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The Zero Theorem -- new film from Terry Gilliam

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Sarzy (Member Profile)

Honest Trailers - Man of Steel

EvilDeathBee says...

Funny video, but jeez, so many butt-hurt fanboys over this movie. I thought Man of Steel was awesome. Had a few problems, but overall a great super hero movie.

"So, if you loved the Christopher Reeve era superhero movie..."
I'm gonna stop you right there, this ISN'T the Richard Donner movie and it's not intending to be. Get over the past.

Morgan Freeman 1971 cigarette commercial!

spawnflagger says...

It sounds like the guy who does voiceover for the Christopher Walkenthrough's video game channel on youtube. (Morgan Freeman makes guest appearances as well as Walken)

Captain America 2 trailer

JiggaJonson says...

Yea, just think how much better Christopher Nolan could have made the batman movies if instead of actually building a batmobile he just CGI phones it in. Yea, I've got nothing to complain about at all.

Enjoy your Jar Jar Binks circle jerk.

Doc Brown Translates Rap For The Middle Class

Troy Baker Reads "The Killing Joke"

artician says...

He decided to retire from the role, sadly. Whatever his reasons are, he left on a high(est) note, and has been performing that role better than nearly everyone for... yeah, over 2 decades non-sequentially.
I hate the idea of celebrity, but between Skywalker, Christopher Blair, and his Joker, Hamill is a guy I would give a big hug to if I ever get the chance to meet. Just too many years of great roles, and an offscreen personality of humility and kindness.

Hanover_Phist said:

Why isn't Mark doing it?

Breaking Bad Cranston-- flogging Preparation H!

Mr. Tarantino strangled Dianne Kruger Inglorious Bastards...

chingalera says...

I though those hands around Von Hammersmark's neck looked kinna big to be attached to Christoph Waltz he's smaller.....Whoa, 5'9"...Maybe he's not so small.

It's sure quiet on VS. (Sift Talk Post)

The Three Little Pigs - as read by Christopher Walken

Christopher Walken reads Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs - as read by Christopher Walken

Christopher Walken reads Three Little Pigs

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'unlikely storyteller, fairytale' to 'unlikely storyteller, fairytale, Christopher Walken, Three Little Pigs' - edited by Grimm

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