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Should drug-sniffing dogs be discredited

newtboy says...

That makes you an unbelievable piece of shit IMO. A dog is an animal, not a 'tool'. A living, breathing, feeling animal that trusts you to take care of it. You don't put an animal that you accept control over and the obligation to care for in a position where they protect you at the expense of their own life, especially when you have many other options. The dog doesn't understand the danger you put them in, they expect they're holding the person, just like when they trained. They've been trained to think they aren't hurting the person, and that there's no chance they'll be hurt back. In fact, they're trained to think they get a treat/play time afterwards, not knifed.
I'm so disappointed in you. Don't get a dog.
The next time you see a person with a knife/machete, how about back off and wait for Swat...or try your tazer, or pepper spray, or bean bags, or your car, etc.... You have many other options besides just putting a dog in danger for no reason other than you're scared and uncaring.

EDIT: Your statement, and the fact that it's how most cops seem to think, is proof positive that these 'tools' are misused more often than not, and are treated unconscionably by those that are supposed to care for them. I think the ASPCA and other anti-animal abuse organizations should band together to work towards removing K-9 units from service as they are terrible for the dogs they use without a thought for the dogs welfare.
Dogs naturally act like furry, stupid/dumb/mentally challenged, sweet children, and should be treated as such.

lantern53 said:

In police work, a dog is a tool. You can use any tool properly or improperly. If I were tasked with taking a person with a machete into custody, I would be happy to have a dog take a chance over a person risking their life.

Flashing Children Prank

newtboy says...

I was surprised it wasn't today.
I at least expected someone to bean him with something hard before he turned to 'explain' himself. Lucky guy.

Yogi said:

One day, one of these guys is going to get stabbed.

Cocoa Farmers Tasting Chocolate for the First Time

ChaosEngine says...

There are some artisan chocolate manufacturers who do that. There was a tv show about an english guy who went and lived on the cacao farm that was producing the beans for his chocolate. He would cook meals for the staff using chocolate.

I have no idea how much of it is real and how much is just marketing, but the idea is nice...

SquidCap said:

Hmm, if i was to produce a confection from the best possible ingredients, i would very much like that the whole chain from start to finish know what they are aiming at. Meaning that if your first part of chain has no idea what comes out the other end, he can't know instinctively what traits are good in the raw material.

Awesome music: rhymes clips from the best of TV and film.

Zawash says...

Lyrics from the YT page:

We accept her, one of us, we accept her, one of us!
Gooble gobble gooble gobble!
We accept her, we accept her!
We accept her, one of us, we accept her, one of us!
Gooble gobble gooble gobble!
We accept her, we accept her!

(We-we) we came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
I was testing you - and you passed,
Dental plan! Lisa needs braces,
Be required to fart on a regular basis,
I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse,
Channel 13 - Eyewitness news!
Robocop, who is he?
Dead or alive you're coming with me.

In a hurry to be fed, beady eyes and big blue head.

I'm telling the truth Doc, you gotta believe me,
Why does everything I whip leave me?
My beautiful chocolate! Candy is dandy,
Fava beans and a nice Chianti,
You can count on Slippery Pete,
Suicide will be nice and neat!
I didn't build the Panama canal,
Open the pod bay doors please, HAL,

These aren't the droids you're looking for,
These aren't the droids we're looking for,
I am not a number I am a free man!
To The Idiotmobile!
Right away Michael,
I-I-I-I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
You don't understand I coulda had class,
Round and tasty on a bun,
Ooh Zippy look what you've done!
Finally! Cast off those lines!
No, I've been nervous lots of times,
Red Rum! What's the matter honey?
Just robbed Boss Hogg all of his money!

We came, saw, we kicked it's ass,
Writing checks your body can't cash,
I was elected to lead, not read,
I feel the need - the need for speed,
Watch out for snakes, a good man's loafer,
HQ - my hat looks like a muffin - over,
My god it's full of stars,
There was no driver in the car..

In the car (repeat)

Well you see I'm in hot pursuit!

There are only two things I love in this world - everybody and television!
#The Simpsons
#Run With Us!
Ugh - you must be shrooming,
Wait for me Moomin!
Cross live to meet the host of that show, Meat Boy,
I want to go to there.

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
An oil tycoon - like a.. moustache,
Nice beaver! I just had it stuffed,
I don't give a shit, close enough,
Where's me washboard? I'll get me coat,
Y-y-y-you're gonna need a bigger boat,
What'd she say? I think she bought it,
Suck it monkeys! I'm goin' corporate!
C'mon let's take a drive! A drive?
Number 5 is alive!
It's only a laugh, no harm done,
Pickles, french fries, yum yum yum,
Bueller, Bueller, Bueller,
It's 2 degrees cooler,
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long,
Six words in the whole song.

We-we-we accept her, one of us, we accept her, one of us!
Gooble gobble gooble gobble!
We accept her, we accept her!
You are number 6 5 4 3 2
I am not a number, I am a free man

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
Give me my 20,000 in cash,
We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
I think you woke up the dead with that blast
We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
I think fast, I talk fast,
We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
Lois, this is not my Batman glass,

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Dad Pulls Water Balloon Trampoline Prank on Kids

bareboards2 says...

Kids can love to be teased....

One of my favorite memories is being at a potluck where I didn't know many people. There was a little girl, maybe 4 years old, running around in a big circle throughout the house, who kept running near me as I lounged on a bean bag chair. As she ran past, I would try to grab her. (I was a 30 year old woman, not a man, by the way.) She would shriek and run away from me.

Every time she came by, her shrieks got to be more and more terrified, it seemed to me. That the fun was going out of it. So I thought -- you'd better back off, this isn't fun anymore, you don't know this kid.

So she circles back again, but this time I don't go for her. She stops a few feet away from me. Her eyes are HUGE as she stares at me. I'm getting seriously worried that I have scarred this unknown kid for life. She takes a tiny step forward. I do nothing. She takes another step forward. I do nothing.

She takes one more step forward, her eyes locked on mine with complete focus. In a deep unnatural voice, thrumming with energy, drawn out in anticipation, she intones -- "Scaaaaare me."

That happened 30 years ago and it still tickles the holy heck out of me.

"Game Of Thrones" - (Honest Trailers)

Movie Middle Fingers -- five notes in, you'll know the song

Girl Banned from School for Supporting Friend with Cancer

enoch says...

there will always be snake oil salespeople out there but i do not think that is snipers motivation.

as i stated this is not a black and white paradigm and a healthy diet and early detection are paramount.i am not suggesting that stage 3 lung cancer can be treated by eating pot brownies and bean sprouts.

chemotherapy is a last resort.
it is a hail mary pass.
controlled poisoning is as barbaric as it is tragic.

i think what bothers me most about this subject is not the disagreement between people such as ourselves but rather the pathetic research into what causes cancer.

im not kidding.
go check the numbers on how much is spent on researching the causes on cancer versus the treatment of cancer.
the difference is abysmal and shameful.

the little research into the causes of cancer do tend to point to our diet.surprise surprise...the food we are eating is slowly poisoning us (as some research is suggesting).

check this talk out.super informative,if heavy on the vegan:

*edit:i know this does not make me an expert but my family is in the medical field and my older sisters partner is an oncologist and HE avoids chemo whenever much of my opinion on this matter has been formed by my conversations with him.

Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey - Episode 1

Food Channel Contest Time (Food Talk Post)

enoch says...


i would participate but i cant bake for beans.
now if you want to know some of the food i can whip together..i can participate.

and i can make some hobo food that will knock yer socks off.

Game of Thrones Season 4 Trailer

Shocking Testimony About Vaccines !

chingalera says...

Yeah, but number-crunchers and bean-counters who work for automobile manufacturers make similar decisions when deciding whether or not to order a recall on dangerous vehicles-At the end of the day, Big Pharma companies decide which facts and figures get the most spin, eh?

Whose to say that nature is not the ultimate winner over human efforts to forestall the inevitable? It's gonna take more than eliminating all disease to get us knuckle-dragging monkeys off-planet. It may very well take humanity as we know it driven to the brink with a number of engineered attempts to preserve life.

Not as simple as everyone playing syringe-roulette kir_mokum, science is not some ultimate panacea-That said, I survived the crap-shoot and will probably never get dip, typhus, or cholera. Whew!

I did however, ingest a Preludin at the age of 18 months thanks to an irresponsible parental unit, early imprints are a MOTHERFUCKER!

kir_mokum said:

can't wait for cholera, polio, and small pox outbreaks because of these asshats.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Jupiter Ascending -- new film from Andy and Lana Wachowski

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