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Iron Body Technique

Stormsinger says...

Please note that you -never- see that drill bit even touch his skin, much less turn against it. And if you believe that's just a coincidence, then I've got some great land in Florida to sell you.

It's simple camera trickery. The -only- question left is, do they claim it is real, or do they just call it a performance. That's the difference between a con-man and a stage magician.

Mordhaus said:

Yes, the drill was not the right type of bit to go through flesh and he may have been pushing against it, but to not break the skin and for him to resist the pain, that is amazing.

Iron Body Technique

Mordhaus says...

If he was attempting to levitate or talk to the dead, I would agree. However, the human body is capable of many things that we would consider impossible. Consider small women lifting cars off their children, etc.

The brain and nervous system put limiters on our body to protect it, this is fact, however with training or via fight or flight response, it is possible to temporarily override those natural limitations to perform amazing feats.

Yes, the drill was not the right type of bit to go through flesh and he may have been pushing against it, but to not break the skin and for him to resist the pain, that is amazing. The title of the video does not mean I believe in some mystical technique that allows the body to resist damage, it was more of a joke. I do believe that through years of conditioning and training that this person has managed some feats that you or I would be seriously injured by.

Stormsinger said:

Gimmicks and trickery, just like levitation. He/they are con-artists, nothing more.

Iron Body Technique

newtboy says...

Only if you consider WWF 'wrestlers' con-artists. I see them as performers. Maybe I'm wrong and they claim it's all real (well, so do wrestlers when in character), but it's not like you can't see the guy pressing against the drill with his hand instead of his head. It's not as impressive as they 'claim', but is still impressive for what it actually is (well, some of it is, some is just totally silly, like wrestling).

Stormsinger said:

Gimmicks and trickery, just like levitation. He/they are con-artists, nothing more.

World's Smallest 3D Printed Cordless Drill

newtboy (Member Profile)

World's Smallest 3D Printed Cordless Drill

World's Smallest 3D Printed Cordless Drill

Oil of L.A.

Last Week Tonight: Tobacco's Legal Bullies

dannym3141 says...

Systemic corruption will bring this planet to its knees.

And we're all to blame. Unless we're willing to be actively involved in the democratic process, unless we're willing to use our overwhelming manpower to DEMAND justice and fairness, unless we drill into our children how important it is to be just and fair and involved, we will be exploited. And it IS happening on a grand scale.

It doesn't have to be like this, with the corruption in banking, politics, the tax loop-holes for the super rich and the toxic policies introduced for the benefit of corporations. All we have to do is decide to stand up together, for each other, and show them by our actions that we will not take it anymore.

My government won't even prosecute HSBC for illegal activity starving this country (and yours, probably) of untold billions in tax revenue, yet on a daily basis they stand in front of the cameras and tell us how lazy benefits claimants have bled our country dry. They have personally stolen millions from us, standing there in a suit confidently telling us they're going to crack down on cash-in-hand builders and the like. I suspect if we start down that particular rabbit hole, we will be left in awe of just how deep it goes - right to the very top of probably every single developed nation's government, possibly for decades. They have been fostering this environment for a long time, steering us to a point where they hold all the cards.

I hate to think i've become a tinfoil hatter, but just look at what's going on.... How can they say that they'll pursue benefits claimants and VAT-dodges to the end of the earth, but not say a single word about HSBC helping millionaires and billionaires not to pay tax? How can i possibly not see that as a conspiracy? They don't go after HSBC because they are DONORS and FRIENDS.

This isn't stuff i'm making up. It's true, it's real and it's a fucking scary Orwellian nightmare. The guy who leaked the HSBC stuff very recently announced that there are a lot more devastating revelations to come!! (which i read courtesy of al jazeera)

How fracking works

Fairbs says...

I did some research and it looks like there was a rebuttal by the gas industry which was then rebutted by the film makers. This article... explores the main points of contention which to me doesn't prove the gas companies case. They like to say that it's not the fracking process that creates problems, but the well drilling as if they are separate which they are not. The methane in the water they light on fire is said to come from a 50 year old well where the casing failed. The desire to frack is creating the need for more well drilling and increases the number of points where a problem can occur. All of these wells will eventually become 50 years old so there's not much difference in my mind. I agree, we don't have enough data to know how safe it is, but already it doesn't look safe enough to me.

newtboy said:

Unfortunately, there have at least been numerous accusations that they hooked propane up to the water lines and other trickery to film Gasland, so it does not have a shining clean record of being fair and impartial.
That said, I think there is plenty of independent evidence that water contamination has occurred, and it at least appears that it increases the likelihood of earthquakes exponentially, even in areas that have no recorded activity. At best, we don't know the long term effects, and I think we should be cautious until we do since the possible consequences are so terrible and irreversable.

How fracking works

BoneRemake says...

I have first hand knowledge of oil well drilling and completion, This video depicts the processes used in fracking and you "hippies" are just ganging on a video to shout on your mounds sound bite tripe. The poster seems to have posted it for informative purposes and then you rats come and jump on board. Your informed and honest opinions are misplaced on a good video, downvotes for it are in the range of retarded.

How fracking works

newtboy jokingly says...

Tin foil hat wearing newtboy is not angrily screaming on the street corner to no one.

EDIT:YT description...industry description of their video includes the word "safe" twice in describing an unsafe practice, and "environmentally responsible" to describe an environmentally disastrous process....but not propaganda?

"Safe, cost-effective refinements in hydraulic fracturing (also known as fracking), horizontal drilling and other innovations now allow for the production of oil and natural gas from tight shale formations that previously were inaccessible. This video introduces the proven techniques used to extract resources from shale formations in a safe, environmentally responsible manner."

OK then. Guess I'm just a nut job.

BoneRemake said:


Avokineok (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

You do not seem to understand when a video does exactly what it says it is going to do, explain the process of fracking, it even showed you the drilling part, the casing part, how they set the charges and what they do...

Made by an oil company yes, to explain the process of fracking ! There isn't lollipops flowing out of the ground down there. How about a video showing how a car is made, is that propaganda as well ? stupid cars burn gasoline and use oil and radiator fluid, are you aware how much downstream damage radiator fluid causes when it gets into freshwater ? why don't we all jump down every how it's made or done video.

Avokineok said:

You don't seem to understand propaganda when you see it.

Made by an oil company.. No? Still don't see any reason for this video to be propaganda?

Just watch this movie in full, which you might consider another kind of propoganda and tell me what you think about this movie..

How fracking works

newtboy says...


The entire video is designed to convince watchers that it's "safe" because they use casings and cement, and that it doesn't contaminate because of these methods. They say exactly that, how we "safely " extract and deliver oil...History has proven it's not safe to drill or transport and does contaminate groundwater and surface land/water, therefore 'propaganda'. If they had not used the word "safe" I might give them more of a pass.
It is informative to an extent, but is also designed as propaganda with so many glaring ommissions of fact, and downright lies (like their incomplete list of chemicals), not a technical teaching tool.
I note they pretend to tell you what's in the fluid, but in reality it's a trade secret they won't even tell the fed, and have purchased exemptions from the laws governing drilling and contamination so they never have to tell anyone what it is, and are exempt from prosecution when they contaminate.
I also note they never mention earthquakes.

To me, this is like a meth head telling people they should try Krocodile, it's cheaper and you can make it at home! They ignore the fact that it kills you pretty fast.
You can support anything if you ignore the damage it does and only look at the good. When you do that, it's called propaganda.

How fracking works

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'drilling, gas, oil, hydraulic, fracturing, fracking' to 'drilling, gas, oil, hydraulic fracturing, fracking, well site, whipstock, lease' - edited by BoneRemake

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