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Sloth "Hugs" Cat

Hot girl dancing to N.E.R.D.'s "Hot N Fun"

Guy wont give girlfriend ice cream narrated by Chris Webber

Fruit Bat Fellatio Prolongs Copulation Time

Sinead O'Connor - Reason With Me (Best Fit Session)

Cry Cry Cry "Cold Missouri Waters"

calvados says...

My name is Dodge, but then you know that
'Cause it's written on the chart there at the foot end of the bed
They think I'm blind or I can't read it
I've read it every word, and every word it says is 'death'
So, Confession - is that the reason that you came
Get it off my chest before I check out of the game
Since you mention it, well there's thirteen things I'll name
Thirteen crosses high above the cold Missouri waters

August 'Forty-Nine, West Montana
The hottest day on record, the forest tinder dry
Lightning strikes in the mountains
I was crew chief at the jump base; I prepared those boys to fly
Into the drop zone, C-47 comes in low
Feel the tap upon your leg that tells you go
See the circle of that fire down below
Fifteen of us dropped above the cold Missouri waters

I gauged the fire - I'd seen bigger
So I ordered them to sidehill and we'd fight it from below
We'd have our backs to that river
We'd have it licked by morning even if we took it slow
But the fire crowned, it jumped the valley just ahead
There was no way down, we headed for the ridge instead
Too big to fight it, we'd have to fight that slope instead
Flames one step behind above the cold Missouri waters

Sky had turned red, the slope was boiling
Two hundred yards to safety, death was fifty yards behind
I don't know why, I just thought it
I struck a match to waist-high grass, running out of time
Tried to tell them, step into this fire I've set
We can't make it; this is the only chance you'll get
But they cursed me, ran for the rocks above instead
I lay face down and prayed above the cold Missouri waters

And when I rose, like the phoenix
In that world reduced to ashes, there were none but two survived
I stayed that night and one day after
Carried bodies to the river, wondering how I'd stayed alive
Thirteen Stations of the Cross to mark to their fall
I've had my say, I'll confess to nothing more
And I'll join them now, those that left me long before
Thirteen crosses high above the cold Missouri waters
Thirteen crosses high above the cold Missouri shore

Shenandoah, I long to see you
Far away, you rolling river
Oh Shenandoah, I long to see you
Way down the way, across the wide Missouri

Helen Mirren and Paul Rudd Kiss on Graham Norton's Sofa

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'lesley mann, jack nicholson, acting, kissing, licking, lipstick' to 'leslie mann, jack nicholson, acting, kissing, lipstick, helen mirren, paul rudd' - edited by xxovercastxx

Just A Lazy Cat Watching Hockey

Clueless Gamer - Halo 4

chingalera says...

It's so much funnier when you share the same attitude as Conan about video games.
I heard that the average cell phone by the way, has about 40-100 calories on it at any given could survive for months just licking other peoples' cell phones. The average Ps2 controller would probably provide about 200 calories if you licked that thing clean.

Toddler is confused about how to turn on the faucet

braindonut says...

Seriously. This video basically proves it - you don't know where that faucet has been.

Kids are germbags. I'm gonna quit licking those faucets now.

(PS: This is coming from the guy that got a serious infection when he was 4 years old and almost died. So I may be a little overly concerned about things like that)

EMPIRE said:

of course kids should get dirty and play outside and all that. But there's that, and there's licking a public faucet. yuck.

Toddler is confused about how to turn on the faucet

Toddler is confused about how to turn on the faucet

Totally destroyed Toyota Corolla on the run

James Madison clarifies the American right to bear arms

jones1899 says...

Background checks? Sure. No more gun show loopholes? Absolutely. Tougher penalties for gun related crimes. YES! But allowing the government to tell responsible citizens that they can't own something because criminals might use a similar gun to kill people makes zero sense in a dozen ways.

Criminals kill people. Killing people is illegal. Therefore criminals are up for doing illegal things. If owning certain guns is illegal and we've already established that criminals do illegal things, then...

Also, why is it the same crowd that wants to ban "assault weapons" (such a misunderstood and misused, meaningless term) supports legalizing drugs? How does that make a lick of sense? And do say that guns are responsible for more deaths, because it you look at the stats, there so called assault weapons are very RARELY used in crimes.

Let's just get rid of all the bullshit that's between the two sides. Can't we agree on: Background checks? Sure. No more gun show loopholes? Absolutely. Tougher penalties for gun related crimes. YES! YES! YES!

Jon Stewart on Gun Control

coolhund says...

Yes, I am European, and you dont seem to have a clue about Europe.
Europe is nowhere near as extreme as the USA has become.
As I said, theres always only 2 sides in the US, and thats not even only in the media, its everywhere. How much did the 3rd strongest party get on your last vote? Not even 1%? That would be impossible in most European countries, even, or especially, Republics.
As I already said, forums are a pretty good gauge of that. Theres always only 2 opinions from 2 extreme sides. Other opinions are extremely rare and if they are mentioned, get flamed to the ground, so that an open discussion is impossible. Exactly that what you are doing to me right now.
Congratulations and thanks for proving my point.

Oh and yeah, I agree somewhat, that a lot of European politicians (incl. the elite) are retarded, but they dont tow the line, they lick American heel. As does most of the rest of the world, since the USA is a super power that has been messing and still messes around in most countries affairs in unbelievable ways. Thankfully around 80% of the European people have realized that. That was also the percentage that was AGAINST the Iraq war in Europe. What was the percentage in the US? Yeah...

Yogi said:

I'm gonna assume you live in Europe because if so this slam will be meaningful. It is PAINFULLY stupid and sad how much European Intellectuals tow the line for the US Intellectual elite. It's like they're somehow retarded. So you gotta wonder, we have people that control our message because they rule us...they control your message too on a myriad of issues, and you don't even vote for them.

Again this only works if you're from Europe soo PLEASE be from Europe alright!

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