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Tesla BLOWS AWAY Expectations. (Q2 2022 Recap )

newtboy says...

Clearly better than you, as I don’t just make up numbers or ignore losses of 1/8 the value and pretend they never happened. Also I seem to know what Elon has stated as his plans for the business better than you, I knew he plans to fire 10% across the board while you are convinced he’s going to expand.

Cherry picking?! You said down from its high this year, I went from Jan 3, it’s high this year, to yesterday’s close. Now you call that cherry-picking?
It’s not about a date , dummy, it’s about it’s high for the year, the point YOU picked. WTF is wrong with you?

If chicken was overpriced by 7 times but other meats aren’t, and then chicken dropped by 20%, it’s still a TERRIBLE buy. Same with Tesla, but chicken isn’t also priced based on how nutty Foghorn Leghorn acts, Tesla is, and Elon is acting CRAZY. I’m somewhat surprised you stick with him, Trump has totally abandoned him and now says Tesla is a terrible investment. Even if you stick it out, lots who listen to Trump are getting out. That’s going to hurt for a while. Another self inflicted wound.

Yeah, sure buddy. Just keep telling yourself that. Tesla is dropping off a cliff, unlike other car companies, and it’s all Biden’s fault (only the losses, not the gains). Tesla’s losses are self inflicted, and there’s more to come.

Growth is good, but you must ignore that it was so insanely overpriced that it really doesn’t matter, the price is not tied to any growth or income, it’s pure speculation…PE still 110. A decent PE is below 20.
Record capacity….but it’s never been close to full capacity so that’s meaningless. It’s still stymied by chip availability, battery availability, and parts availability for their battery factories so they can’t even make their new batteries their new car models require, and Tesla isn’t first in line for chips, Ford and Chevy are. If you could only produce 100 cars a month and now you made 103…that’s record production, but still failing miserably.

Edit: Not a good sign that cybertruck and the electric semi truck are now delayed indefinitely. Ford is going to beat Tesla to the pickup truck market with a truck that doesn’t look like a bad 80’s sci-fi movie prop. If major semi manufacturers do the same, and manage to solve the weight limit issue two expensive product lines will totally fail. Elon is clear, neither will be released this year, next year is a maybe at best….but as designed they aren’t competitive with diesel trucks for range or load capacity.

Yeah, sure, everybody else is hurting Tesla to hurt YOU. It’s not slumping because it’s in financial straights, can’t produce cars anywhere near full capacity (or at a profit yet?), is burning through BILLIONS every month, and has an owner that clearly doesn’t care one whit about tanking the stock with impulse moves like offering $45 billion for a company not worth $20 billion.
I don’t let politics control my investments….and mine have not lost 32% this year, you have (and you pretend it’s only 20% because you lie even to yourself).

Again, if it grows 50% (and I don’t think Tesla has btw) but is overpriced by over 10 times (it was in Jan) it needs to keep it up for 20 years with no stock increase to break even and actually be worth the price. Any stock with a PE over 100 is horrific.

You claimed down 20% this year, then blew up when I showed it’s actually down 32% and massively overpriced. Why on earth would anyone take advice from someone so dishonest with even the values? Especially someone so divorced from reality as you?

Tesla is losing subsidies, can’t produce at profitable levels,and SAID they’re downsizing by 10%.
Yes, the EV vehicle category is due to explode, but Tesla is at full capacity (as much as they’re capable, not full factory capacity) and is about to get MASSIVE competition from the big 3, with insanely more production capacity, better supply chains, and subsidies they haven’t burned through yet. Tesla can’t keep up with demand, but they’re nearly the only game in town….but not for long. Expect demand for Teslas to plummet when electric Mustangs, Corvettes, SUVs, pickup trucks, etc start rolling off the lines in big numbers later this year, EV’s that are on par with Teslas (or better) and that customers don’t have to wait a full year for delivery…there have been multiple times recently when Elon said he would stop taking orders because he can’t produce them.

We had an apple in the home by ‘80, and stock soon after. They weren’t at a PE over 100. They also were doing terribly before they gambled on the cell phone industry. Derp.

There’s a reason you think I know everything….I can read. When there’s a topic I’m ignorant about, I read about it, and don’t just look at one source. I try to get multiple different opinions, the facts, and history of any topic, then reply. You listen to admitted liars and nut jobs Alex Jones or Beck and think you know it all. Lol. Such a silly, constantly projecting little boy you are.

Really….it’s certainly something to Tesla. Yes, I want him to be held to the contract he signed. Yes, it will hurt Tesla more than the $1 billion drop in assets for NOTHING, because it’s an undeniable example of Elon’s recklessness and poor business sense. I don’t care one whit if he buys or not, I want him to follow the contract he signed. If he does buy, though, it might end Tesla. $45 billion from its coffers (for assets worth well under $20 billion) would be a death nail.

MSNBC agrees with me? News to me. I come to my own decisions, little boy. I don’t need them spoon fed to me, and I understand why I invest as I do. I made money this year, did you?
(I know, if you’re honest about being all in on Tesla, you lost massively, 1/3 of your portfolio in 6 months, and you still think you’ve got it all right, you know everything there is to know about investing, so much you spend lots of time being an unpaid salesman for Tesla, a stock that’s losing money hand over fist and is overpriced by at least 6 times according to professionals).

I’m one gullible dude?!? I AM!?! Er mer gerd, that’s some serious hard core projection (and a little tissy fit).

bobknight33 said:

How well do you follow Tesla? Most likely you answer is near zero. But you sure have all the answers.

Once again You foolishness is on full display. Cherry picking numbers? Thats ok

I said it was down a great amount. 20% or your 32% pick your date pick you %. Does not matter.

IF chicken was on sale 20% or 32% below normal pricing you would buy? Same with Tesla.

This is due to the overall economy. not from anything Tesla is doing. Tesla is is growing. 84% last year and 70% the year before.

This Q2 growth was only 50% . Mostly due the china shutdown. China is back up and running and at record capacity.

Biden economy and Communist fuckery is holding Tesla down , not Tesla. Hence it is a great buy.

Maybe your just a Union only guy? Thats OK.

Regardless of current stock price., who wouldn't want to buy the stock of a company growing 50% YOY?

I follow daily. I have about 1500 shares in the Tesla. And your are right I am down from that $1200 high. But I'm looking long term. 5 year min. I see explosive growth over nest 8 years.

Tesla goal is to make 20Million vehicles/year. Last year nearly 80 million vehicles were made globally. ICE vehicle sales are declining about 7% YoY since 2017. Al the while EV sales are growing.

What side of the fence do you wan t to be on? When Apple entered phone market they were a computer company. Today they have 20% of the phone market .

Apparently not the great intellectual foolish and ignorant @newtboy , who know everything about everything.

Finally, Now you want Elon to buy Twitter?
$1 billion penalty. That nothing to Elon.

Guess if MSNBC says something it must be true.
Newt, your one gullible dude, lady, sis whatever.

City of Akron responding to the shooting of Jayland Wlaker

newtboy says...

You absolutely deviate from that.
You never see wrong from Orange people, and rarely from white, but see nothing but wrong from darker skinned people.

You just see white and black and think it’s the same thing as right and wrong.

I don’t judge people by anything but actions….that leaves most people on my shit list, melanin levels have no bearing on that.

Yes, it is hypocritical because, yes, you did back Bundy at the time and were outraged he was shot, even though he took over a park armed, threatened rangers and police, shot his gun, and fled from police before being shot still armed. Hard to handle that with the courts when he’s on the highway shooting.
You supporting him and were angry, saying those cops didn’t need to shoot him, but are cheering on cops shooting an unarmed man running away no longer threatening anyone… 60 times. The difference? One was extremely more dangerous, violent, armed, and white. You only see the other one as the problem. That’s hypocritical.
I see 60 shots as the problem, and don’t believe the police version that he even fired his gun without proof.

Government overreach? Are you talking about Bundy’s other anti government armed action when he stole grazing from public lands and held off law enforcement with an armed violent militia, which you supported? Cheering him on for refusing to pay for using public lands for private profits and using deadly force against law enforcement? I’m talking about when he violently took over a park for months with more armed violent militia….which you also supported.

My life is pretty good. I have empathy for those less fortunate. I know you can’t understand thinking about someone else’s situation, but it used to be considered normal…real conservatives know that.

Lol…I’m not on any other social media at all, and I rarely get my news here. Sucker. Nice try, but I look for actual sources, not nut jobs saying what I want to hear, like Trump who got the election fraud fraud from an anonymous Twitter account.
It’s pretty telling that you think the way to “truth and understanding “ is remove all sources of information. What exactly do your eyes see with your head in that dark hole? Mine are wide open in the sunshine, sunshine. I see not only the “truth”, but also the various attempts at lies, and being (and keeping myself) fairly well educated I can tell the difference, a trait I’m afraid you sorely lack, friend. Thanks so much for the offer, but it’s like a deaf and blind man offering to lead someone with glasses across the freeway.

On the contrary, we’ve been here for you for over a decade, calmly explaining reality as you scream nonsense and fear monger. We will be here tomorrow. Assuage your fear of abandonment and maybe you can begin to think rationally.

bobknight33 said:

Wrong is wrong and I've never deviated from that. You see the color of ones skin or outfit and judge.

I just see right and wrong.

You judge by color first.

Running from the cops and shooting you gun while flying and then get shot for you own actions is your own damn fault.

Me pointing it out is not racist or hypocritical .

You thinking it is makes you a narrow minded fool.

Did I back Bundy? Even with "government overreach" this should have been handled by the courts.

Newt, you really come off as a educated bitter little man. You must have been screwed over in you life to carry such a big chip on your shoulder.

I'm here for you. I can lead you to truth and understanding.
Step 1 Turn off all news and social media for 2 months.
Step 2 open you eyes to reality.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Neither. I fully support legalizing sex work, and regulating it strongly….and I have always warned against sticking your dick in crazy. Also, I’ve never paid for sex…not with money anyway.

(Edit: Hmmmm….are you saying whoring is how most women earn a living? It wouldn’t be inconsistent with your previous stances, Mr MGTOW.)

I’m against vitriolic hypocrites in power making it criminal to do the same things they did repeatedly. I think laws enacted by representatives should be retroactive against any representatives who vote for them, for life….meaning if abortions become murder charges, Boebert gets charged twice with infanticide.
I’m also against high school dropout, ged failing, lying, stealing hookers being representatives. They’ve proven they have a price for anything and I can expect them to be easily “bought”.

Not so flimsy, not near as flimsy as her denials. Wait for her deposition….IF she sues which I doubt she will. (She’s terrified to be deposed by people who might know all her dumb secrets that would prove who she really is, a dishonest, thieving, corrupt, know nothing, child sex abusing, repeated abortion having, tax evading, business failure and hypocritical whore.)

Derp. The group that smeared her is Republican, Bob. Actual conservative, which is anti sedition. Absolutely not Democrats….these are Republicans using Republican tactics against a fake Republican. Hang your head in shame.

? No, I don’t remember any stupid lie about Obama in an elderly white gay bathhouse (with no corroborating evidence whatsoever, unlike Boebert), I tend to not pay attention to the thousands of idiotic lies Republicans made up about him, like Trump’s popular racist birther movement based on pure lies and racism, but the outrageous stories about Trump and the sedition caucus all turn out to be true, verified in courts, or turn out to be vast under estimates of their criminality.

Lol. You telling someone to live in reality is the pot calling the clear glass pitcher black, buddy. You’re been living in a con. fantasy world since 08 at least, likely longer. So much that most people believe you are really a Russian attempting to spread misinformation (and failing miserably). You believe any stupid con. lie, the dumber the better like blaming Jan 6 on BLM and ANTIFA, like blaming Ukraine for its own invasion, like denying Cawthorn, Green, Gohbert, Boebert, Munez, and Gaetz are all sexual deviants that have sex with, or who personally help others sexually abuse children.
You calling someone else turd boy is also hilarious considering how consistently full of shit your positions are, unlike mine that can be backed up with citation and fact every time. Must get under your skin.
Poor boob.

PS- How you liking Walkers new admission, that even as he railed against deadbeat and absentee fathers, saying it should be criminalized, he actually has 3 secret children he neither raised nor supported. More blatant insane Republican hypocrisy from certifiably criminally insane Republican candidates. (He threatened to murder his wife then himself while holding a loaded gun to her head)

bobknight33 said:

So you are against women earning a living or are you just pissed that you didn't bang her?

Flimsy at best information from a leftest smear group.

You remember that Obama white old men gay bathhouse club in Chicago.
Or is that equally fake BS?

Turd boy. slow you roll and just live in reality.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I still think you're a Russian troll. I can't fathom why anyone would be so anti American aside from that. I'm tracking down your other aliases. Mine is always "Jiggajonson" fyi and my name is Jon, American supporter of a democratically elected politicians.

I'll touch the bottom of this swamp yet, comrade. When I do, I'll keep the FBI tip line handy. I've been quiet on this site but I've been watching you. Internet Research Agency 2.0 pumping out anti Ukraine propaganda today.

Here's to hoping you're just an idiot. If so, get your head out of your ass.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It dropped precipitously because Elon was buying Twitter and would have to sell billions of stock to pay for it, just to name one self inflicted wound. The economic state should benefit Tesla, as you say, with gas at $5 and rising, ev’s are in high demand.

Gas in Canada is $6.75 US. UK is $5.75 in usd. Europe is around $5.25. But sure, it’s all Biden’s fault. Meanwhile my Exon, BP, and energy mutual funds are reporting record profits….but there’s no correlation. Hmmm.

I guess you didn’t hear Elon decided to cut his workforce by 10% anticipating a slump in sales. Elon doesn’t share your optimism.

Isn’t his major production hurdle a worldwide chip shortage, which he can do nothing about? Not sure how he’s going to ramp up production without more chips.

China isn’t the only economy in trouble….where is this unsold production supposed to go? Europe?…in trouble. US?… looking like we’re in trouble and a logistics nightmare. How much does shipping add to the price too? $5k? More?

All car manufacturers raised prices multiple times last year significantly, they all have a shortage of chips. I think it’s more likely he raised prices because he could without slowing down sales, not in order to slow sales.

Granted, ev’s are in high demand, but the big 3 are ramping up production and will outbuild Tesla in short order, as are European and Asian companies. He’s done great without competition, but some real competition is coming. The electric F150 is going to produce around 15000 this year with over 120000 (edit now 200000) reservations. They built a billion dollar factory for it alone, it will be the best selling full sized ev truck as soon as production starts. They also won’t have a chip constraint because they can take them from their huge f-150 supplies to meet production estimates.

If you want Tesla stock it’s not the worst time to invest, that was last November, but I certainly wouldn’t go all in. The PE ratio is still near 100….GAWD AWFUL. That’s called a speculative bubble….they pop. Ask Twitter.

Sorry about your dad. Mine died when I was 21. It’s never easy.

bobknight33 said:

I respectively disagree.

This is the buy of the year. 40% off from its high. Not from anything Tesla has done ( or not done) but from the economic state America is going through.

I don't think this will turn around till our leadership changes in 2024

Since last qtr 2021 Tesla opened 2 Giga Factories Texas and in Germany. They are ramping up and will get full speed in 2 years. This year expect 200 thousand from these as they ramp.

Giga Shanghai was shut down and lost 50, 000 vehicles of production. They reopened fully 2 weeks ago . China economy is taking a big hit. But what isn't sold will be ship and sold elsewhere.

2022 yearly estimate production is still about 1.5 M vehicles for the year.

Wait time from order to delivery is average 7 months. Tesla increase their prices 8 times last year to keep this 7 months from getting worse.

Demand out strips supply.

Gas at 5$/gal isn't helping the ICE vehicles at all and will push EV demand even higher.

Like I said

This is the buy of the year. 40% off from its high.
Also looks like a stock split of 3 to 1 is coming. This does nothing but make it cheaper for those who would like to enter this. One can do so at a lower, affordable price point.

Buy and hold

Buy 10 shares and hold for 5 o 10 years.

My dad passed away last month on the 28th. I've been out of work tending to him and now settling the estate.

Surveillance Video Shows Kids Set School Bus Ablaze

eoe says...

Pretty spectacular that in the age of cellphones, no one thought to contact the fire department earlier. All people care about is me and mine.

I'd say this was likely a hate crime, but kids do stupid shit because kids are stupid.


luxintenebris says...

looks like it'll be a good picture show.

although the picture (:42) of Howard and his son Rafael shows a bad photoshop job.

mine's "Diamond": a girl's best friend.

Teachers Sabotage Don’t Say Gay Law By Following It

JiggaJonson says...

Teacher here. It's made-up-nonsense. I don't give a shit what gender or sexual orientation a kid is and im CERTAINLY not going to try to convince anyone to change anything about themselves.

That said, I'm going to acknowledge that gay/trans people exist in authorship and literature as it arises. You can't read someone like Whitman (Leaves of Grass, arguably America's greatest poet) and not come across references to sexuality either implicit or explicit.

It becomes relevant in passages like this:

This is the female form,
A divine nimbus exhales from it from head to foot,
It attracts with fierce undeniable attraction,
I am drawn by its breath as if I were no more than a helpless vapor, all falls aside but myself and it,
Books, art, religion, time, the visible and solid earth, and what was expected of heaven or fear’d of hell, are now consumed,
Mad filaments, ungovernable shoots play out of it, the response likewise ungovernable,
Hair, bosom, hips, bend of legs, negligent falling hands all diffused, mine too diffused,
Ebb stung by the flow and flow stung by the ebb, love-flesh swelling and deliciously aching,
Limitless limpid jets of love hot and enormous, quivering jelly of love, white-blow and delirious juice,
Bridegroom night of love working surely and softly into the prostrate dawn,
Undulating into the willing and yielding day,
Lost in the cleave of the clasping and sweet-flesh’d day.

Maybe a conversation like:

"'Love flesh swelling' like he's in love with some woman and they...he...?"

"Probably not, he didn't have any serious female relationships as far as I am aware."

"But the title is 'The female form'"

"Well, it's possible, but it's not likely the case that he was talking about himself being in love with a woman. This poem is in the text but he wrote many other pieces about he-himself falling into and out of love with various men and we have letters documenting those relationships with his male significant others. Although, I'm not sure what to call them because gay marriage would have been illegal at the time. He's likely writing the poem in a way where he appreciates the female form and sees men who are drawn to it like the way I appreciate watching bees act obsessively driven to the middle of flowers. I like watching Bees in action, but that doesn't mean I'm going all pollen crazy, still I appreciate it for what it is."

This is an example of how discussion of sexuality would come up in my classroom as I imagine it. Note how I'm not trying to convince the kid I'm talking to to turn gay like it's a big game of rainbow-red-rover or something. Nevertheless, knowing the author's sexual preference in this instance informs our understanding of the piece.

My own personal theory?
The people railing against things like this are the same shitheads that can't be bothered to read ANYTHING and instead giggle and guffaw at "hurhurhurhur he hadd'a boner" where I get to live an early stage of Idocracy.

Also, I agree that the "funky stuff" shouldn't be just avoided altogether. For goodness sake, just let teachers have the difficult conversation that everyone is avoiding. Reminds me of when Peggy Hill was struggling to say "Penis" when she was assigned sex ed.

luxintenebris said:

first, how prevalent are these gay symposiums?

been through several flights of kids and yet to hear of one elementary teacher leading a colloquy on homosexuality. very unlikely it's ever been a thing or was so mild or explained deftly it never became a thing.

and no doubt if there was, would have heard about it. case in point:

was asked, "what does 'funky stuff' in the song mean?"

"don't know sweetie. probably slang for 'love'. I'll look it up on the internet."

they listen and ask about EVERYTHING! no more Rick James on the ride home.

***come to think of it, probably wouldn't mind the help.***

bcglorf (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I had to quit discussing things like this in private thanks to bob (and his sock puppets). I refuse now because he likes to be a completely different person in private, admitting things he would never admit in public conversation, admitting he’s lying, that Trump is an awful human being, etc. he ruined it.
Sorry…replying publicly.

If you can’t/won’t answer one simple question, there’s no point. I’m sick of answering all of yours and having you dodge mine….especially sick of it since you refuse to even acknowledge my answers and pretend I didn’t give you a straight answer. I refused to answer one red herring, biased, loaded, off topic question because I disagreed wholeheartedly with its premise, but answered every other you asked.
I feel like you’re wasting my time here..

I must point out, the question you continue to ignore trumps every question you asked….how can you deny the rights of legal women to compete in publicly funded contests as women? It’s their constitutional right to not be discriminated against based on gender. Case closed. Nothing overrides that legality.

I answered your question 3 times now. If you can’t understand, why keep trying? One last time, but I’m out. I’m not going to answer you without the same consideration.

There is no evidence that xx vs xy denotes one automatically has an advantage based on just chromosomal arrangements. None.

Women CAN be stronger, faster, better than men in most arenas, and vice versa. Genetic gender may indicate a likelihood random men will be stronger than random women, it alone does not dictate biological differences that can/will be advantageous in athletics. Hormone levels, hormone therapy, supplements, mental fortitude, training, environment, opportunities, dna, rna, diet, HGH, etc can all go into creating (or erasing) those possible physical “advantages” you reference, not just chromosomal arrangements. Since that’s true, discrimination based on chromosomal arrangements is not just wrong and illegal, it’s ignorant and evil.

I’ve been over that 3 times, now 4. I’ve given specific examples. What’s the issue in comprehension? Are you even reading? What?!

I’m bored of this. We won’t get anywhere with this one sided discussion where only one of us answers questions or pays attention to the answers. Fuggetaboutit. This isn’t a discussion

Have a nice day. Bye.

bcglorf said:

Gonna try and continue this in private, public comment sections have enough anti-trans toxicity and the pages of projected/anticipated hatred you’re trying attribute to me doesn’t seem helpful for anyone else to read.

Can we start from trying to understand each others positions, definitions and assumptions before concluding a dozen other anticipated conditions on top? For my part, I honestly do want to try to understand where the disconnect in thought process here exists.

For instance, one of my first inquiries was if you agreed or not that biological sex(XX,XY) dictates biological differences that can be advantageous in athletics?

I am not attempting to project anything further, but instead to understand if even that observation is common ground or if it’s a point where our world views already diverge.

Missouri tries to legislate reality away

newtboy says...

Right, then you go on to argue that they have good reason to exclude these people. Pretty much negated your first statement….or indicates that you agree with denying them rights, but not with using that as a political wedge (on either side?), possibly because it paints those denying others rights as evil assholes that would deny rights over ignorant and false equivalencies. Hard to tell since you won’t answer any questions.

If you believe that, why have you spent an entire day trying to get me to admit women couldn’t ever compete fairly with trans women? Because you have done exactly that.

Your position, that genetic male athletes are always better athletes than genetic women athletes …and trans women are the same as genetic males…is exactly the false and ignorant position and argument used to deny trans people their rights to participate. It’s just like you were using the old trope that black people aren’t actually humans so often used to deny them rights and opportunities….then claiming that just because you argue that doesn’t mean you think they should be denied opportunities. WHAT?!

Finally you admit males aren’t always better athletes. If genetic women can be better, there’s no reason to deny trans women their rights at all. Ms Macho Man is hyperbole, not reality. Men can’t put on a dress and claim trans status.

Pointing to two athletes that are excelling as proof that trans women will crush genetic women if allowed to compete together, to say trans women always have advantages, is also a red herring. That’s the “evidence” anti trans people use to prove that they can’t fairly compete. You may not have done that exactly, but you seem to use the same positions people who do say that use to imply it.

Really? And describe again those standards of fairness….because what I read was a ridiculous conflation between allowing trans people to compete and removing any gender separation….you pretended that’s the same thing.

Yes, because pretending trans women are the same as athletic men is hateful, malicious, and denying trans women’s rights to exist as women.

When I hear/read someone trying to give excuses for denying trans people their rights, I see a villian. How could you not?

Discussion? LMFAHS!!
Excuse me….when did you answer ANY of MY questions? You decry being called a villain, but in what way did you explain how your position isn’t dehumanizing, dismissive, and aimed at denying one group of people their right to participate in public events based on assumption and ignorance? Absolutely none. You moaned that I didn’t answer one of your questions the way you expected….but cannot answer any of mine. Try it, you might learn something.

ONE LAST TIME…HOW DO YOU EXCUSE DENYING TRANS PEOPLE THEIR RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN PUBLICLY FUNDED SPORTS? If you don’t support that, you have certainly hidden that fact with all your arguments supporting doing that, so you might want to ANSWER THE QUESTION…..unless you just love to argue, then we’re done.

Drivers navigating Russian landmines left on a bridge

Stop Kowtowing to China | Real Time with Bill Maher

luxintenebris says...

you know of bill maher?

bet not.

plenty of room to grouse about his, mine, and your countries' shortcomings.

sure, could only focus on the person in the mirror but then that'd make one a narcissist and they only care about themselves. then everyone else has the shortcomings, i.e. they only see other's problems.

can win for losing.

eric3579 said:

I say fix your own countries shit, or at least have it be the focus of your whining before you start bitching about some other countries shortcomings. Nothing i hate more than people who righteously point fingers but refuse to look in the mirror.

(edit) Although maybe i'm not focusing on the actually issue in the video as i couldn't listen to more than a minute of Maher blathering, and just read the comments.

Your Feel Good Video For Today

BSR says...

It does look like his hands are shaking. I think mine would be shaking too with that sharp looking beak. Luckily the bird knew enough not to bite the hand that frees you.

ant said:

I'm surprised he didn't use gloves!

Science of keeping migrating birds off a toxic water pit

spawnflagger says...

Yeah, if each ball is ~$0.33 and that reservoir needed 96 million, would have cost them $32M. (they say they last about 10 years and can recover some of cost via recycling, but also it saved them a lot of money on chlorine, because less of it was needed to keep algae down).
So, even if they need fewer balls and they last 20 years at the copper mine, I highly doubt it costs them $1M a year in staff+drones+bullets.

But I bet there's other materials that are cheaper that aren't food-safe like they need for drinking water reservoirs... another re-use for floating-ocean-trash? In that case they could actually charge by the ton like other waste-management companies.

eric3579 said:

Or it's a money issue, and when is it not when a corporation (mining company) has to foot the bill. Actually who knows why but i have to assume that covering it has been thought of.

Science of keeping migrating birds off a toxic water pit

eric3579 says...

Or it's a money issue, and when is it not when a corporation (mining company) has to foot the bill. Actually who knows why but i have to assume that covering it has been thought of.

spawnflagger said:

I remember a video about a LA reservoir that covered the entire surface with 96M plastic "shade" balls - seems like they could do that here (unless the water is so acidic it would melt the balls?)

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