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The ascent of Alex Honnold

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'CBS, Alex Honnold, Free Solo, Guts, Brave, mountain climbing, Incredible' to 'CBS, Alex Honnold, Free Solo, Guts, Brave, mountain climbing, Incredible, 60 minutes' - edited by eric3579

Eminem Rhymes with Orange

How High Frequency Trading Works

G-bar says...

well, Artician is right I guess... I won't be able to listen to a 60 minutes like show while two old chaps converse about the most important issues in the world... I'll probably be bored to death... I need explosions! lazer beams! shewshs!

on another note... funny that I sort of work in this business and I was very well educated by this article.

Sticker shock: Why are glasses so expensive?

Saudi Instructional Video - How wives should be disciplined

artician says...

My first thought, purely objectively (really), is that this could very, very easily be just as intentionally mistranslated as this video:
.. but for obviously different reasons. Universal skepticism is everyone's friend.
My second thought is, yes, obviously anyone who actually believes this should immediately escorted to a retirement center and not allowed any influence on society. (Though that would just be doing to them, albeit allegedly less violently, what they're already doing to their own culture, wouldn't it?)

Universally, religion is the most effective means of communicating a way of order (i.e. morals), while simultaneously blinding everyone to any alternative point of view.

What we, collectively, -humankind- need to do, is marry rational-judgement with the moral code of the golden-rule in a way that has the viral infectiousness of religion without dismissing independent thought.

I can't post the rest of my ideas because the NSA will kill me.

Searching for Sugar Man Interview

Live On Letterman - Rodriguez

60 Minutes Story Of The Rock Icon Who Didn't Know He Was One

Sarzy says...

I'd just watch the 60 Minutes version. The movie was okay, but even at under 90 minutes long it felt really padded out. Especially the first half.

ambassdor said:

spoilers!!! best not to watch anything before watching the film!! the 60 minutes segment seems to just be a synopsis of what the film tells you as told by bob simon

60 Minutes Story Of The Rock Icon Who Didn't Know He Was One

Cops Interrogate 14 Year Old Into False Confession Of Murder

Sticker shock: Why are glasses so expensive?

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Rep. Alan Grayson explains rampant foreclosure fraud

60 min News Has "Top Gear" on

eric3579 (Member Profile)

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