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Homeowner Forecloses on Bank

Homeowner Forecloses on Bank

Ryjkyj says...


This one just has the first minute or so cut off.

Homeowner Forecloses on Bank

siftbot says...

This video has been nominated as a duplicate of this video by Ryjkyj. If this nomination is seconded with *isdupe, the video will be killed and its votes transferred to the original.

Sweet Justice- Homeowner Foreclose on a Bank America Branch

dannym3141 says...

>> ^deathcow:

Hah! the bank will probably adjust some global amount by .01% to compensate for the loss, then celebrate the newfound money with bonuses.

Nah, they'll just foreclose on a bunch of other people who can't manage this kind of thing, make the money back.

Sweet Justice- Homeowner Foreclose on a Bank America Branch

Sweet Justice- Homeowner Foreclose on a Bank America Branch

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Homeowners Foreclose Bank - Booyah!

Sweet Justice- Homeowner Foreclose on a Bank America Branch

Sagemind says...

I don't get it, How could TBOA even foreclose on someone who didn't owe anything to begin with?
What would give them the right and what legal team ever sided with them on this?

Sweet Justice- Homeowner Foreclose on a Bank America Branch

dag (Member Profile)

Sweet Justice- Homeowner Foreclose on a Bank America Branch

Joseph Stiglitz on "Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%"

heropsycho says...

Democrats are jointly responsible with Republicans in the destruction of the middle class. Cutting the corporate tax rates would serve primarily to increase corporate profits. If the demand isn't there for goods and services, corporations won't increase production and hire more workers. Not to mention this won't help deficits. You definitely would help the stock market in the short run, which is disproportionately invested in by the rich, thereby stratifying the population even more along class lines.

The stats you're pointing to are horrible stats for useful data points about economic policy. It's true that the bottom 50% of the population are paying less as a percentage of total tax revenues collected today compared to five years ago. When unemployment went to 10% and higher, who typically lost their jobs? The bottom 50%. Whose houses typically got foreclosed on? The bottom 50%. When pay was cut, who most often lost out on that? The bottom 50%.

If you're paying taxes, it means you're earning income. Ask the unemployed what they'd rather be - taxpayers or jobless? They'd go with having to pay taxes. It's not all roses for the bottom 50% who are not paying taxes right now. But the point still stands - when the economy goes into a tailspin, it distorts who's shouldering the burden for paying the taxes.

This data varies too widely to be useful due to extraneous influences.

>> ^bobknight33:

Fuck that. The democrats had the chance and the duty to pass a budget when they were in complete control. This issue lays on their door step.
Cut corporate taxes jobs will come back and bring more opportunity fro all of us. Then pass the budget proposal for 2012 that cuts more than $5.8 trillion spread over a few years. These ex FED employees could then go back to private employment.
The top 1% of taxpayers pay about 40% of all income taxes,
the top 10% pay 71%,
and the top 50% pay 97% of all taxes.
The bottom 50% pays less than 3% of all income taxes paid.

MaxWilder (Member Profile)

Vampire Forecloses On Bank (No Joke)

shagen454 says...

What does Wells Fargo and a vampire have in common?

They were both brought back from the dead.

>> ^rottenseed:

let's see...blood bank joke, check...stake joke, check...bloodsucking joke, check...
k, well it looks like you guys have it covered but feel free to call me if you need anything.

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