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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Big surprise, Cyber Ninjas closed. They say it’s because they’re getting daily multiple death threats from Trump terrorists, but it’s also to escape massive debts and fines.
Their results showed hundreds of more votes for Biden…like the others.
According to Maricopa county, cyber ninjas made 22 misleading claims, 41 inaccurate claims and 13 claims that were just totally false. The county said cyber ninja made faulty conclusions about more than 53,000 ballots in 22 different categories.
The company is now closed, owning the county $7500000 and rising at $50000 per day in fines for refusing to turn over their work….still…since August.
Not to mention the nearly $7 million they cost the county by invalidating every voting machine they touched.

This is why, since you once asked, these fake unofficial partisan audits shouldn’t be allowed. They’re expensive, they erode trust in democracy (something Republicans have already irreparably harmed on multiple fronts) and no matter what their results they won’t change any minds….you still think Trump won Arizona despite every scintilla of evidence and your (and multiple official audits) audit screaming otherwise.
I hope the CEO has to pay his company’s debts or be held in contempt….but being Republican I expect him to slip away and leave the now over $14 million price tag for their idiotic fiasco for taxpayers to pay….Trump hasn’t paid one dime for audits from the tens of millions he raised to fight election fraud, it’s all still in his wallet (or paid to his creditors).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, you think there should be new regulations put on oil production companies so they don’t raise prices? Or are you calling for the full nationalization of the oil and gas industry? You must be, because for it to be Biden’s fault, he must control it somehow. I wonder, do you think he sets oil prices? Production schedules? Supply or demand? Controls OPEC or Russia?
Biden released oil reserves to mitigate the price gouging (didn’t work), but without nationalizing oil and gas, there’s little more he could do (maybe threaten to halt all new drilling permits until those already issued are used, but good luck). You would pretend cancelling Keystone XL raised prices, it wasn’t operational yet.

Just ask Texas how privatization and deregulation is working for them. Analysts say they aren’t better prepared for extreme weather than last year because there’s no requirement for them to upgrade, so statewide power outages and multiple deaths can be expected, and the hits to the economy that come with shutting the state down for weeks.

The largest oil and gas companies made a combined $174bn in profits in the first nine months of the year as gasoline prices climbed in the US.
Exxon, Chevron, Shell and BP among group of 24 who resisted calls to increase production but doled out shareholder dividends and bought back stock.
The oil and gas industry has fought Joe Biden’s attempts to pause new drilling permits on federal land, despite its unwillingness to expand operations in order to reap the returns of costlier oil and the fact the industry currently sits on 14m acres of already leased land that isn’t being used, an area about double the size of Massachusetts.
“It’s not the government that is banning them from drilling more,” said Pavel Molchanov, an analyst at Raymond James. “It’s pressure from their shareholders.”

Soooooo…..nationalize? Gas in Venezuela is $.12 a gallon. If not, blame capitalism, not Biden, for your “high” gas price. (Try gas prices in Europe where gas isn’t subsidized, now those are high gas prices).

bobknight33 said:

Gas was at least a buck less. Thanks Joe Biden

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You said that already, it’s not an answer it’s the basis of the question, are you having a stroke? More likely trying to dodge because you have no answer.

Try answering the question asked for once….if you can (I have my doubts).

I asked you what Republicans plan to do to return to this imaginary time when border crossing was under demonstrably better control (which is different from when there were fewer people trying to cross), when we didn’t import oil (never happened ), when gas was a buck less (absolutely not true here, but admittedly it was cheaper…because crude oil was free due to zero demand and gas was cheap because no one was driving, compare it to 2019 and it’s not true anywhere) and yes, inflation was under 2%, but gdp was down 33% in one quarter and unemployment through the roof, with fed interest rates at zero (or less)….really shitty trade off.

Were or getting under control. ROTFLMFAHS!! He had 4 years, he added 1/3 of the debt and increased the deficit exponentially with nothing to show for it but division.

He spent tens of billions on a border fence/wall that UNQUESTIONABLY hasn’t slowed, much less stopped illegal border crossings but has caused ecological damage and/or just fallen down in many places.
Energy independence my ass. Such bullshit lies.
Gas, compared to pre pandemic rates the price rise is not excessive, you want to compare pandemic shutdown/recession price to now like a liar.
Inflation is 4.2%, a bit high not crazy (remember 14% in 1980? Stop whining and crying), so time to raise interest rates from zero. Easy fix, something we could agree on. Biden would say you’re welcome, getting the economy working creates inflation. It also creates demand for gasoline, raising the depressed Covid/Trump recession prices. You’re welcome. He also just secured funding for thousands of electric vehicle charging stations, making it easier to own a Tesla, raising your stock value. You’re welcome.

This energy independence bullshit is based on totally unrealistic pie in the sky predictions even if every project green lighted produces the top estimates without hiccups or failures….we do not and never have produced all the oil America uses, if we did, OPEC wouldn’t matter to us. (BTW, oil/energy independence was a Jimmy Carter plan but the right liked cheap foreign oil and hated conservation.). America has 3% of the world’s oil reserves but uses 24% of world wide oil production, we will never be energy independent while using oil…if we ever miraculously managed it, we would be out of oil in years.

These weren’t under control under Trump, and Republicans have zero plans to get them “under control”, either because they see no problems or because they have no solutions, you choose. Can you name a Republican plan? McConnel can’t.

bobknight33 said:

Border crossing was under better control.
American finally had energy independence.
Gas was at least a buck less. Thanks Joe Biden
Inflation running between 4 and 6 %. Thanks Joe Biden
All of these were under or getting under control under Trump.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

BTW, can you tell me what the Republican plan is to solve these 3 issues?
(three of your complaints were the same issue, oil, and at least 3/5 are not factual or omit the reason inflation was down and oil was cheaper last year is 2020’s disastrous leadership exacerbating the pandemic, and causing economic collapse….inflation was about 4.2% sept-sept. Time to raise rates from zero and stop handing corporations free loans.)

…because McConnell has announced that, once again, the Republicans will have absolutely no party platform in 2022, no goals they’ll admit publicly beyond “stop the president”, no plans at all for how to fix anything you claim Biden broke. Obstructionism is the entirety of what Republicans stand for in the next election….obstructionism and clinically insane conspiracy theories….but they wear your jersey so you’ll vote for them and chant the slogans like a good little rube.

Edit: Because you clearly don’t know, Trump is by far the best at dumping gdp into the septic tank….-3.5% q1 2020. -33%q2. Biggest drop by far in living history including the Republican led recessions of the 80’s and 2000’s. His last year total is a negative 3.5%…and you’re complaining about single digit inflation!!! Ha!
Just like the debt and deficit, the economy only matters to the right when Democrats are in power, and is completely out of their control and not their problem when Republicans are. Trump in 4 years spent more than Obama in 8 without starting deep in a recession he ended (but instead ending by starting one) and without creating a national health care system or anything beneficial…instead of tax and spend he tried refund and spend double on monuments to divisiveness, on credit if possible.

bobknight33 said:

Border crossing was under better control.
American finally had energy independence.
Gas was at least a buck less.
Really spending extra 20$ a tank is "better"
Inflation running between 4 and 6 %.

Raised by Wolves | Full S1 E1 Episode | HBO Max

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes, duh Bob.
Trump polling at 36% was worse, so you just claimed fake polls. He inherited a strong robust economy, a system to protect from epidemics, far less debt and deficit, and no pandemic…no crisis. I don’t argue Biden’s popular, like you do Trump despite reality, I only argue he’s a vast improvement, the best that could be hoped for under the disastrous circumstances one Trump term put the nation in.

The people coming, largely Haitians, almost all say they’re coming because they saw American politicians say the American borders are open and accepting everyone. Those are Republicans saying that, lying to get their base riled up, but the Haitians living in South America don’t know that, they think they are being invited by the Republicans. Look into it, you’ll see that’s true if you do. Biden sent many back to Haiti, Trump liked to dump them back in Guatemala to try again.
This energy independence myth, just quit. We were not. There was a world wide oil glut in 2020 because the pandemic lowered demand so much suppliers actually gave it away at one point….that was not some genius Trump energy plan bearing fruit, it was the economy and industry collapsing thanks to an avoidable pandemic. As the economy recovers, so does demand but not production. You seem to want to blame Biden for basic economics.
My gas is the same as 2019+-$.25….you want to compare to 2020 because gas was cheap thanks to Covid. Yours might be more for some political reasons, like your unprotected pipeline got hacked by Russians, but you need to prove it, then prove Biden’s failure caused it, not just say it, and not by cutting and pasting some talking head’s opinion. My assessment is he’s improved security on infrastructure but I’m open to evidence to the contrary.

Lowering corporate tax rates didn’t lower unemployment significantly, it raised upper management compensation and corporate profits. Investing in infrastructure will.

That’s good you don’t want to debate more Covid deaths, because there’s more than enough blame for both sides even if you don’t look at 2020 that was all Republican stoked (anti mask, anti social distance, anti contact tracing). Keep in mind, since Jan, >90% of all cases are in the intentionally unvaccinated population, almost 100% of deaths, and remember who they are and who they follow…not Biden. Covid deaths this year are nearly 100% caused by political division and misinformation created and spread by one political side. Guess which. That’s not to say Biden’s perfect, he should have implemented vaccine mandates Jan 21, no exemptions without permanent quarantine, what was needed to stop more deaths by stupidity, but he doesn’t have the balls for dictating. You should be so grateful for that.

Blaming the Chinese without proof, or even evidence they are to blame, just supposition, is outrageously dangerous and provocative. Accusing them of creating and releasing it on purpose….against themselves….is simply asinine and proof you aren’t thinking for yourself or at all.

Mid terms always go to those not in power, so yes, 2022 will likely return congress to partial Republican control, which you will call a massive mandate against Biden unlike when it happened in 2018 and you just whined that it’s unfair.

>26% of Americans are Republicans. The rest are what you call socialist communists because you don’t know what those words mean. Your party does not represent your (alleged) country….and is shrinking. Democrats aren’t even my party, they are just the only achievable adversaries to the madness of the right at this point in time. Given a better option, I would jump….you can’t say the same. You’re deep in the death cult of personality the Right has become…a true believer.

Biden got money no president in my lifetime has to invest in America. Bridges, Roads, Airports, New water systems, Digital communication improvements, Overall improvements and long deferred maintenance of rail, New funding to fight increasing wildfires (Brandon)…all the things absolutely necessary for the nation to function as a first world nation. He’s already a big winner, and if we aren’t speaking Mandarin in 3 years he still will be. The fruits of his legacy will be enjoyed for decades to come, Trump’s legacy is economic failure, failure to protect from a preventable epidemic, massive unemployment, an administration so corrupt that the convictions of people in his administration or campaign almost certainly outnumber the prosecutions of members of all previous administrations combined while the severity of their crimes outweighs the combined national injury caused by all previous political crimes, and a division so strong one party actually tried to destroy democracy and install a dictator.

History is the judge of any administration, not the midterm, and history will look kindly on Biden, no so for Trump, mired in constant criminal scandal and failures to this day. The only president in our history to not peacefully transfer power, to be impeached twice, who clearly put his own interests above those of the nation at every opportunity. Death and division are his legacy.

Merry Mithra’s season.

bobknight33 said:

Biden’s poll numbers are better than Trump’s despite the disaster he inherited from Trump. Duh.???????????

Polling at 39% is terrible. Yep 60% of Americans think Biden is not good.
disaster inherited ?> Things are worse today then the day Biden took office.

Border crossing was under better control.
American finally had energy independence.
Gas was at least a buck less.
Really spending extra 20$ a tank is "better"
Inflation running between 4 and 6 %.

These are all bad for Americans. Biden policies created these failures.

4.2% unemployment is awesome. This will still great until Democrats mess with cooperate tax rates then the ship will slow back down.

I'm not even going to blame Biden Admin for more covid deaths under his watch ( even with vaccine) than Trumps. Its a loose cannon with ebbs and flows.

Not blaming the Chineese for this death cannon is his and the UN fault. Just goes to show how paid off people are on a global scale.

2022 will be the judgement of this administration.

Amazing Lego-Style HEMP BLOCKS Make Building a House Quick

newtboy says...

I would think Adobe would be a good measure, and some Adobe homes/buildings still stand after 2500 years in deserts. Where it is, how moist it gets, makes a huge difference with these materials historically.

The lime should raise the ph high enough to protect from most mold.

JiggaJonson said:

Since it's organic material, what's the longevity of something like this? Susceptibility to mold and corrosion?

ant (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today, speaking under oath to the senate subcommittee looking into our covid response, Dr Birx said Trump failures to support mask mandates and social distancing cost us 30-40% of the 741000 covid related deaths, so his own people blame him for almost 300000 dead Americans from just one of his many failures to protect America. When asked if Trump did everything he could to mitigate the virus and save lives, her answer was a unambiguous and unqualified “no”.

Now hide your head up your prolapsed asshole again, proclaim this verifiable fact “fake news”, and send Donny another $45 to fight election fraud, ignoring that he hasn’t spent a dime of the millions of his cultists money he’s raised claiming he was fighting election fraud on fighting election fraud, 100% of his expenditures have been administrative….paying himself, paying for his travel, paying for his extravagant lodging, often at his own properties…not one dime paying for fake audits or lawsuits, not from him or his fundraisers.

But what do you expect from a con man with multiple convictions for fraud including charity fraud, stealing money he raised for veterans.

And sweet zombie Jebus, under the inept and extremely financially conflicted Dejoy, the USPS has now completely lost our ability to send packages or first class mail to Australia! It’s been that way since early September before you try to say it’s just temporary. It’s criminal that this Trumpists crook is still in his position.

bobknight33 said:

Thank for the more fake news. I enjoy the laugh. Bull shit from the left Just to continue to smear Trump in hopes he does not run in 2024. Sad to see you fall for this. But hey Democrats need gullible people.

Democrats are so afraid that they can stop dwelling on this fake story, Especially since Biden admin is sinking faster than the Titanic.

Biden is a disaster and you know it.

Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage?Medicare Explained

BSR says...

I'll be 66 on Halloween. My mother was born on Christmas.

I was the only Hell she ever raised.

On a side note

Dad was born 12-30-1931
He died 12-31-2015

Dad was historian. On his headstone reads: I'm History

ant said:

I wonder which VS members are 65 or older right now.

KISS - Black Diamond - 1975 promo

BSR says...

I raised the guitar high above my head
And just as I was about to bring the guitar crashing down upon the centre of the bed
My father woke up, screaming "STOP"
"Wait a minute, stop it boy. What do you think your doing?"
"Thats no way to treat an expensive musical instrument"
And I said "God damn it Daddy"
"You know I love you, But you've got a hell of a lot to learn about Rock 'n' Roll"

Planting Trees to Grow Forests | Eden Reforestation Projects

luxintenebris jokingly says...

any homeowner trying to replace a tree knows that there is a difference between planting and growing a tree.

if only the effort to keep a wanted tree alive was equal to the ease of raising the bastard tree growing along the fencing, against the house, or rising out of flower beds was the street would be w/o a canopy.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

No, it's a medical, legal, and religious fact. One you disagree with, but accepted worldwide by governments and populations.

Doesn't the bible say murder is ok? Yes, yes it does. I do think there are many instances when murder is ok, like self defense. That is a widely accepted position too.

You fuck right off out of the U.S.....they legalized abortions first. If fucking right off is your rule, you go first, you were pissed at a political loss first.....then there's no abortion issue, outlaw it in your banana republic. Was it that hard? Fuck off moron.

Yeah, I have fucked right off out of Texas (born and raised there, btw), and I took my moderate estate with parents did too. Texas's loss, they need people with money and property, and educations. They have just ostracized a majority of them. Enjoy bankruptcy, and prepare for most states and countries to stop doing business with Texas. Isolation didn't work for Texas the first time, it's not likely to work now.

Anom212325 said:

"But you intentionally ignores the fact that the unborn aren't yet people." That is not a fact, that is a opinion. YOURS. Not those who are against abortions. YOU are telling them murder is ok. Think about that for a second...

"America has legalized abortions in every state by law because the majority wants it. Don't like it, fuck right off. " Finally you get it. Now fuck right off out of Texas. Was it that hard...

School board doesn't realize a trick was played

NYC's Anti-Vax Rally in 49 Seconds

luxintenebris says...

yes, that is all too true. can be very successful yet be oblivious to the realities around them.

- remember an interview w/Ted Turner, while he was on top in the cable world (CNN was king). when speaking about business matters; very insightful. But when the questions about current affairs came around; he gave his opinion then changed it or said IDK anytime the interview offered a counterpoint.

- in an interview w/Colin Powell, as Sec of State, when the interviewer tried to corner him on how, looking at his GPA in HS and college, he ever made it to a 4-star general? all Colin would do was smile and say (something like) "It's good to be American. It offers many great opportunities to many people." That line of questioning ending in both parties smiling and chuckling.

- had to show our valedictorian how to put air into a tire. watching them struggle was hilarious but made one empathic.

also the belief anyone can become the president of the U.S.A. is both inspiring and terrifying. (as we all know now)


seeing this video, and the truth of the above sentence is a reason why education should become one of the top three, if not top, priorities, and quests of this nation. paired w/a universal form of national service* should provide all citizens will the skills to perceive wtf is actually going on.

*a former military serviceman, back from Iraq, noticed that Congress has far fewer former service members in their ranks since the early '80s. he noted in the military there are many ilks of service personnel, but they all work toward one goal. they have to - or they fail. reading this, have to believe - like Bush, Sr and Clinton both agreed on - that all Americans should put in some form of national service . since it'd foster a better understanding of other Americans: how they lived, how they were raised, their beliefs, the challenges they must face...i.e. see more than what's outside your 'bubble'.

this idea and a couple of other GREAT bipartisan ideas have waned since 9/11 but it'd be a hell of a fix.

* * * * realizing have wandered off the trail * * * *

or more concisely; to your point...

a body might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but any tool can become useful.

SFOGuy said:

I know a fair number of smart people who have bad skills in epistemology, who have very odd anti-tax beliefs.

But whose IQ in their area of expertise is high. Some, not too oddly, are frankly on the spectrum.

Others have been quite successful and intelligent in a narrow area and then--sort of ail outside it. A bit, I suppose, like a lot of us. Only on this matter, it matters.

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