, agreed to partnership is almost always better, more fulfilling, and has many benefits cohabitation lacks.....almost always unless one or both of you are total douchebags.

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