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Massive Methane Leak-Ecological Disaster In California

eric3579 says...

It amazes me they are able to keep this disaster quiet. Nothing for two months. How does that happen?

Updates on the story.

"The company's plan to drill a relief well is now underway, reports the Daily News, and they're drilling a second, backup relief well too, in case the first one doesn't do the trick. The main relief well won't be complete until March, though; the backup well will only begin to be drilled in January, with completion taking between three and four months."
More complete info in the story.

How they located the leak and other things

King Tut Tomb Scans Support Theory of Hidden Chamber

Dad builds his son a Dinosaur!

Can You See the Fire? -- Extreme Science #2

newtboy says...

How funny, I was talking about this yesterday when my wife showed me a picture of the 'gates of hell' in Uzbekistan (I think)....a drilling disaster that caught fire in the 70's and was expected to burn out in a few days...and it's also still burning today.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Guns with History

bremnet says...

Congratulations. You've managed to capture the entire diversity of the US by visiting several times and not get shot or had a gun pointed at you. This is like forming an opinion about whether sharks will bite humans after you've laid on the beach once or twice and have never been bitten. Searching for some relevance here... and ... nope, none.

Agreed, if your gun is in a traditional safe, it's not much good when the burglars or home invasion psychos kick in your front door at 2 a.m. Jim Jeffries is indeed a funny guy, but like many who don't understand what "for protection" means to some homeowners here in the US, you might want to cite a bit more credible source or at least educate yourself.

Thanks to biometric safes and locking devices, it is quite easy to have a secured gun in a safe at arms reach, accessible to only one person, that can be unsecured, ready to fire in about 4 seconds. I know this to be true, because I have such a setup, and we practice what to do when the home alarm goes off just like we practice fire drills.

The distressing part is I absolutely hate having to be in such a situation. I'm no cowboy and this isn't the wild west, but when families around me are having their doors kicked in in the middle of the night by armed thugs, or having one or two fuckheads follow them up the driveway for an easy push-in robbery accompanied by beatings, shootings, molestation and sometimes killing, I decided that there would be no way I could live with myself if something tragic ever happened to my family at the hands of these nut jobs, knowing I might have been able to do something to stop it. And no, one can't relay on the local police to take care of these crimes. Around here, even with a top notch alarm system in the house that goes directly to dispatch, the cops usually arrive to clean up the blood and take statements, and almost never in time to stop the crime or catch the criminals.

Do you have house, car, fire or life insurance? Sure, but you hope you'll never have to use it. So, what's so unbelievable about a gun for protection? What do you suggest? You appear to think it's silly to state it's for protection... so does one simply relying on hope, faith or good luck in never having to witness your wife or child being duct taped to a chair while criminals rummage through your house, or having their head kicked in or bloodied on the end of a baseball bat?

Just a suggestions, but try to spend some time as an actual resident in a country before you pretend to understand it, consider yourself fortunate that you don't live in such a situation, and for fucks sake stop with the snide, morally superior judgement of those who do. If you can muster that, on a guess that you might be from NZ but really don't know, I'll stop telling everyone that Kiwi's really do fuck sheep, especially on National Lamb Day when it's a competition rather than just a hobby.

Have fun.

ChaosEngine said:

It always amazes me whenever someone says they want a gun "for protection".

The U.S. is not the wild west anymore; I've been there several times and no one shot me, shot at me or even pointed a gun at me.

In NZ, if you want to buy a gun, you have to apply for a firearms license. If you don't have mental illness or a criminal record, you then state your reason for applying:
Hunting? Sweet, get some venison!
Target shooting? Awesome, have fun on the range!
Protection? Licence denied. We're all good without amateur idiots running around being paranoid.

Because of this, if you have a gun it is legally required to be secured in a gun safe. As Jim Jeffries puts it, a gun in a gun safe isn't much good if you want it for "protection"

"Some of the guys aren't even remotely smiling" Amy rocks it

Asmo says...

He answered the question you asked, you just couldn't let go of your desire to make everyone think the same way as you. You did not accept his response and kept drilling for a deeper underlying cause.

I feel sorry for the feminists who know you, don't think Schumer is funny and are completely unaware they are about to be saturated with your "questions" aka badgering until everyone gives up and agrees with you just to shut you up... =)

As to why (or even whether) it's important to me, it's because you have every right to your opinion, but you've crossed over to telling people what their opinion is, and what it should be.


Recap of our convo:

You: I don't think she's funny.

Me: Wondering if this comedy is directed at you.

You: Nah, I don't think she is funny.

Me: I hear you. Let me tell you why I find her funny.

You: Nah, you're wrong, I don't think she is funny.

Your last response "should" have been -- Huh. So that is why you think she is funny. I still don't find her funny. Or maybe -- Huh. I don't want to think about it. Don't bother me with your opinion.

Ulysses never said that you were wrong, just that he disagreed with you. You're rewriting the conversation to justify the continuing role as a victim in all this. And also presuming that anyone actually cares why you think she's funny (you can have an opinion, as can anyone, but it's not a right to force it on others ; ).

We get it, you find her funny. I don't have a problem with that, you are not wrong or somehow deficient for enjoying humour that I do not. You finding her funny is not something I have a problem with. Your attitude to people who don't find her funny is. I hope this has clarified my position, but I sincerely doubt it'll make a difference... =D


bareboards2 said:

My curiosity clearly wasn't sated, or I wouldn't have asked my question.

I am actually really intrigued by this, and plan on asking lots of people.

I know that there will probably be feminists who don't like her. I am really interested in engaging with them about what they don't like.

Why is this so important to you? Why do you need me to not ask my questions? Why the angry words being ascribed to me?

See? Now I have more questions. Wanna keep going?

I don't.


Extreme reduction gearing - 1:11,373,076

Move it - stupid man

charliem says...

Spent my formative years in the aussie army cadet corps, we use the exact same drill book as the uk army more or less. Something to do with history...

Payback said:

I bow to your superior knowledge.

Which doesn't have to be much, as I know less than Jon Snow even when he was still alive.

Move it - stupid man

charliem says...

Its the section commander (secco) that shouted (highlighted by lucky above), and likely the platoon sergeant (dude in front), or one of the bystanders that said move.

They are well within their rights to command civilians to make way for the drill formation.

It is not a catafalque parade, no such restrictions on keepin yer trap shut exist in normal drill for seccos or platoon sergeants.

police detaining a person for no reason

newtboy says...

I must say, I wish it was alien to me as well. It is a disturbing thing to have to fear any interaction with those charged with my safety, but it's the only reasonable reaction when you have had the types of disrespectful interactions I've consistently had with police, no matter how compliant and respectful I was, invariably they are disrespectful, angry, and dishonest.

I grew up believing that cops were there to help citizens and that telling the truth to them is always the best thing to do. Personal and familial experience has dissuaded me of that belief thoroughly.

I'm also a middle-class, middle-aged, straight, white dude, but because I've lived in poor (largely black) areas I have been repeatedly targeted by police for 'sticking out'.

I've seen numerous close family members believe cop's lies, say too much trying to be helpful and/or truthful, and charged with crimes for what they revealed, or in some cases what the cop SAID they revealed. I've personally had cops lie on the stand about what I've said and/or done in their presence, and had them caught by the judge (lucky me) in the lies. Friends and family were not so lucky, and some of them did serious time for things they either did not do or things they were told would be ignored if they just told the nice friendly cops where the fireworks/pot/beer/anything they need to know about/etc. was, then when they tell the truth, officer friendly morphs into angry drill sergeant who charges them with any possible infraction he can think of and off to jail they go charged with the crimes they were promised would be ignored or crimes the officers created by lying.

When you see this behavior repeated time and time again, directed towards quite different people, one must conclude that it's an issue with those in the profession, not any personal issue by the victims. It's quite sad.

ChaosEngine said:

I have to admit, this kind of thinking is alien to me.

Maybe it's because I don't live in the US, maybe it's because I'm a middle-class, middle-aged, straight, white dude, but I simply don't have this kind of adversarial relationship with cops.

Even in the last few times I was in the US, every interaction I've had with police was courteous and respectful, even when I was in the wrong (like when I was pulled over for speeding).

Same in NZ. I don't have many official interactions with cops, a few random alcohol breath tests, pulled over once for speeding, but again they've always been fine.

Now, I absolutely would take this line if I encountered a situation like the one portrayed here, but as a general rule, I don't think most cops are out to get me, and again, maybe that's just because I'm not their target demographic.

don't frack with denton-small towns fight against big oil

don't frack with denton-small towns fight against big oil

newtboy says...

Sugar/sand in the gas tanks/air intakes people. Drill rigs don't work too well when their motors seize up, and oil and gas companies will only try so many times before realizing the community won't let them be super villains (who else has earthquake machines?).

Pedestrian bridge is built for safety

Bruti79 says...

It's amazing the thought process here. They had to take those wires down, drill two holes through the stairs, and then run them though. Wouldn't it have been easier just to guide the wires around the structure when they were putting them back up?

Iron Body Technique

Mystic95Z says...

Bahahahah yeah the drill bit part was fake as hell. I guarantee in the time that drill was spinning I could have split his skull....

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