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He's not Walken, he's Dancin'!

toferyu (Member Profile)

Eman_Laerton (Member Profile)

Dark Dungeons - Full Trailer

Interstellar -- Trailer

Christopher Walken Singing, Dancing, Stripping!

He's not Walken, he's Dancin'!

He's not Walken, he's Dancin'!

TDS: Judge Andrew Napolitano Discusses Slavery with Jon

Yogi says...

If you provide evidence that's compelling and can be verified there is no reason why a serious academic shouldn't take it seriously. There are a lot of echochamber and lazy academic bullshit that bounces around. I'm not going to deny that I hate it and see it constantly.

But I cite again when Noam Chomsky makes an argument against something like that, he provides a mountain of fucking evidence. This video doesn't do that sir, it's a debate that should've been had after the material say a book or study or essay had been presented and a challenge had been thrown down. We've skipped a bunch of fucking steps here, we're basically sitting in a garage with some beers arguing whether or not Beiber should be legally sent back to Canada.

So far no one has been able to point me towards someone who's done serious academic work on this subject. Heck no one is even claiming like Donald Trump that they've already done the work on it.

To your point about Christopher Columbus, when I was in High School I found this out when I was given "A People's History of the United States." The reason why it was compelling to me was the shear volume of material on the subject as well as it's references. In contrast my history book had one paragraph on Christopher Columbus's finding of the nation, it was preposterous.

chingalera said:

Would you argue that whatever academics say about major world conflicts if they aren't parroting other agreed-upon-by-experts musings could be part of the overall codification of these events in world subconscious and conscious with a view to shaping minds for the next conflict to be orchestrated and implemented? The simple or complex aspects of any sacrificial lump of money and people can always be rendered into the essence of the insanity of the same with a simple and universally-agreed-upon homo-sapient common-sense.
Eveyone thinks 'ol Tom Edison was a goddamn genius and that Chris Columbus wasn't a complete cockbag posing as some ground-breaking explorer as well. What does the tinkerer and and a boat captain have in common? A lot of assholes have written tomes about both of them to deify them. One was an egotistical half-ass and the other a dirty fucking example of a Spaniard working for a cunt whore empire-builder.

ChaosEngine, your lack of any point reads COMPLETELY retarded.

David Mitchell on Atheism

A10anis says...

The late, great, Christopher Hitchen's said that; "All religious people are atheists in relation to other gods, because they believe only in their god. I just happen to have gone one god further."
He also used the term anti-theist to describe himself as one who is against the very idea of there being a god, which was anathema to him. An atheist, on the other hand, simply sees no evidence for one.

newtboy said:

For those of us that have examined many if not most rationalizations FOR the existence of one god or another and found them all illogical fallacies at best, the rational hypothesis is that it is far more likely that there is no god than it is that there may be a (or some) god(s). When the score is 1000000-0, you can call the game. At least that's how I see it.
Then there's antitheism, which everyone is guilty of to some extent as I see it. If there's a god or belief system (a theism) you don't believe or agree with, you must be anti-that particular theism, hence an antitheist.

Django: Unchained OST - 100 Black Coffins - Rick Ross

JustSaying says...

His "style" is to take elements of existing movies and genres and putting them together to what I'll call generously "homages" to the originals. Tarantino is a remixer, taking samples and putting them together into a new song. Sounds familiar but is somewhat new.
He is very, very good at that and can write interesting dialogue (the first half of Death Proof was nothing but). He also starts to believe his own hype (as seen in Django Unchained, a good but way too mastubatory in nature film) and risks to develop the same relationship to Christoph Waltz (a very good, distinctive and interesting actor) that Tim Burton has with Johnny Depp.
I love pretty much all his movies but he certainly has to watch out that he doesn't trip over his own ego and reputation, both bigger than good for him.

alien_concept said:

He doesn't have "his own style", he is ever changing, all encompassing.


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Kevin Spacey, Christoph Waltz, Gary Oldman, Ben Kingsley, Mandy Pantikin' to 'Kevin Spacey, Christoph Waltz, Gary Oldman, Ben Kingsley, Mandy Patinkin' - edited by brycewi19


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