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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The felon is AGAIN trying to bribe Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their illicit affair and the illegal felony payoff by Trump to interfere with the election.
It’s in writing sent to Daniels lawyer by Trump’s….the campaign is pretending reporters got this info from Iran and is threatening anyone who reports it, they do not deny it….too bad it came directly from their lawyers, not Iran.


This is severe elder abuse. He had no idea what was happening or where he was as he swayed to the biggest gay anthems of the 80’s for 45 minutes in leu of answering questions and reminisced about partying with EPSTIEN and barely teen girls when it was new.
He had no idea who he was talking to when he rambled incoherently to the editor of Bloomberg and tried to say the editor of Bloomberg, who has forgotten more about economics than the felon ever knew, didn’t understand tariffs or taxes or gdp, and could not answer a single question, and devolved into personal attacks instead of answers as he always does.
He didn’t even realize Andrew Schultz was ridiculing him and laughing in his face (when he made the claim he is an honest person Schultz nearly fell out of his chair laughing)…he was so clueless that he extended the interview and ended up cutting a campaign commercial for Harris when asked “what happened to Mike Pence?” and he answered “he couldn’t cross the line of doing what was right.”…YES, HE ADMITTED THAT ON CAMERA…PENCE WOULDN’T CROSS THE LINE AND STEAL THE PRESIDENCY FOR HIM SO HANG MIKE PENCE.
This entire campaign is elder abuse.

PS- another fake “town hall” of “undecided female voters” on faux, highly edited, hosted by the Georgia RNC and filled with only known Republican paid operatives and delegates….even so it had to be pre-recorded and edited down to make him look less out of it and remove “hi, I’m a Trump voter and will be voting for you in November, can I ask you ….?” from nearly every questioner. Why do you idiots bother with this theater? It only convinces morons who are already convinced, and turns off everyone else. Thanks…but why?

SUDDENLY THE CAMPAIGN IS CANCELLING ALL RECENT AND FUTURE EVENTS AND INTERVIEWS INCLUDING 60 MINUTES, CNBC INTERVIEW, DEBATE #2, FOX INTERVIEW, NBC INTERVIEW, CNN TOWN HALL MONDAY, AND THE NRA EVENT ON TUESDAY. It seems the campaign agrees with me and is trying to stop the elder abuses after great grandpa went loopy and swayed on stage for 45 minutes nearly catatonic. It’s clear why he won’t release his medical records, or taxes, both will prove he is entirely unfit.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Holy crap….he’s even afraid to go on 60 minutes?!?
It’s over.

Vance admitted in the debate that he won’t certify the election if he loses and picks Nazi/maga over democracy.
It’s over.

180 pages of evidence of the anti American crimes by the 34 time felon and business fraud released to the public, along with nearly 1000 pages of supporting evidence.
“Sir, if you continue there will be violence.” “Make them riot. Do it!” Nuff said.
It’s over.

MrFisk (Member Profile)

MrFisk (Member Profile)

Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen: The 60 Minutes Interv

Trump Storms Out of 60 Mins Interview, Attacks Lesley Stahl

noseeem jokingly says...

The line "GM is dead and Osama Bin Laden is Alive" was brilliant.

The most damning thing about the interview was it is viewable on FB. It's their evidence and it shows none of their accusations.

It's a video version of 'read the transcript'.

Read the transcript. Saw the interview.

Would rather try to restart, renew, and sell New Coke than push for Donnie's innocence. Neither would be easy but the latter would be far more brutal.

But this interview is far more noteworthy...

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

John Green (vlog brothers) on 60 Minutes

Introducing the Compact Disk

ChaosEngine says...

It's funny how he talks about the dynamic range of CDs, when producers decided pretty quickly that range was for pussies and What We Needed Was MOAR LOUDNESS!!

Regarding the scratch proof thing, apparently, the original spec for the CD was very fault tolerant. You could actually burn a cigarette hole through it and it would still play. However, it only held 60 minutes of music and the head of audio at Phillips demanded that it could hold 74m for one of Beethovens symphonies (I forget which one).

That story is probably apocryphal though.

Bill and Melinda Gates Scholarship Experiment Proves a Point

Dave Grohl's Short Film, 'How I Ended Up In Seattle'

Dashcam Video Of Alabama Cop Who Shot Man Holding His Wallet

newtboy says...

No, sorry. My recollection is from well over 10 years ago, something like 60 minutes or 20/20 had a story about police and race, and the studies were part of that story. There were both shoot/don't shoot quick scenarios and rate the danger 1-10 based on a photo types shown. I can't verify any more than that.

Digitalfiend said:

Really? I've never heard of such experiments - have a link?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: The NCAA

ulysses1904 says...

Very funny. Can't help but comment on that guy from 60 Minutes or 48 Hours or 20/20 or whatever it is, at the 8:14 mark. I haven't watched any of those shows in 20 years and damn, he looks awful. I always despised the over edited smugness that was a big part of those shows, especially that guy.

Hockey Fights now available pre-game! Full-teams included!

MilkmanDan says...

Oh, fistfights are definitely treated differently than stick violence. Mild stick-related stuff (taking a short chop at someone with the stick is called a slash, tripping is self explanatory, leading a check/hit with the stick can be charging or a cross check, etc.) is usually given a 2 minute minor penalty. But if you go nuts and just try to lumberjack somebody with your stick (extremely rare, but happens every once in a while), it is treated very harshly with a likely LONG suspension. All that seems pretty well-handled to me -- if your slash or cross check or whatever is is a risky situation that can or does result in injury, those scale up from minor penalties into majors, game misconducts, or possible suspensions.

Fights are a 5 minute major penalty, assuming both sides/fighters intentionally got into it. However, both involved players get the same 5 minute penalty, so since they are coincidental it doesn't result in any actual penalty to the team (not down to 4 players instead of 5 like in a normal penalty) other than the player who was in the fight being unavailable for 5 minutes. A pretty high majority of players who get into fights are designated goons who might be on the ice for 1-3 minutes total of a 60 minute game, compared to 15-17 for a skilled forward or 20+ for a skilled defenseman. So, "losing" that player for 5 minutes is usually really no penalty at all.

However, the "code" of those enforcers/goons is actually a pretty real thing. Many fights (especially in the regular season) are actually a pre-planned thing between the enforcers on each team. They ask if the other guy is up for a fight, as a means to engage the crowd and/or their teammates. If both are up for it, the next time they line up for a faceoff or whatever they will probably contrive some offense and drop the gloves. Those fights are pretty silly, but both sides know what they are getting into and agree to it beforehand, so it isn't SO crazy.

Spontaneous fights usually happen when an average or lesser-skilled player makes a dangerous hit or dirty play against a skilled player on the opposing team. If that happens, their toughest teammate currently on the ice will likely rush to their defense, and if it appears like the offending player did it intentionally they will drop the gloves to "teach them a lesson". These fights seem much more purposeful to me, and if you ask great skilled players like Wayne Gretzky they almost all universally say that this system made things safer and opened up the ice for skilled players.

So, it is all pretty complicated and strange to the uninitiated, but there is a sort of method to the madness.

RedSky said:


Interesting. The Economist had a bit this week arguing that some violence (fistfights) seem to be treated much more lightly than violence with sticks, which usually leads to suspensions even though arguably you could have a no tolerance policy for both (or at least be consistently harsh).

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