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What Happens To This Stuff Left In A Foreclosed House?

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^MINK:
^also confused as to why there are no dumpster chasing ebayniacs in this clip. looks like you could pay off your mortgage just by following these guys around.

Depending on the laws in their locality it could be illegal to remove things from "roll off" dumpsters.

But I'm like you, I'd want to go in in the morning before the trash out crew and take what I wanted to fob off on eBay/craigslist and leave them the rest.

What Happens To This Stuff Left In A Foreclosed House?

J-Rova says...

>> ^dag:
Absolutely amazing - what a waste. I feel like I could make an eBay business just following these guys around in a pick-up.

You could use that to raise money for the Sift!

What Happens To This Stuff Left In A Foreclosed House?

rottenseed says...

I went in on a condo with a friend when I was a youthful 22...After trashing the place, he up and split leaving me with a large mortgage I couldn't handle. Better believe when the place foreclosed I just grabbed the shit I needed and left everything else there...

Glenn Beck's Worst-Case Scenarios for the US

10768 says...

Buy gold and silver now. Stock up on guns, ammo and food. "President" Obama is leading us towards a Zimbabwean future. Already you have his ACORN cronies occupying foreclosed houses similar to Mugabe's "veterans" seizing lands there.

Alan Keyes is Insane - Obama a Communist and NOT a Citizen

dgandhi says...

>> ^imstellar28:
A + B. One example of Nationalization is the government buying stock in a company.

I read the WP page, the whole thing, not a cherry picked excerpt, and double checked my dictionaries. Nationalization means controlling ownership, not simply investment.

Holding common stock is not ownership in the sense of control. As a share holder of common (non-voting) stock in a company the only power I have is to contribute to the modification of the share price by selling or holding the stock.

If I got a Freddy Mac loan to buy a house would my house be "Nationalized", it has clearly been paid for by a Gov administered monopoly, they clearly have a right of ownership, as they can foreclose if I don't make my payments, but I have control, as long as I make the payments. If you think all such houses, or any stock buy, are nationalization, then I must conclude that you don't use the word in other than rhetorical terms.

Winstonfield_Pennypacker has a position, which while absurd, at least claims that the gov has practical control of the industries in question, which would make them nationalized, if it were true.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

rottenseed says...

sorry, I'm late to your little party. Here are some things you may not know about me and you probably don't want to know about me.

1. I pee on my girlfriend in the shower
2. I haven't read a book for leisure in over 2 years
3. I'm a math nerd
4. When I was a little boy I remember playing a game with my mom's friend's daughter of the same age as me that involved her standing naked in a closet
5. I don't think I've ever had a "wet dream"
6. I used to believe in god in a non-denominational, talking to the voices in your head type of way
7. I was raised an only child
8. My mother wasn't married when she had me, I don't know my biological father
9. I used to suffer from OCD, after I realized the correlations between religion and OCD is when I stopped being religious and obsessive compulsive
10. Sometimes I go through a whole day at work without doing a thing
11. I'm a hypocrite, although I claim to hate hypocrites
12. I fall in love very easily
13. I've cheated once on an ex-girlfriend, but I've decided that cheating is not for me
14. I've never cheated in school, ever.
15. I graduated from high school with below a 2.5 gpa
16. I was part of an MLM when I was young and stupid. Then I went to this convention and realized the mass brainwashing and I filed it under "things as stupid as religion"
17. I tried to pretend like I was Buddhist when I was in my early 20s
18. There were 2 years of my life when all I listened to was Bob Marley
19. I have to shower after taking a shit
20. I'm self-conscious about my appearance, more so than a male should be
21. I'm always broke
22. I owned a condo with a buddy when I was 22, but we fell behind on payments and trashed the place then it foreclosed
23. I don't like having anal sex (giving for sure, and I don't really wanna try receiving)
24. Sometimes I prefer masturbation over sex because it's less work I don't have to worry about pleasuring anybody else
25. I divulge way too much information on the internets

Peter Schiff On Your Money 12/20/2008 (HILARIOUS!)

volumptuous says...

"What sniper means is that there is always something that needs to be done. So if you have to take a job putting up fences, and painting houses then that's what you have to do. There is always work to be done."

Can't paint a foreclosed house, nor put a fence around it.

★DENNIS! talks about Auto Bail-Out ★

GeeSussFreeK says...

^ Thanks for your story Enzoblue, and I am sorry to hear of your companies struggle. All systems have their flaws, and the labor unions are no different. They rarely reward the most talented at their job and reward the most dedicated to the union entity itself. I think, on the whole, they do more good than bad, but in some industries, they have gone to far and make it impossible for things to work as they should..and it seems as if your situation is a tail of this. Here in Texas, we don't really have unions at all, but the "evil" corporate powers haven't stolen our souls yet.

There is no doubt that over time, certain industries would be hurt by the lack of labor unions. I see labor unions as one of the most successful counters to centralized monetary conglomeration in this century. But, they aren't without their evils. That isn't really what we are talking about here though, we are talking about the government taking my money and investing it in a company that is dying. The British government was doing something similar before Margret Thacher. They were dumping billions and billions into British coal. British coal per volume is one of the most expensive coals to mine on the planet as it is deep, more deep than US coal (US is the middle east of coal they say). So, the government kept pouring money into a company that would never be profitable...why? To keep people employed. The problem is they were employed in a failed business model. More over, the skilled workers that were employed there making something no one wanted were wasted on something that no one wanted. The opportunity for them to be used in another more creative role was subverted by government intervention.

There is no doubt, that all the industries that are in trouble now will either foreclose or have to make massive layoffs. This is a bad thing for lots of support industries as well. But, this is the way things work. If you make something that people don't want then the doors of your future will be closing soon. In time, new doors for the skilled workers to go. What it is, is anyone's guess. But the point is the government has no right to invest in a company that I would never in my right mind invest in.

Would you by Ford stock right now? Why? And yet some corpocrat on capital hill is going to for me. He is going to spend my tax money in a company that I would never buy a car from none the less stock in. It is subversive at the very least and tyrannical at the most. As someone else pointed out, the dot com bubble burst and no one cared. Thousands of tech people like myself were hard up for a time. But we are now gainfully employed again making more than we ever did back then. Times will be hard, but the create a situation of hyper inflation will take a bad thing, and make it horrible.

Woman Finds S.W.A.T. Cop's Assault Rifle In Her Front Yard

$700 Billion is Nothing

my15minutes says...

upvoted, but wish the clip would've stayed on the surer footing it finds in the first half.

the hidden tax, that ron paul refers to inflation as, in his book?
is due to the fact that whoever the Fed initially gives the new money to, is getting much more value out of those dollars.
the moment those dollars are 'spent', into the money supply, every other dollar is now worth that much less.

notice how no one in washington mentions sending the money to every family that's about to be foreclosed on? to be spent on their mortgage payments?
having the money initially spent at the 'bottom', and going 'up' the system?

Cash-for-Trash: An insightful op-ed in the NY Times on the meltdown (Blog Entry by dag)

Farhad2000 says...

It's the most retard economic plan ever.

I find it a sick irony that while thousands of people are foreclosing on their homes, the stance is "Well they made poor decisions". While the stance towards Wall Street is to basically bail out all those people who made disastrous gambles on the US economy.

Another example of socializing the cost of private business by a so called pro-free-market-fiscally-conservative-administration.

Obama's Sub-Prime Fix (Feb '08)

10038 says...

The Fannie/Freddy buyout is not intended to help families. At all. Ever. The buyout *only* allows for the investors to get some of their money back. The investors = all of the people and corporations who invested in the companies.

If they went bankrupt, some company (right now, my bet is on BOA) would buy the loans for pennies on the dollar. BOA would never foreclose on the loans, because all they'd have to do is get 5 to 10 years of solid payments, and they'd have made their money back, since they bought them for so much less than what they were worth.

Thats why everyone, republicans and democrats, are pissed. Us democrats aren't pissed because we're using public money, we're pissed because it's not going to help those who need it (the people being foreclosed on), but rather the CEO who is walking away with 15 Million in severance.

Obama to McCain: "What economy are you talking about?"

Joe Biden Slams McCains Delusional Economic Statements

buzz says...

>> ^BillOreilly:
>> ^Raverman:
The poor state of the American economy is a given.
- Massive banks failing,
- Huge numbers of homes foreclosing - NATIONWIDE.
- The Stock exchange in free fall.
- So many trillions of overseas debt with countries like China, they basically own America.
- Not to mention the massive new cost from Hurricane Ike and the raising price of oil again due to the closed pipelines.
BillOReilly - to distract the conversation with a completely irrelevant comment about Michigan being run by a democrat? To try to divert the topic as my state vs. your state?
Shame on you. Thats an insult to the people who are truely suffering across america.
Rebulicans go on and on about patriotism and loving their country...
But don't give a damn about their countrymen, just their own pockets and politics.

Massive banks failing are due to corporate greed. Foreclosing homes are due to morons living beyond their means with variable-rate loans, which are now catching up with them. Hurricane Ike is a natural disaster. None of these issues are the fault of "Republicans who don't care about their countrymen."
And liberals care more about their fellow man than conservatives, I'm sure.

BillO, you may be right about why those things are failing, but as a result of their failures and the impact that will have and more importantly, the cause of those failures, for McCain to suggest that the fundamentals are strong, really does suggest he's out of touch with reailty.

Analysts can be nobs for their fortune telling, but they and economists like to talk up the market to keep mum and dad thinking that investing in the stock market is a good thing. I don't think you'd find one of them suggesting that the fundamentals of the US economy are strong...

Joe Biden Slams McCains Delusional Economic Statements

BillOreilly says...

>> ^Raverman:
The poor state of the American economy is a given.
- Massive banks failing,
- Huge numbers of homes foreclosing - NATIONWIDE.
- The Stock exchange in free fall.
- So many trillions of overseas debt with countries like China, they basically own America.
- Not to mention the massive new cost from Hurricane Ike and the raising price of oil again due to the closed pipelines.
BillOReilly - to distract the conversation with a completely irrelevant comment about Michigan being run by a democrat? To try to divert the topic as my state vs. your state?
Shame on you. Thats an insult to the people who are truely suffering across america.
Rebulicans go on and on about patriotism and loving their country...
But don't give a damn about their countrymen, just their own pockets and politics.

Massive banks failing are due to corporate greed. Foreclosing homes are due to morons living beyond their means with variable-rate loans, which are now catching up with them. Hurricane Ike is a natural disaster. None of these issues are the fault of "Republicans who don't care about their countrymen."

And liberals care more about their fellow man than conservatives, I'm sure.

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