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General Mark Milley hits back at uproar over critical race..

newtboy says...

Learning about Trump is ok. Demanding he was legitimate is wrong.

Only one party is calling for dissolution of the union because they lost an election, and only one party wants another violence filled, nation destroying, murderous civil war. Which party was that again? Oh yeah, the one who claimed to be pro police and pro military but turns on the police and military at the drop of a hat if they dare to contradict your infantile lies and insanity.
The right is insanely more dangerous, terroristic, violent, dishonest, and caused more damage and deaths in the last 2 years than the left by any measure.

The right is far more dangerous than the right, they're terrorists complete with Molotovs, bombs, manifestos, death threats, and enemies lists. 1/2 the violence you accuse BLM of perpetrating was right wing false flag operations according to Trump's DOJ....and 100% of attempted government overthrows, and 100% of armed capitol building takeovers, not JUST the one on Jan 6. Also, the right has a monopoly on attempted kidnapping of elected officials, again, not JUST the attempts on Jan 6. now that it's clear even to you that Antifa didn't lead the failed coup, now that every person identified is a Trumptard, you deny Jan 6 happened. It went from Jan 5 - Jan 7 this year in your head. You've been listening to crackheads too much.

Edit: When are you going to toss out the new conspiracy theory, that the FBI faked it all, everyone there was a fake Trumptard just pretending to follow Trump's every word, all done just to make Trump look bad, and Damn are they good. They're so good they have been planning it since Trump announced his candidacy and constantly since, leaving records online for 5 years to throw you off the track, and continuing the charade in courts and prisons. Apparently they also have a time machine so they knew in summer 2016 that Trump would lose in 2020 and claim fraud, because the plan to paint the right as treasonous, the plan that had to start as the biggest, longest undercover off the books operation ever starting pre 2016, required that.

Such disgraceful idiocy, Bobby. Abandoning reality because it's just too hard.

Cry us another river of little girl tears, they're so yummy, you guys!

bobknight33 said:

Leaning about CRT is ok Demanding that this is legitimate is wrong.

The left are far more dangerous than the right.
No one tried to overthrow the government .

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now that Trump is admitting publicly (on Hannity) that he knows (and always knew) he legitimately didn't win the 2020 election, are you ready to admit it too?

How about, since Trump is selling pricy tickets to his idiot tour with Hannity with scheduled dates through December, meaning he knows full well that the dumb lie that he will return to office in August is a nothing burger lie....are you ready yet to admit he cannot return to power without a civil war fought for one person...a civil war you snowflakes are no where near prepared to wage? He is. Apparently this has pissed off the Q crowd who are finally beginning to see they've been duped for 5 years, just like everyone told you.

Incoherent Biden

newtboy says...

Highly edited makes it fake....and just dumb. Editing hours of speaking for one minute of stuttering is laughable, especially since you can get the same amount of inability to speak from any two minutes of any Trump speech.

Every time you feel like talking shit about your president, remember, Joe kicked Trump's ass handily without breaking a sweat. Trump pulled out all the stops and spent hundreds of millions he didn't have, Biden, as you loved to say, campaigned from his basement and had millions left over. Even taking it easy, Biden beat Trump like a red headed step child.
Because Trump is a proud unapologetic and constant liar, he's deranged, evil, hyper criminal, mentally unstable, old, feeble, pedophilic, narcissistic, divisive, dumb, treasonous, a repeatedly convicted fraud and thief, likely a pill popper, a rapist dozens of times over by his own admission, 100% disloyal, a child abuser, and cannot string together an entire sentence or pronounce English. His administration had more felons, and committed more felonies than all administrations before him, and more Americans unnecessarily died from his actions and lack thereof than in almost all wars America has fought combined (besides the civil war)
Biden sometimes has temporary trouble speaking smoothly.
Thousands of videos point this out, but you are willfully blind. I'm certain his inability to speak or walk up or down stairs or ramps or to think won't stop you from voting for Trump in 24, ensuring a second Biden term. I think you'll vote Trump even if he's in a prison hospital drooling on himself.

This is the problem with Trump derangement syndrome, it makes you not comprehend that everything you want to complain about from Biden is 10 times worse in Trump. Whatever ridiculousness you spout about Biden's abilities only makes his wiping the floor with Trump without effort all the more sure, Biden is old, stuttering, feeble, weak, and tired....and he kicked Trump's ass in a historic landslide from his basement without even trying, and continues to thoroughly kick his ass in approval ratings. LMFAHS!!

Joe has the cognitive skills to be Potus, always has, and most of America agrees....more than EVER thought Trump was qualified in any way, especially cognitive skills. Remember the redrawn hurricane map he was so demented he thought looked unadulterated with his fat sharpie? Covfefe.

Biden's approval rating has never been as low as Trump's highest point.

So sad, little Bobby. Such kindergarten argument. Your juice box went bad and now you've just got sour grapes. Change your soiled panties, dry your cheeks, wipe that snot off your face, and grow the fuck up, buddy.

A stutter/stammer is not an indicator of mental decline, but Trump shows ALL the signs....did you drink your bleach yet? Why not, if Trump wasn't demented to suggest it?

You think Donny had, and still has the cognitive skills to be president, so your opinion is already clearly invalid. Enjoy the next 15 3/4 years, if that's the best you can come up with against Biden and Harris you're in for a long haul of losing.

Winning....big daddy Biden kicking ass and taking names!! Lol.

bobknight33 said:

Highly edited but not faked.

Joe is past his prime for being POTUS,
Joe is just a old man who should be sipping lemonade on the porch with the grand kids.

This vid and many many more point this out.

To think Joe has the cognitive skills to be POTUS at this point of his life is a farce.

Nov 3rd, 202, Atlanta’s State Farm Arena Fulton County

newtboy says...

Stop the insanity!

Fake news is the only one telling you there was fraud. Courts have rejected every accusation because there's zero proof, not just the media, true no matter what newsmax and OAN tells you. They only exist to lie to you, and even they have retracted most of their baseless claims because the libel / slander suits over their indefensible blatant and repeated lies would end them. Remember when they claimed for over a month that long dead dictator Hugo Chavez was behind the fake fraud! LMFAHS!

There was no significant fraud, and no evidence of democratic fraud at all so far, despite 70 million gullible snowflakes looking for it. Stop being a sore loser crybaby.

Not a single verified instance of democrat fraud has been found, but numerous republican fraud cases have or are being prosecuted in actual courts, so your point here is Trump cannot be president because of this campaign of one sided voter fraud?

Don't worry, he won't be, and the suggestion that the new Senate could ignore the overwhelming landslide vote for Biden, the most any candidate has gotten by over 8 million, and install their historically unpopular choice may sway Georgia to go blue, it's certainly going to get democrats worried enough to go vote, and with the illegal voter roll purges of tens of thousands of voters republican representatives tried to sneak by since the election nearly exclusively in democratic districts reversed they've got the numbers.

If republicans stage a coup, expect the same "civil unrest" (read "civil war") right wing losers threaten, patriots won't stand for a coup in this country. When congress chose the president before there were 4 candidates with electoral votes, no one candidate had over half the electoral votes, that's not the case this time by any stretch, and is something specifically required in the constitution to give them the power. As usual, you're comparing imaginary rotten apples to oranges.

Edit: It should be noted that there is not one single person who is not in the cult of Trump that thinks he won, not one that thinks there were more irregularities in this election than in the 2016 election that made him president, and not one that believes installing him as the unelected president is good for the country. It's the world and reality against your cult of personality.

bobknight33 said:

So much fraud in so many states.
Just because fake news say it isn't so does not fake them correct.

Because of all the fraud, Congress will have to debate the validity of the electors and probably will end up choosing the POTUS,per law. At least this isn't the first time. It has happened befor.

Trump: Biden Will "listen to the scientists"

BSR says...

It's his last act of defiance to start a civil war. You know, Hitler. In Trump's mind, he will always be President until he kicks the KFC bucket.

newtboy said:

I keep wondering why Trump keeps making "vote for Biden" commercials.

Notre Dame Faculty Pens Open Letter To Delay Hearings

newtboy says...

Agreed, no telling how they might interpret things now, especially when non constitutional lawyers with <3 years experience are considered reasonable.
True, people suggested wexit, I have but not really seriously, but I do not hear liberals constantly claiming "if you don't do what I say, we're going to start a civil war and kill you.

A peaceful Wexit would be awesome for the west, and disastrous for the remainder in the union. Without our economy, produce, and taxes, America would have folded decades ago. Since those that would balk are convinced we take more than we give the government, now is the time to try it. At least it would shut the morons pretending we are the takers up, they would be terrified if forced into reality.

Mordhaus said:

I just have a feeling. Could be wrong, could be right. It could be argued that since all 3 are supposed to be separate branches that congress adding more justices would be tampering with checks and balances. Then again, precedent might count in favor of it.

War/Secession isn't only a purview of the conservatives. I recall many people saying similar things when Bush/Trump was elected. Especially Trump, as I recall people saying California should leave the union etc. As I've told you before, I honestly think it might be the best solution at this point. Half of us bitterly disagree with the other half and it's getting worse every single election/year.

I'm old enough and jaded enough at this point that I figure it couldn't hurt. The USSR broke up, might as well be our turn.

Make America Great Again

newtboy says...

Except for Nazis and those threatening civil war if they don't always get their way.

moonsammy said:

Reminds me a lot of this video. We should all be highly suspect of anyone preaching that such-and-such group is a problem, or is planing to "destroy the country" or other vague alarming threats. All "othering," all encouragement of hatred, leads to evil ends.

Notre Dame Faculty Pens Open Letter To Delay Hearings

newtboy says...

Why? The constitution doesn't forbid it, and doesn't list the number of seats. Guaranteed if Trump/Republicans had considered it, it would already have been tried.

It could, Republicans threaten civil war every time it looks like they won't get their way on anything these days. Using their own politics of "because we can" would certainly enrage them....good thing they're mostly pussies, afraid of a deer, and obese. I think they'll shit themselves if confronted with an armed militia boy did. The difference being in war, the dems shoot back. Side note, who is more patriotic, the one's using the exact same politics they've endured from Republicans, or the one's who threaten to destroy the union and nation (too dumb to realize China and Russia would make us a proxy war then come in to collect the pieces).

All for gladiator games....or giant robot wars....or death races. Especially if the representatives have to fight personally.

Mordhaus said:

It would be incredibly likely that any attempt to add new seats to the Supreme Court would be found unconstitutional.

However, it wouldn't be the first time we have had more or fewer judges. This isn't something new as opposing political entities have done their best to stack the court, one way or the other, from the very beginning.

If it happens, it happens. Although I suspect it might lead to another civil war if it is obnoxious enough. Maybe we can end up in Districts this time, with some sort of gladiatorial display to keep the masses calm?

Notre Dame Faculty Pens Open Letter To Delay Hearings

Mordhaus says...

It would be incredibly likely that any attempt to add new seats to the Supreme Court would be found unconstitutional.

However, it wouldn't be the first time we have had more or fewer judges. This isn't something new as opposing political entities have done their best to stack the court, one way or the other, from the very beginning.

If it happens, it happens. Although I suspect it might lead to another civil war if it is obnoxious enough. Maybe we can end up in Districts this time, with some sort of gladiatorial display to keep the masses calm?

newtboy said:

I think it was more because Moscow Mitch made it clear was serious that he wasn't holding any confirmation hearings for Obama by not even hearing Merrick Garland, actually a republican pick, that he wasn't going to consider anyone Obama put forth.

The politics of "because I can", not serving the country or even his party, just his own animus.

This precedent is going to backfire big-time if, as appears likely, dems take the Whitehouse and Senate. Adding ten seats to the supreme court and filling them with far left activist judges might happen just because they can, and that's the standard now.

For all intents and purposes his powers are revoked when the Senate is only interested in obstructionism, like today's that won't consider bills and revels in their nickname "the chamber of death, where bills go to die".

The "lame duck" ploy was just pure "because we can"ism. No legal precedent, actually a dereliction of duty by congress ignoring what the constitution says they shall do. I sure as Fuck hope dems grow a spine and ignore all right wing arguments as they have ignored democrats, and play the politics of "because we can" through October 2024, then write an amendment to stop capping the supreme court at 19 forever and other instances where because I can-ism can override patriotism. If they don't exercise their power to the fullest, ignoring any attempt to reach across the aisle or compromising to get some bypartisanism in the next two years at a minimum (assuming they win), they'll deserve to be discarded.

Trump Holds Indoor Rally as Wildfires and Pandemic Rage

newtboy says...

Trump has blamed State governors for fires on federal land for 3 1/2 years+ but has done nothing to solve the problems on land he controls.

The failure has been in the making longer than that, try since the industrial revolution. I live in a rain forest starting it's third decade of drought. It's a major climate shift. The science is settled, not in question for decades.

No, he needs to listen to the professional forest managers already there instead of ignoring them because he knows more about everything than anyone. See his recent meeting with California's forest managers for examples of his stupidity, his plan is just like for Covid, do nothing, blame others, deny there's a problem, claim it will just go away, blame others again, pat himself on the back for a job perfectly done.

His idea, rake the forests, is just dumb and impossible. Only a complete moron believes you can rake up 33 million acres of mountainous forests, including removing all forest litter which is necessary habitat for many forest creatures and downed trees like redwoods that are useless as lumber. Only a stupid ignoramus believes that's a solution.

Let's say it costs about $1000 per acre, a vast underestimation, that's an extra $330 billion per year for raking California's forests alone. Is Trump offering to fund that, or is he cutting funding instead? (Hint, he cut funding)

Much of the mismanagement is from fighting fires. For decades the plan was don't let any fire burn, that's left forests with 2-5 times the fuel it would naturally have. The last decade that's been realised and when possible fires are allowed to burn. It's too little too late.

Trump's idea of draining the swamp has been plugging the outlets and pumping millions of gallons of sewage into it. That means removing career civil servants and selling positions to friends and contributors with no experience and massive conflicts of interests. Trump's is the most criminal administration ever, with more convictions than any other including Nixon. Politics are incredibly more swampy than before Trump, and the state of the union is crumbling and poised to dissolve into another civil war.


bobknight33 said:

Trump been in office 3+ years
This failure has been long in the making 30+ years.

Sound like he need to fire land management team and put in place some people who know what to do. More swamp draining?

Mark 38 Machine Gun Hits Small Boat Targets

newtboy says...

You think that's maybe because it's the 17 year old who murdered two people and injured one shooting into a crowd?

Could it be because protesters are fighting for racial equality and an end to police murdering unarmed citizens because they're afraid of black people, and the militias are fighting against that and for the preservation of monuments to racism and racial superiority?

You think it might be because Trump and his cult are condoning and encouraging his vigilante murders as a one boy posse, jury, and executioner, but authorities have universally condemned rioting and arson?

You think it might be because Trump believers have been itching for an excuse to shoot some liberals for years, they haven't been quiet about it either, and it's clear they see the crumbling law and order under Trump as their chance to spark a culture/race/civil war, and are targeting antiracism protesters openly now, repeatedly and nation wide?

What do you think is the reason?

scheherazade said:

Lot of worry about a 17 year old trying to fend off looters and arsonists. And seemingly no worry about the looters and arsonists. Strange times we live in.


Ku Klux Klan Member interview-Chris

newtboy says...

The right is well aware of this, and are also aware that the black masks "antifa" used can be purchased anywhere, and lucked out when BLM often used them in their rallies too (thanks to Covid) so they were already subconsciously connected. It wasn't difficult for them to buy some black masks and clothing themselves, then commit crimes in the name of antifa at BLM events, so they did, most arrested for shootings and all arrested for bombings were right wing terrorists only dressed as antifa.
They even had manifestos outlining their plan to trigger civil war by instigating riots and committing murders and bombings and blaming their actions on antifa when caught.
That needs to be in the spotlight imo, so people understand the violent mob isn't just leftists, it's also Trumpists in antifa clothing and they're perpetrating (and attempting) the worst violence.

I agree about silencing offensive speech. The right way to handle offensive stupidity is debate it publicly, imo. Does the left at these universities not have access to intelligent knowledgeable people willing to contradict blatant racists or Nazis on stage? Do the universities not have a debate coach willing to moderate? Why not?
Just call Cornel West, he'll do it.

bcglorf said:

Thanks to BSR for having this posted. This is the sort of stuff that needs to get more airtime and eyeballs.

I think that pairs to the worst crime the left has been involved in related to the dumpster fire that is today. The entire notion of de-platforming or silencing 'offensive' speech, and that Universities have if anything been leading the way. Universities need to instead be having guys like the one here getting their views known more broadly, and then point out loudly what is considered bad and dangerous about them. More importantly, to also point out how closely it aligns with Trump and his rallying cries.

When the left could have been discrediting this filth, they have instead been accomplishing the opposite by actively rallying moderates to 'defend' the freedom of speech of these guys.

The passive majority has been watching for a long time as advocates on the left have used force and violence to disrupt speech they don't like. Now, cities are burning and despite it being for entirely other reasons, you have a lot of middle america only seeing the same angry mob of leftists at the same stuff again as before. Demand everyone do things their way or violence will be used. The worst/scariest thing to me is the Dems still seem confused by how people aren't flocking to them in the face of Trumps malice. They somehow can not fathom that there are an awful lot of right leaning people honestly worried that their only choice is between a Trump they loath in most everyway, but on the other side and angry mob of leftists willing to use violence on anyone that doesn't conform. If Trump wins the next election I'll be sickened, but also entirely unsurprised.

Democrats For Violence

newtboy says...

This shitshow is Trump's America, and a result of his lack of leadership. You and he seem to think he's only the president of Republican led areas.
Cities were run by the same party under Obama, did we have this slow burn civil war simmering then? No, we did not.
Q) What changed? A) Trump's in charge.

Cities are almost exclusively led by Democratic mayors. Cities have high crime rates because they have high population density. Per capita crime rates aren't that different from rural areas.

Republican led areas have much higher poverty rates and way fewer services. By your logic, republican leadership leads to high poverty and an MIA government except at tax time (actually, it does historically and by design).

Edit: Downvote for the blatant lies in the description. Democrats have not promoted violence they've constantly denounced it, and are blaming Trump for the dissolving union, the division, hatred, and violence he promotes including the murder of protesters and unarmed black men.

bobknight33 said:

American people are fed up of the Democrat party.

Funny Democrats say this Violence is Trumps America. Reality is that this is all in Democrat controlled area.

Democrats are a Total Fail.

Joe Biden Mental state

How it Starts

newtboy says...

Police departments and federal agencies have both determined nationwide that the riots, arsons, shootings, assaults with vehicles, bombings, etc are being perpetrated by right wing extremists, not by antifa. They've said so both publicly and privately.

The violence is largely being CAUSED by federal agencies and local law enforcement...not stopped by them. They instigate violence by attacking non violent protests repeatedly. Americans know it, and are overwhelmingly on the peaceful protesters side.

If this was some brilliant strategy to prove federal intervention is needed, why hide who they are? No identification at all is not how you sell the idea that the feds are above board, helping. It's great evidence of the opposite, that they're doing so much damage they don't even want their department identified, much less the thugs themselves.

I can only imagine the outrage if Obama sent in the troops against the wishes of the governor and mayor, unidentifiable troops in unmarked vehicles rounding up right wingers and dragging them away to who knows where. You would be calling for another civil war.
Just duh.

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