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Racist Australian Senator egged by hero kid

Unprecedented Partnership between Fox News and Trump

newtboy says...

A few points....
1) PBS

2)slant and outright zealous bias are different, if related. The level of falsehoods, the number of falsehoods, the importance of those falsehoods, the influence gained by those falsehoods, the destruction done to the U.S. by those falsehoods, by every measure Fox outpaces it's competition by > a factor of 10.

3)Fox is the leader in biased, hyper partisan opinion presented as news, always has been. They aren't playing catch up or follow the leader, they are the undeniable and clear leaders of propaganda as news, and have been since inception. The left leaning outlets are decades behind and still have this silly notion that outright lies are crossing the line, not so at Faux.

So yes, it exists on both sides, and the left is getting worse, but Fox/Rush/Beck/Jones and the right are driving this bus and have been in that seat for decades, please don't try to imply it's anywhere near equal, it simply isn't.

MSNBC viewers still gain actual factual information by watching, Fox viewers lose it....that's a verified and continuing fact.

shinyblurry said:

I want to preface this comment by saying that I am a political independent, and exhibit A of that fact is that I did not vote for Donald Trump. The reason I didn't vote for him is because I had serious reservations about him considering what I knew about his character.

I know a lot of Christians voted for Donald Trump because they knew he would side with them in the culture wars. And he has, to a large part. But that isn't the issue with me. I do not fight the culture wars even though I find abortion abhorrent and I lament the deepening darkness that pervades our culture. It is moral and spiritual darkness which will eventually lead to the one world government of the Antichrist.

My issue has to do with the church waking up, and stop thinking the solution is in fixing the culture because the culture is influencing the church more than the church is the culture. The solution is to get right with God and show the love of Christ to a lost and dying world.

So, here is the comment:

It's obvious that the entirety of news media is corrupt; if 2016 didn't make that obvious I don't know what would. They pick winners and losers, as supporters of Bernie Sanders realized. They all have a political agenda and will write either negative or positive coverage based on that agenda. They will present a certain slant to every issue which is favorable to their political aspirations. It is patently obvious and I think most of the country realizes this.

So, this outrage over Fox doing what every other news media company has done in the past, is pretty lame. Maybe Fox is better at it than MSNBC but the point is, the both function as the arm of their respective parties, and manipulate their media coverage to brainwash people into believing their worldview.

ant (Member Profile)

Building A Leonardo da Vinci Bridge

Lazy Nashville Police Fatally Shoot Black Man

Sagemind says...

Just so you know - I don't advocate shooting people - I really don't - but what is the actual protocol. because I'm feeling like you're saying it's okay to run anytime a police stops someone.

Edit: It's okay to say you don't know.

"At common law, the fleeing felon rule permits the use of force, including deadly force, against an individual who is suspected of a felony and is in clear flight."

"...may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or others.""

When can police use lethal force against a fleeing suspect?

Heavy Metal playing Metal

Teacher Fed Up With Students Swearing, Stealing, And Destroy

JiggaJonson says...

I disagree. Pinpointing the problem isn't very hard if you have some idea of where to look.

As someone who was 'coming of age' in my profession when No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and its successor the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), I can provide some insight into how these policies have been enacted and how both have been detrimental to the public education system as a whole. The former is a GWBush policy, and the latter is an Obama policy meant to mend the original law, so both liberals and conservatives are to blame to some degree, but both are based on the same philosophy of education and teacher-accountability.

There are some other mitigating factors and outside influences at work that should be noted: gun violence, the rise & ubiquity of the internet, and universal cell phone availability, all mostly concentrated in the past 10 years that play a large role. Cell phones, for example, are probably the worst thing to happen to education ever. They distract, they assist in cheating, they perpetuate arguments which can lead to physical altercations, and parents themselves advocate for their use "what if there's an emergency?!?!"

The idea of "teacher accountability" is the biggest culprit though.

Anecdotally, I've caught people cheating on papers. A girl in my honors English class basically plagiarised her entire final paper that we worked on for close to a month. The zero tanked her grade, which was already floundering, and the parent wanted to meet. I'd rather not go into detail to protect both the girl and my own anonymity, but suffice to say, all of the blame for this was aimed directly at me. How? Well I (apparently) "should have caught this sooner and intervened." Now, the final in that class is 8 pages long, I have ~125 students all working on it at the same time. but my ability to check something like that and my workload are beside the point. I'M NOT THE ONE WHO COPY PASTED A WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE AND DOCTORED IT UP SO IT COULD SQUEAK BY THE PLAGIARISM DETECTOR (shows she knew what she was doing, IMHO). Yet, I'm still the one being told that I was responsible for what happened.

Teacher-accountability SOUNDS like the right thing to do, but consider the following analogies

--Students are earning poor grades, therefore teachers should be demoted; put on probationary programs; lose some of their salaries; and if they do not improve their test scores, grades, and attendance; be terminated from their positions.

as to

--Impoverished people have poor oral hygiene/health, therefore their dentists should be forced to take pay cuts from insurance companies. If the patients continue to develop cavities and the like, the dentist should be forced to go for further training, and possibly lose his practice.

I have no control over attendance.
I have no control over their home life.
I have no control over children coming to school with holes in their shoes, having not eaten breakfast.

@Mordhaus the part about money grubbing could not be further from the truth.

I'll be brief b/c I know this is already too long for this forum, but Houton Mifflin, McGraw Hill, Etc. Book Company is facing a shortfall of sales in light of the digital age. It may be difficult to blame one entity, but that's a good place to start. They don't sell as many books, but guess who produces and distributes the standardized tests and practice materials? Those same companies who used to sell textbooks by the boatload.

When a student does poorly, they have to retest in order to recieve a diploma. $$$ if they fail again, they retest again and again there is a charge for taking the test and accompanying pretest materials. Each of which has its own fees that go straight to the former textbook companies. See:

In short, there is an incentive for these companies to lobby for an environment where tests are taken and retaken as much as possible. Each time a student has to retest that's more $ in their pocket.

How can they create an enviorment that faccilitates more testing? Put all the blame on the educators rather than the students.

That sounds a little tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory-ish, but the lobbying they do is very real:

That, combined with exceptions for charter/private schools where students have the option to opt-out of said testing is skewing the numbers in favor of all of these for-profit companies: << one example (you can't opt-out in a public school, at least in my state)

@bobknight33 idk if i'd call business-minded for-profit policies "liberal"

Mordhaus said:

Instead of focusing on who 'created' the problem, which I guarantee you cannot tie to any one specific group or ideology, we should be instead looking for a solution to the problem.

At some point we are going to have to quit beating our drums about 'bleeding heart' liberals or 'heartless money grubbing' republicans and work together. If we can't, then we deserve everything we have coming.

Jimmy Kimmel on Santa Fe School Shooting

The Diversity of Local Independent News

Americans Want Statues Left Alone

newtboy says...

6/10 polled said they believe they should remain, a tiny bit different from wanting them standing, but surprising none the less.
So was this quote from Robert E Lee denouncing civil war monuments....

“I think it wiser,” the retired military leader wrote about a proposed Gettysburg memorial in 1869, “…not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”

bobknight33 said:

PBS News Hour/NPR/Marist Poll after the Charlottesville incident.

Most Americans still want the statues standing.

Americans Want Statues Left Alone

eric3579 (Member Profile)

The Man Who Fosters Only Terminally Ill Children

Can You Trust Mainstream Media?

AeroMechanical says...

I think what you do is (in the US, varies by region): You watch PBS/NPR (they try, but they do have a leftward bias--but relatively minimal corporate bias), MSNBC (obvious leftward bias), FOX News (obvious rightward bias).

Then for international news: BBC World Service and Al-Jazeera. For an asian source, I dunno. Anything coming out of China is no good, so you may as well get that second hand with interpretation.

That's a lot of work. I get my news from the Daily Show.

corporate media tool gets taken to school about syria

newtboy says...

No sir. Not yet at least. That's nothing (edit:noting, stupid spell check) that his saying he's the sole source for truth is akin to their MO, and he should not repeat it, even jokingly, imo.

You seem to have missed the first half of the post, where I mentioned I wanted to Upvote for the reasons you mention.

Jimmy is moving from comedy to news commentary online, it seems. News commentary is what Beck and Jones do, btw....just saying. ;-)

I do agree, corporate media, which all buys their news from the same few biased outlets, are little more than propaganda sources and pablum these days. One more reason to be sad/outraged about pbs losing it's meager public funding.

enoch said:

that's what you took away from this?
jimmy dore is akin to glenn beck and alex jones?

ok,not gonna judge.

i thought the real take away,in my opinion,was a journalist was taken to task for being lazy and uncritically accepting the current corporate media narrative,and gets a thrashing from an independent journalist from canada.a polite and soft spoken thrashing,but a thrashing just the same.

eve bartlett has been doing some amazing work in regards to syria,and exposing the lies and manipulations of corporate media.

jimmy dore is a comedian,i am just a loser nobody who comments on the internet,but we all come to our own conclusions.

and i no longer give corporate media any authority,because of their utter and complete failure to inform.

i question any and everything that they attempt to spin as "truth".

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