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Ron Paul Interview On DeFace The Nation 11/20/11

Grimm says...

Before calling someone else "dense" you better check yourself....I'll be more polite and assume you just don't pay attention.

ME: What was wrong with our school systems BEFORE 1980 that was vastly IMPROVED after 1980 with the FED DOE?

YOU: (an example of a BAD thing about the FED DOE) "Reagan's head of the Department of Education was William (come on number 7!) Bennett (who went on to be the Drug Czar under Bush the First). Bennett implemented "reforms" to the Dept. of Ed. such as:...These all sound innocent enough--but are all terrible ideas."

ME: That doesn't address my question.

YOU: Allow me to help you with your drool cup you ignorant simpleton by repeating the same text that still doesn't address your question.

Conan corrects Jennifer Garner

Take Home Chef: NY Strip Steak

Bank of America Adds Monthly Debit Card Fee

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

It wasn't 'the bank's' idea any more than the Internet was Al Gore's 'idea'. Computer records were just a natural evolution. Computers came along. Magnetic card readers came along. Banks didn't 'invent' them. They just used them like everyone else to simplify their work. Secretaries didn't invent word processors, but they use them to improve performance.

And consumer convenience via electronic records is very much something that banks want to 'do for thier customers'. They can use the convenience to attract customers and profits. Obviously such a thing is helpful to them both on the back end with their records, and on the front end in attracting potential clients. If a bank is more convenient than the other guy - it gets more business. That's making something for YOUR convenience that also helps them. Nothing wrong with that.

And so what if it is 'institutionalized'? Clothing is institutional. Should you tear them all off and go around naked because you're afraid of getting ripped off by the textile industry? Food is institutional. Should you die of starvation so you don't get ripped off by farmers and grocery stores? TV is an institution. So go throw your TV out the window so you don't get brainwashed by the 'free' TV progam ads? Money is an institution too. What's your point? That we should live in a cave and never partake of any human advance in civilization just because someone else is making a profit on it?

And everything you say you 'can't do' without a credit/debit card is bologna. You can walk to your HR department right now and demand your wages as a check, and then take that check to the bank and get cash. You can buy airline, bus, and train tickets with cash. You can buy food, clothing, utilities, and every other necessity with cash. You can pay your bills by mail. You can pay rent in cash. You can buy a house with cash. A bank account HELPS in all these transactions (IE convenience). But if you walk up to a business with with a wad of legal tender they WILL accept it - I promise you. I have never once walked into a car dealership with a pile of cash to buy a car and had them turn me away. Quite the opposite. They literally drool over me, and it gives me far more power to negotiate.

All I'm saying is that the things you SAY you can't do without a bank are easily doable if you apply a little elbow grease. If you find paying a measley $5 a month so horribly offensive and crippling to your finances, then do yourself a favor and stop whining about it. Take your money and go somewhere else.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Ron Paul against Federal Regulations and Minimum Wage

Phreezdryd says...

The rights people fought for in the past are cutting into profits, and decades of lobbying are paying off. Now with groups like the tea party behind them, they can see lost battles of the past nearly being reversed. The rich are getting their way, and they're probably drooling in anticipation of abolishing unions, and any workers rights. Oh to be able to drill, cut, pollute any land they want. And don't forget to keep up the wars so they can get their tentacles in places they couldn't before.

They don't care how big government is, as long as it plays ball.

Cat vs. Dog Showdown

MilkmanDan says...

I had a semi-stray tomcat on my farm when I was growing up that got into fights with coyotes. It had about one and a third ears, a lower lip that got sliced from the corner down so it drooled and stuck its tongue out all the time, a broken/crooked tail, and walked with a perpetual limp. But that was over the course of 4-5 years or so, and it never "lost" a fight in the ultimate sense (ie. it came out alive).

It eventually died after being hit by a pickup. Some cats can be real tough little bastards!

Epic Meal Time/ FPS Russia - Meat Shield

Sarzy says...

It sounds like you're the one who doesn't understand the community you signed up for. Simpsons clips. Family Guy clips. Zero Punctuation. The Daily Show. Rachel Maddow. QI. Etc, etc, etc. We like our comfort food here on the Sift; it's not exactly all stuff "you normally wouldn't stumble across otherwise."

You don't like Epic Meal Time. That's cool. They're not my favourite either, but I like them enough to throw a vote their way when I see one of their videos. But please don't be arrogant enough to assume you're some kind of arbiter of of what's good on this site. If people didn't want to see these videos, they wouldn't get submitted and they wouldn't get votes.
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

You're missing the point. This is a community designed to find and promote thought-provoking and interesting videos you normally wouldn't stumble across otherwise.
So besides that this is on the front page of Youtube for all the 14 years FPS videogame nerds [you included apparently] to gawk at and drool..
This series is utter garbage that everyone has already seen and it doesn't belong on this site.
Only thing a submission like this does is push more interesting, original, engaging, thought-provoking content off the front page.
So you don't go waggling your bright pink "if you don't like it. LEAVE!" dildo dick around without understanding the type of website and community you signed up for.
>> ^albrite30:
>> ^KnivesOut:
@albrite30 are you suggesting that someone should not be opinionated on the INTERNETS?!?!!!

Oh I don't think people shouldn't be opinionated on the internet. Not at all. But if you really know that you don't like something, then why torture yourself.

Epic Meal Time/ FPS Russia - Meat Shield

albrite30 says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

You're missing the point. This is a community designed to find and promote thought-provoking and interesting videos you normally wouldn't stumble across otherwise.
So besides that this is on the front page of Youtube for all the 14 years FPS videogame nerds [you included apparently] to gawk at and drool..
This series is utter garbage that everyone has already seen and it doesn't belong on this site.
Only thing a submission like this does is push more interesting, original, engaging, thought-provoking content off the front page.
So you don't go waggling your bright pink "if you don't like it. LEAVE!" dildo dick around without understanding the type of website and community you signed up for.
>> ^albrite30:
>> ^KnivesOut:
@albrite30 are you suggesting that someone should not be opinionated on the INTERNETS?!?!!!

Oh I don't think people shouldn't be opinionated on the internet. Not at all. But if you really know that you don't like something, then why torture yourself.

Sorry GenjiKilpatrick that you apparently don't see that my post fits in to the grand scheme of the videosift mentality. Right in between Trekkie weddings and cats sleeping like bosses. I don't see any difference in "thought provoking quality" between my mindless fucktarded video and the others. If you want to insult me by calling me a 14 year old fps nerd, I invite you to insult me on a different wavelength. Read my profile before you shout your angry rhetoric at me my friend. You are a valued member of the sift and normally I respect your opinion. I implore you to read WHAT I wrote to you more carefully before you flame me. I said nothing insulting. On the contrary I merely gave a bit of friendly advice regarding these videos for you peace of mind. If I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that something is going to piss me off if watched, I don't watch it. On that note I take my leave. Again I respect your opinion when it is well formed and not a mal formed attack on qualities that you mistakenly ascribe to me.

Epic Meal Time/ FPS Russia - Meat Shield

lesserfool says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

You're missing the point. This is a community designed to find and promote thought-provoking and interesting videos you normally wouldn't stumble across otherwise.
So besides that this is on the front page of Youtube for all the 14 years FPS videogame nerds [you included apparently] to gawk at and drool..
This series is utter garbage that everyone has already seen and it doesn't belong on this site.
Only thing a submission like this does is push more interesting, original, engaging, thought-provoking content off the front page.
So you don't go waggling your bright pink "if you don't like it. LEAVE!" dildo dick around without understanding the type of website and community you signed up for.
>> ^albrite30:
>> ^KnivesOut:
@albrite30 are you suggesting that someone should not be opinionated on the INTERNETS?!?!!!

Oh I don't think people shouldn't be opinionated on the internet. Not at all. But if you really know that you don't like something, then why torture yourself.

We don't take kindly to any sign of pop-culture on Videosift. We are intellectuals that enjoy cat farts on another level.

Epic Meal Time/ FPS Russia - Meat Shield

GenjiKilpatrick says...

You're missing the point. This is a community designed to find and promote thought-provoking and interesting videos you normally wouldn't stumble across otherwise.

So besides that this is on the front page of Youtube for all the 14 years FPS videogame nerds [you included apparently] to gawk at and drool..

This series is utter garbage that everyone has already seen and it doesn't belong on this site.

Only thing a submission like this does is push more interesting, original, engaging, thought-provoking content off the front page.

So you don't go waggling your bright pink "if you don't like it. LEAVE!" dildo dick around without understanding the type of website and community you signed up for.

>> ^albrite30:

>> ^KnivesOut:
@albrite30 are you suggesting that someone should not be opinionated on the INTERNETS?!?!!!

Oh I don't think people shouldn't be opinionated on the internet. Not at all. But if you really know that you don't like something, then why torture yourself.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

If you want to make fun of me, feel free. It doesn't bother me. I also have nothing to apologize for, since I said what I said for UPs benefit. I hope she took it to heart and thought twice about what she was doing.

I really do look like Jesus, at least the white guy version. That's not a bad acid trip, that is just reality. Obviously there is no comparison, and I'll be to be the first to admit that I am an unworthy servant. I honestly don't think I am better than anyone else, and I don't judge anyone here. I judge their behavior, sure, but not their person.

You can call me delusional all you want, and I will call you foolish and ignorant. Doesn't really get us anywhere. If you just want to be immature, I can't stop you. I don't think anything bad about you, in fact I pray for you at times but I always have trouble pronouncing your name. God bless.

>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^shinyblurry:
Again, reading comprehension? I didn't call her a harlot, I said she was acting like one. I don't think I am superior morally, as we are all sinners who deserve death and hell. However, God provides a superior morality, and if you aren't following that you are dead in your sins. I want to ask you, why do you always chase me around with this passive aggressive commentary? You cannot help but heap insults on me, but it is simply trite and immature from my POV. How about instead of nipping at my heels you actually engage me with some original thought. Do you have anything swimming around upstairs besides empty criticism?
>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^shinyblurry:
I didn't call her names, I criticized her behavior. Perhaps english is your second language. I was honestly trying to get her to see that she was stepping over a line she didn't want to cross. Perhaps that doesn't seem loving, but there was an ugly spirit at work there and it needed to be confronted. In the midst of all the drooling male carnality, I was the only one attempting to be self-righteous.
>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^shinyblurry:
I only called her a whore because I want to spread the love of Jesus Christ.

Oh, OK. Cool.

Calling someone a "harlot", while maybe a bit outdated, is exactly the same as calling them a whore.
There are many words that were once technical terms, that are now considered hurtful and mean-spirited. Words like: moron, retard, douche-bag, imbecile, idiot and yes, harlot, were once considered to carry no negative connotations at all. So using your example, there was a time long ago when a medical professional might have said something like: "Shinyblurry is a moronic retard who's personality resembles that of a bag containing the contents from a filthy harlot's freshly-washed vagina." But here in the twenty-first century, English doesn't have to be your first language for you to realize that when someone calls another person a harlot, they are trying to hurt their feelings and degrade them. Which in your case, was merely a function of trying to express your moral superiority.
And by the way: The word "English" is a proper noun, and should be capitalized.

Shiny, I tried engaging you when you first started commenting here. But you've proven time and again that you are completely incapable of "original thought". Your entire world-view is based on other people's interpretations of the bible, and a bad acid trip that convinced you that you looked like Jesus. I have some news for you: you're not Jesus. The only reason I leave comments on your posts anymore is to poke fun at your completely delusional view of the world. I was done attempting to engage you a long time ago.
You don't actually think that using a simile to insult someone makes the insult OK. You just think that there's someone out there dumb enough to care about your defense of your callous, insensitive comment that they might be swayed by your pathetic excuses. The irony is, if you weren't so insulting to everyone you condescend to, you might actually make the connections you're seeking.
I didn't leave a comment on your profile. I left a comment on Fusionaut's profile to make fun of you.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

Again, reading comprehension? I didn't call her a harlot, I said she was acting like one. I don't think I am superior morally, as we are all sinners who deserve death and hell. However, God provides a superior morality, and if you aren't following that you are dead in your sins. I want to ask you, why do you always chase me around with this passive aggressive commentary? You cannot help but heap insults on me, but it is simply trite and immature from my POV. How about instead of nipping at my heels you actually engage me with some original thought. Do you have anything swimming around upstairs besides empty criticism?
>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^shinyblurry:
I didn't call her names, I criticized her behavior. Perhaps english is your second language. I was honestly trying to get her to see that she was stepping over a line she didn't want to cross. Perhaps that doesn't seem loving, but there was an ugly spirit at work there and it needed to be confronted. In the midst of all the drooling male carnality, I was the only one attempting to be self-righteous.
>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^shinyblurry:
I only called her a whore because I want to spread the love of Jesus Christ.

Oh, OK. Cool.

Calling someone a "harlot", while maybe a bit outdated, is exactly the same as calling them a whore.
There are many words that were once technical terms, that are now considered hurtful and mean-spirited. Words like: moron, retard, douche-bag, imbecile, idiot and yes, harlot, were once considered to carry no negative connotations at all. So using your example, there was a time long ago when a medical professional might have said something like: "Shinyblurry is a moronic retard who's personality resembles that of a bag containing the contents from a filthy harlot's freshly-washed vagina." But here in the twenty-first century, English doesn't have to be your first language for you to realize that when someone calls another person a harlot, they are trying to hurt their feelings and degrade them. Which in your case, was merely a function of trying to express your moral superiority.
And by the way: The word "English" is a proper noun, and should be capitalized.

Shiny, I tried engaging you when you first started commenting here. But you've proven time and again that you are completely incapable of "original thought". Your entire world-view is based on other people's interpretations of the bible, and a bad acid trip that convinced you that you looked like Jesus. I have some news for you: you're not Jesus. The only reason I leave comments on your posts anymore is to poke fun at your completely delusional view of the world. I was done attempting to engage you a long time ago.

You don't actually think that using a simile to insult someone makes the insult OK. You just think that there's someone out there dumb enough to care about your defense of your callous, insensitive comment that they might be swayed by your pathetic excuses. The irony is, if you weren't so insulting to everyone you condescend to, you might actually make the connections you're seeking.

I didn't leave a comment on your profile. I left a comment on Fusionaut's profile to make fun of you.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

Again, reading comprehension? I didn't call her a harlot, I said she was acting like one. I don't think I am superior morally, as we are all sinners who deserve death and hell. However, God provides a superior morality, and if you aren't following that you are dead in your sins. I want to ask you, why do you always chase me around with this passive aggressive commentary? You cannot help but heap insults on me, but it is simply trite and immature from my POV. How about instead of nipping at my heels you actually engage me with some original thought. Do you have anything swimming around upstairs besides empty criticism?

>> ^Ryjkyj:

>> ^shinyblurry:
I didn't call her names, I criticized her behavior. Perhaps english is your second language. I was honestly trying to get her to see that she was stepping over a line she didn't want to cross. Perhaps that doesn't seem loving, but there was an ugly spirit at work there and it needed to be confronted. In the midst of all the drooling male carnality, I was the only one attempting to be self-righteous.
>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^shinyblurry:
I only called her a whore because I want to spread the love of Jesus Christ.

Oh, OK. Cool.

Calling someone a "harlot", while maybe a bit outdated, is exactly the same as calling them a whore.
There are many words that were once technical terms, that are now considered hurtful and mean-spirited. Words like: moron, retard, douche-bag, imbecile, idiot and yes, harlot, were once considered to carry no negative connotations at all. So using your example, there was a time long ago when a medical professional might have said something like: "Shinyblurry is a moronic retard who's personality resembles that of a bag containing the contents from a filthy harlot's freshly-washed vagina." But here in the twenty-first century, English doesn't have to be your first language for you to realize that when someone calls another person a harlot, they are trying to hurt their feelings and degrade them. Which in your case, was merely a function of trying to express your moral superiority.
And by the way: The word "English" is a proper noun, and should be capitalized.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

I didn't call her names, I criticized her behavior. Perhaps english is your second language. I was honestly trying to get her to see that she was stepping over a line she didn't want to cross. Perhaps that doesn't seem loving, but there was an ugly spirit at work there and it needed to be confronted. In the midst of all the drooling male carnality, I was the only one attempting to be self-righteous.
>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^shinyblurry:
I only called her a whore because I want to spread the love of Jesus Christ.

Oh, OK. Cool.

Calling someone a "harlot", while maybe a bit outdated, is exactly the same as calling them a whore.

There are many words that were once technical terms, that are now considered hurtful and mean-spirited. Words like: moron, retard, douche-bag, imbecile, idiot and yes, harlot, were once considered to carry no negative connotations at all. So using your example, there was a time long ago when a medical professional might have said something like: "Shinyblurry is a moronic retard who's personality resembles that of a bag containing the contents from a filthy harlot's freshly-washed vagina." But here in the twenty-first century, English doesn't have to be your first language for you to realize that when someone calls another person a harlot, they are trying to hurt their feelings and degrade them. Which in your case, was merely a function of trying to express your moral superiority.

And by the way: The word "English" is a proper noun, and should be capitalized.

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