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Texas Cop Vapes Confiscated Weed on Cruiser Camera

Texas Cop Vapes Confiscated Weed on Cruiser Camera

newtboy says...

Just gonna leave this here….
Child and animal rapists and kiddy porn producers deputy Dennis Perkins and Cynthia Perkins.

Raped and videoed themselves raping children and animals, and mixed his semen into cupcakes they fed to her students and photographed the children eating them for later sexual gratification.

She’s plead guilty and accepted a 40 year sentence in return for testifying against her cop ex husband, he’s forcing his victims to relive the abuse in court.

Another fine example of our boys in blue.

C-note (Member Profile)

Texas Cop Vapes Confiscated Weed on Cruiser Camera

newtboy says...

Case and point,
If you haven’t seen it yet, this fresh on the job good cop got strangled for stopping her sergeant from pepper spraying a handcuffed suspect already in the cop car….as she was instructed to do.
He’s finally on vacation as of late January (the event happened on November 19, and his supervisory duties were temporarily suspended) and his union is standing by him 100%, as is the police commissioner, whining that the mayor called the sergeant’s actions disgusting, outrageous because he’s not convicted of a crime, and in the same breath whining “ The fact that was a 911 call came over of a piece of shit beating up somebody, and then this is how it all started. That’s the sad part about this. It got thrown onto this and spun in a way so ridiculous right now, it is like beyond,”.
It’s the third official report of his being unnecessarily violent.
Right, ridiculous to investigate a cop on videos committing felony assaults.

Kinda odd they aren’t standing with the cop that stopped a violent abuse of power, and instead back the out of control violent cop that attacked her on camera.

surfingyt said:

initially some do exist but when their union and coworkers cover up all the time and IA is defunded and simpletons like beeeewb bootlick all day the whole bushel goes. this dolt was probably praised most of his career for his continuous quota busting record, instead it should be a red flag.

Texas Cop Vapes Confiscated Weed on Cruiser Camera

newtboy says...

21 cases of tampering with evidence in 6 months, theft, armed robbery, felony possession of controlled substances, felony driving under the influence of a controlled substance, lying on an official report, abuse of power, and intoxication on duty by a police officer and he got two years probation? After his force tried to hide what happened, delay, mitigate, minimize, etc.

In Texas, he should be getting life in prison for the marijuana alone and every penny he or his family has should go to repaying the hundreds of people he illegally arrested, including his pension….his department on the hook for the rest.

*promote exposing exactly who the absolute best in law enforcement really are. A rock star, dedicated, decorated super cop….their golden boy….more of a criminal than everyone he ever arrested combined. Typical.

Where are the good apples. I’ve never seen one. Just a few bad apples, and a few more, couple more, one more bushels, a few trucks full, and 17 train loads, and 4 super size cargo ships full…not a good one to be found in the bunch.

Pence Finally Tells The Truth

vil says...

So basically the Trumpist argument is that if only Pence had come along the heist would have worked and no-one would have been caught stealing and killing a cop?

eric3579 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Right? A bit too close to accomplice for my taste.

I think the same way about slim Jims. Only tow truck drivers and cops have a legitimate use for that tool, and I’m pretty certain people have been charged for having them (possibly in conjunction with getting caught in the act of breaking into cars though).

I’m pretty sure a tool specifically designed for breaking locks open and useless for anything else would satisfy the “intent” portion. A good prosecutor could successfully argue that point. A screwdriver might be carried for any number of uses, this is only for opening locked stores (the only places with those kinds of locks that I can think of). It’s certainly enough for arrest if not conviction.

eric3579 said:

He's not selling "burglary tools" anymore than Home Depot is, but i know what you're saying. It sure doesn't feel right for him to sell what he does.

By California law it's no more a burglary tool then a screwdriver is. Intent to break in must be proven for the tool to be deemed illegal to be in possession of. California Penal Code 466

Ohio Turnpike snowplow damages 40 vehicles, injures 12

newtboy says...

Administrative leave for almost murdering over 40 people!? Is he a cop?
That plow driver needs to see prison time and be forced to pay for all damages personally, not the state. This wasn’t negligence, it was gross near deadly negligence.

Sioux Falls police officer delivers DoorDash order

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, Trump has now publicly promised to pardon the murderous cop killing seditionists if he’s re-elected.

It makes me wonder, do they even know that they admit guilt by accepting a pardon, and that unlikely to be president Trump can’t pardon them from most of the consequences of admitting to being a seditionist traitor…only the prison time? Anyone pardoned will have a nice red “T” tattooed on their foreheads for life. (The scarlet letter for traitors)

Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt, offering a pardon is an admission of recognition of their guilt. Their lives are going to be seriously impacted by admitting to being treasonous seditionists, relegated to pure Trumpist events, businesses, and employment because most companies don’t serve or employ known traitors….only the Trump loving ones do.

BTW….Trump just also admitted publicly to pushing Pence to CHANGE the election results, claims he had the power to overturn verified and certified election results, and complaining that unfortunately, Pence didn’t “overturn the election” and call it for the loser. This is Trump admitting he lost (you don’t change the results when you won), and whining that they should have been allowed to steal the office anyway.

I guess according to Trumpsters, Biden already won 2024 because Harris can hand all votes to him no matter what the states say, then to whatever democrat comes after him in 28, even herself.

Forget 2024, in fact forget all elections…you KNOW the process is rigged and now Biden is president, might as well not vote, since he rigged the last one so masterfully from the outside that no evidence of tampering exists….how well do you think he’ll do now that he controls the election? Zero votes for Republicans? Better stay home in protest, your vote won’t count anyway. Even if he loses, Harris will hand him the win, totally above board and legally. That’s what Trump wants you to believe….so believe it.
This is you guy? This is you pick?

Oh yeah, and Biden’s first year in office was the fastest growth of the economy in 40 years! D’oh!

Sioux Falls police officer delivers DoorDash order

newtboy says...

At first I was annoyed that a cop, in uniform on payroll and on duty, using his official police car, was delivering food as a side hustle.
When he said the delivery driver had been arrested (I can’t make out why) my estimation went from double dipping for extra cash to doing a good deed for an uninvolved citizen.

I was a delivery driver as a teen, delivering lunch to offices in Silicon Valley, so often $200- $400 orders. I once got in a wreck on a delivery and my first thought was “how do I deliver this food before it gets cold?”. Fortunately, our company used radios and they just sent another driver to make the delivery (and get my tip). I don’t know if door dash has the ability to reassign deliveries, but it’s nice (and out of character) of the officer to drop it off for free.

Sioux Falls police officer delivers DoorDash order

eric3579 says...

My reaction was that this officer was being empathetic towards a citizen. All things being equal i'd say this act points to him being the kind of cop you might like to have around.

I'm guessing the way this act is perceived by the viewer has much to do about the type person one is. I see an empathetic cop doing right by someone when he didn't have to. Others may see him as not doing his job properly on the tax payers dime. I think its ridiculous to think his reason for doing it was to benefit the corporation.

I think there are plenty of cops that do things that aren't required of them, and only because it helps someone out or makes them happy in some way. More of them please.

Mind Bending Physics Toy - Tensegrity Sculpture From LEGO

noims says...

On the back of this I decided to make my own with the lego I have at home. It's far far uglier than the one in the video, but it's got Ahsoka Tano using the force to hold it up instead of a cop, so it's objectively better.

It does have a tendency to fall over sideways, but that almost adds to the illusion.

Let's talk about questions and the Potter case....

newtboy says...

There you go again, insisting that if police can’t kill with impunity and immunity, then anarchy will rule, there will be no police, and crime rates will skyrocket, making the US into Thunderdome in months.

Infantile, ignorant, and asinine, police in almost every other country kill far less than American police who kill around 3 people per day on average. In many countries they don’t carry guns, without a massive jump in crime. Imagine that. Are you saying US police are so incompetent that every other nation can police itself without letting them murder over nothing but contempt of cop, but divided America is totally incapable of that type of policing?

I would remind you, in the racist, sexist fantasy time period Trumpists wish to return to, police murdered non whites routinely and without fear. Wanting to return to that is pure racism…not surprising. Also, the Uber rich payed over 90% in taxes, without going bankrupt or just shutting down. Your “capitalist utopia” doesn’t exist without taxes at 3 times what they are now without loopholes. D’oh!
(For tax years 1944 through 1951, the highest marginal tax rate for individuals was 91%, increasing to 92% for 1952 and 1953, and reverting to 91% 1954 through 1963. For the 1964 tax year, the top marginal tax rate for individuals was lowered to 77%, and then to 70% for tax years 1965 through 1981)

I would also remind you how you screamed and cried over that terrorist bitch that was shot attacking the capitol with hundreds of armed violent cohorts that had already murdered and disabled dozens of police. You absolutely wanted that officer prosecuted if not just lynched….for a good shoot of a violent attacking murderer (part of the violent murdering mob makes you a murderer). Your blatant undeniable racist prejudice and obvious hypocrisy are showing, Bobby.

If police need to murder unarmed citizens over misdemeanors, they should absolutely stand down as that makes them the murderous criminal gang, not the police.

bobknight33 said:

Crime will go up and police will do less.
Already at record highs but will go even higher.

Cops should just stand down.

Let's talk about questions and the Potter case....

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