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The Secrets of Sugar - The Fifth Estate

siftbot says...

Sugar: The Bitter Truth has been added as a related post - related requested by eric3579.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Sugar has been added as a related post - related requested by eric3579.

60 Minutes: Sugar Shown Toxic, Causes Cancer, Heart Disease has been added as a related post - related requested by eric3579.

Fed Up - Movie Trailer - Sugar Kills has been added as a related post - related requested by eric3579.

High Fructose Corn Syrup has been added as a related post - related requested by eric3579.

Double-Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Monday, January 5th, 2015 8:20am PST - doublepromote requested by eric3579.

The Drumming Greats of the Foo Fighters (Grohl, Hawkins)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Sugar

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Miss America Pageant

Who has the softer heart? (Men or Women?)

Yogi says...

"And in this case, Feminism is responsible for holding back very important science."

Um no it's not, you haven't proved that, you've just stated what some unnamed "Feminist" might or might not believe.

Most feminists I've seen don't argue that men and women are the same, but that women should be treated more equally in areas of freedom of control of their own bodies. How much they get paid for doing the same amount of work as a man. Or, shockingly, how rapes should be dealt with such as not ignoring them.

"As far as I'm concerned, this is a head shot against the modern politics of science and the feminist control of academia."

Well then it must not take very much to convince you of anything if you want to believe it.

Maybe they've been busy researching OTHER things, medical science has advanced a crazy amount in our lifetimes, in just the past 10 years it's leaped forward. There's many avenues that we can study, only so much funding that can be made available for those studies. It's not shocking in that environment of a constantly growing field that some areas would be neglected. It's not necessarily because of Feminism and to claim that without a lot of evidence is just ignorant.

I would like to introduce you to the Streetlight Effect. Science has to jump forward before we can even begin to ask the right questions to get the answers we really seek. It's even more restricted when you think of what funding you have available to spend money on.

60 Minutes here has created a topic of discussion they have not made a compelling argument that can be taken seriously. Which makes sense, this is a television show and it requires concision and isn't going to spend the full time on this subject. I think it does a disservice though to take this blurb and not add to it, instead cite it as a source of proof and not add your own evidence to further the argument. This is limp ammo for ignorant people to use, this is a conversation starter, not a "head shot" that you want it to be.

I mean it should've been fucking obvious when they use feminist speeches clips from the 60s to try to make their point that Feminism has held back research.

Fed Up - Movie Trailer - Sugar Kills

Fed Up - Movie Trailer - Sugar Kills

Is the U.S. stock market rigged?

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Amazon Prime Air Service - 30 minute Amazon Deliveries

Come Snuggle with Cute Girls at the Snuggery!

deathcow says...

The Double Cuddle allows clients to cuddle with two Cuddlers concurrently.
45 minute session: $100
60 minute session: $120
90 minute session: $180

Are Imperial Measurements Outdated?

MilkmanDan says...

As an American living in Thailand, I've adjusted pretty well to metric units for most things (to the point that I'd prefer them for MOST things).

Celsius has more sensible set points (1 and 100 being freeze and boil of water), but I still prefer to think in Fahrenheit for temperatures. For some reason it is harder for me to overcome the inertia of ~25 years of using Fahrenheit than it was to get used to metric distances.

One other thing I noticed about this video is that you could easily make similar arguments about our system of time being backwards or primitive. For some reason we have days of 24 hours, which are sometimes divided into 12 AM and 12 PM hours. Each hour has an arbitrary 60 minutes. Each minute has 60 seconds. Sometimes we divide seconds into hundredths (1/100) or milliseconds (1/1000). We have 12 months, each containing somewhere between 28 and 31 days. One year has 365.242199 days, so we call it 365 and then add one more on leap years, or occasionally skip a leap year since that fraction isn't a perfect 1/4.

That is all very messy and based on local, non-universal phenomena -- just like all those silly antiquated imperial units. Maybe at some point we'll shift to metric time based on radioactive isotope decay rates or something.

Shocking medical story

artician says...

You may want to stop listening, but for the sake of this woman's life, you need to stick it out and hear the whole thing. Even her little prose at the end.

The only reason that I can imagine she isn't on 60 minutes is if this somehow turns out to be fake, but my skepticism, for once, is pretty limited here.

I don't know why she is still alive after all of this. I am glad she is, even if just to bring us this story.

Shocking medical story

bobknight33 says...

The Va system should be best system in the USA but sadly it is the worst system around.

If the government can't run the VA why let it run Obama Care?

There is no problem that the government can't make worse.

Why is she not on 60 Minutes or such?
What is her Congressman or Senator ding for her?
There is tragedy after tragedy with this soldier.

60 Minutes - Trey Parker & Matt Stone's Subversive Comedy

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Trey Parker, Matt Stone, 60 minutes, mormon, south park' to 'Trey Parker, Matt Stone, 60 minutes, mormon, south park, book of mormon' - edited by eric3579

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