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Please Clean Up Your Dog Poop

newtboy says...

I would, but I don’t have cameras.
Instead, Newt built a fence around his front yard so he doesn’t have to be on guard constantly. (It also helps keep the bears and elk out of my apple trees)
Funny enough, I think my brother may have done this minus the bullhorn.

eric3579 said:

Going the extra mile. Seems like something Newt would do.

YouTuber tracking down guy who stole his stuff

mxxcon says...

This kid wanted to get his stuff back, and asked to pay for the cameras, but then returned the money the last second? Seems like it was premeditated by the kid just to humiliate the guy. To make the guy beg for youtube views.

I wouldn't let him off, NOR would I give back cash.
This society is built on laws and for breaking those laws there are consequences, even if you are sorry that you got caught.

World's longest drone fpv one shot.

rancor says...

The sound is always all foley for videos like this, but usually really well done. The most technical part in my book is flying backwards, that's totally blind (unless perhaps a 360 camera was used, but I don't get that sense).

Actually, how about that? There's a pretty sweet "making of" to go with it:

BSR said:

That's a pretty silent drone. Looks like a lot work and skill.


newtboy says...

Another Q conspiracy video, @bobknight33 ?! Oh Bob.
Biden handed the governor’s son an official whitehouse face mask, in public, on camera. Granted a bit oddly but not super slow and lingering like the edited “original” video shows.
The child definitely didn’t hand Biden a vial of baby blood or adrenochrome like the doctored, reversed video claims to show, and like you likely believe. Your irrational hatred of anything not Trumpian makes you such a fool.

Horrific Multi-Car Freeway Wreck - Los Angeles

Payback says...

The camera guy obviously bought himself an old police car, probably had emergency lights on, drawing attention to himself.

People rubbernecking the "cop car" at the side of the road and missing the dark coloured wrecks.

Exploding Glitter Bomb 4.0 vs. Package Thieves

newtboy says...

If you kill them, they won’t learn anything.
Some acid or debilitating poison instead of the stink spray, especially with a camera assisted eye targeting system….I could get behind that.

TheFreak said:

Can we just take "glitter" out of this concept and do away with package thieves once and for all?

Exploding Bomb Package would solve the problem at the source.

Congress requires new tech to detect and stop drunk drivers

BSR says...

If they had cameras that detect by way of the drivers eyes, the camera could not stop looking at Shepard's painted on eyelashes.

Kansas City Police Officer Found Guilty In 2019 Killing

newtboy says...

The best part is the 30 seconds at the end when, after his conviction, the convict hears the growing cheers from the crowds outside. Yes, the public is happy you’re convicted and most hope you die in prison.

This was a case of no crime, no suspect, but a helicopter THOUGHT a red pickup truck was chasing a purple mustang, and there might have been a collision, but none was reported, ever, no injuries, no victim, no call to police, indeed no crash, no hit and run. The victim had no gun, one was found later in the house and it sounds like they planted it in his car, probably on body camera.
Put him in gen pop, along with the other officers that backed up his lies. Another instance where every officer involved is a lying accomplice to murder and should be in prison for life without parole or special treatment just like citizens who murder a cop and stage the scene to justify an unjustifiable shooting should be.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, the Atlanta women who’ve been harassed and threatened for a year over doing their civil service job properly and 100% above board, proven on multiple cameras and verified by actual thorough investigations, no, WE should not “go after them”…YOU should not go after them. You need to stop this criminal right wing terrorism against innocent citizens, not do more.

Now- Tina Peters- SHE needs to be “gone after” by any citizen that can get their hands around her treasonous little chicken neck, don’t you agree? SHE is in hiding, under active investigation, fbi raids are occurring now looking for her and the data from the voting machines she tampered with, subverted the security on, and handed over to Trumpster criminals and anyone else who wanted to subvert democracy.

Of course, you aren’t ridiculously hypocritical, so you want to go after her and anyone helping her with everything we’ve got.


bobknight33 said:

Good catch and he should be punished.

Lets also go after that Atlanta mother and daughter who pulled out a few suitcases of fake votes and ran them through the machines all night long giving the Biden spike... You down for that?

Parrot Photobombs Highway Traffic Cam...

newtboy says...

No. Not access to the cameras farther north…where I am.

That’s fine and good if you live in LA area, but it stops pretty far south….and only gives access to around 1% of the cameras, and they only have still shots. We should have access to every one in areas open to the public in full resolution moving images, IMO.
Again, we paid for them. Has the whole state, but still in still shots it seems. Not updated often enough.

ant said:

Oh. You don't have access? show them to everyone in my CA from CalTrans.

Parrot Photobombs Highway Traffic Cam...

Man Who Shot At Police In Self Defense Is Acquitted

newtboy says...

Age restricted by YouTube.

Side note, 5 years after an unarmed man was shot 76 times (shot at over 100 times) by police, two officers have finally been indicted for his murder. (Turns out two of those shots came from directly above his dead body….mafia execution style)
The previous DA claimed the local police were working with federal marshals, whose policy is to not allow body cameras, and they always follow that rule, so there was no body cam footage, and under Trump the US marshals refused to cooperate, so he had no evidence with which to prosecute. That changed.

Felony murder, aggravated assault, burglary, making false statements, and violation of oath by a police officer. I hope they both get the death penalty and get no protection in prison. Maybe they can get raped to death….still too good for their ilk.

Kid Gets Caught While Trying to Steal Package

Kid Gets Caught While Trying to Steal Package

cloudballoon says...

The camera isn't racist. The homeowner might be a racist (we would not know unless he/she uploads every instance of such attempts to give a cold-hard-fact account that's free of manipulation -- even though that's STILL not factoring in the socio-econo-racial problem of the neighborhood -- if you choose to see things with a racial lens). But the comment absolutely is racist.

Years ago, living in my suburb home, my bike was stolen by 2 kids (garage door was open as I was mowing the lawn, but I went inside for the loo for 2 mins), I was lucky and spotted them about 5~6 streets down (took 2 lucky correct turns). They were 2 kids about 8~10 y.o. One White one Asian. Guess which one was the older, pack leader (hold my adult-size bike) and absolutely showing no remorse after getting caught?

Regardless, the kids parents might have a hard life working on weekends at low paying jobs so couldn't spend time with these kids. Who knows? I'm not so quick to judgement without knowing the root causes.

Thing is, I blame society-at-large and not see it as a racial thing. Kids are kids, easy to succumb to such temptation without good parental/peer/mentor guidance. Especially nowadays, they see adults making a CAREER/LIVING as Porch Pirates, what examples are adults giving them to imitate? You have like 40% of the adult population celebrate con mans and elect them Senators, Governors & President!

TangledThorns said:

That camera is racist!

Kid Gets Caught While Trying to Steal Package

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