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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

You know, the sad thing here is, there are actual conservative principals worth defending. Conserve as in conservation as in conservative as in keep things the same. Keep em stable.

So when I see "conservatives" at the Supreme Court pretty much upending 50 years of legal precedent, it - much like the laws the would supposedly conserve - is confusing. Like the man who nominated most of them at this point, previous law doesn't seem to affect their decisions if their religious zealotry needs to be front and center.

Therefore, why obey ever changing laws? Just wait until it's overturned. Wait until the other political party can install more judges who are partial to that issue.


Oh hey I saw Elon musk was the first person ever to lose $200,000,000,000 in a year. Pretty cool. Tesla stock at all time low and VW & NISSAN sold about 10x the electric vehicles in 2022 that tesla did. But you aren't invested in them, all cash in a mattress right ?

James May's Tesla Model S has failed!

spawnflagger says...

Like many cars with remote unlock, the Nissan Leaf has a "hidden" key in the keyfob, and you can unlock the door and pull the manual hood-release to access the 12V battery. No biggie.

admiralronton said:

A dying 12v in EVs isn't a problem with just Teslas. When I leased my Nissan Leaf many years ago, they warned me about the same thing, except the battery only charges when the car is actually on, not while it's charging. Fortunately, the battery never went flat on me, and even if it had, I think it was a damn site easier to access than Tesla's.

James May's Tesla Model S has failed!

admiralronton says...

A dying 12v in EVs isn't a problem with just Teslas. When I leased my Nissan Leaf many years ago, they warned me about the same thing, except the battery only charges when the car is actually on, not while it's charging. Fortunately, the battery never went flat on me, and even if it had, I think it was a damn site easier to access than Tesla's.

The Coast Guard saves an SUV Driver

newtboy says...

One of our local morons. That's about 15 miles from me.
It's going to cost him a pretty penny to have his truck removed from the ocean. No clue why he thought he might make it, the jetty itself was washing out.
Darwin award runner up.

Edit:the truck (a Nissan, not Toyota) was removed at low tide. Good job Buddies Towing.

Subaru in snowpark (off snow ramps, berms, wtf)

Nissan GT-R LM NISMO - Jay Leno's Garage

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Gator vs Truck

Payback says...

Are we sure that's a truck? Looks an awful lot like one of those off road golf carts, I believe the John Deere one is called a "Gator".

**edit, nm, googled "4x4 XE" (fender badge) and it's a Nissan so it's not a Gator. Not a truck either, but not a Gator.

Koenigsegg Agera R's Electronic Stability Control Is Insane

skinnydaddy1 says...

Looks like they took a clue from the Nissan Skylines ATTESA E-TS Pro system. (Advanced Total Traction Engineering System for All-Terrain - Electronic Torque Split )

Red Neck trucker says NO to this blonde trying to merge...

lucky760 says...

Negative, chief.

1) If you turn up the volume and listen closely, you can hear him change gears right before he starts accelerating. Are you really claiming it's not possible for a big-rig to change to a higher gear and put their foot down on the gas in a way that it would increase its speed?

2) The Nissan in front of him wasn't slowing down.

3) From all my years as a rambling man in the trucking game hauling loads down winding roads from Anaheim to New Orleans, truckers know full well how to teach a blonde bitch a lesson usually with the voice of CB Savage (look it up) in the back of their mind. If he wasn't trying to scare or collide, he could have slowed to prevent the accident. Unless you're saying big-rigs are also not capable of slowing down.

I love how passionate everybody is about debating traffic. How cute we all are.

Shepppard said:

You probably should, as the issue of him intentionally closing the gap is addressed numerous times by the fact that this isn't a pickup truck, it's a semi, which is incapable of speeding up that quickly to intentionally block the person trying to merge, and if you pay closer attention to the cars ahead of the truck, it looks more like the gap was closed from the front, not behind (traffic looks to be slowing down as it nears the top of a hill)

Red Neck trucker says NO to this blonde trying to merge...

lucky760 says...

TLDR, but I'm on board with @newtboy. The trucker really seems to be intentionally closing the gap only after the VW starts to enter the lane (I'd assume to teach "this blonde" a lesson). Before then he is maintaining a steady distance from the Nissan.

Also, really interesting sight at 0:30 to 0:33 is you can see that only the front tires on the other truck have completely stopped spinning but continue travelling forward as if they're still turning.

Honest Trailers - Taken

"Luxury Defined" - The (used) 1996 Maxima GLE Sport Sedan

Wanna race?

Subaru in snowpark (off snow ramps, berms, wtf)

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