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Versengold - Samhain (Live)

siftbot says...

Versengold - Ihr seid Musik (Live in Hamburg 2015) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Versengold - Sturmtanz (Live) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Versengold - Ihr seid Musik (German Folk) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Versengold - Frühlingsgruß (German Folk) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Versengold - Die Namen von Millionen (German Folk) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Versengold - Hoch die Krüge (German Folk) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Versengold - Spaß bei Saite (Live) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Versengold - Haut mir kein' Stein has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

How Nature Documentaries Are Fake

sanderbos says...

Link to article referenced in the video:
(but boo, reading, yuck)

So they can edit in plottwists.
So yeah, bambi lives.
But then cut to: White wolf goes back starving kids. Camera goes slowly to dark as one of the wolf pups exhales for the last time.
But then cut to: A large family of maggots has been waiting for this moment, rooting for bambi in the earlier scene.

Bangla Waz Abdullah al amin haq & batil

chicchorea says...

24latest Movies

watch new waz amir hamza 2017

chicchorea says...

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Kurzgesagt: Are GMOs Good or Bad?

MilkmanDan says...

OK, sorry to spam here, but I found another relevant link:

That confirms that "terminator seeds" are a technology that does exist -- in practice as well as theory -- but isn't commercially sold or otherwise available.

More importantly, it mentions that there is a legal sort of "license agreement" that farmers sign when they buy the GM seed stating that they won't replant harvested stuff in the future, and that they can inspect your storage areas etc. if they suspect you are doing so. That would explain why my family worked hard to clean out storage areas that had grain resulting from GM seed. I erroneously thought that was because that grain was sterile.

Those agreements are for a single crop / harvest, so it is definitely possible to use a GM seed one year and then go back to non-GM seed in other years, as my family does. I guess that we just have to keep good records to show that we're not holding any back for future planting / sale.

Sorry for the several LONG posts, and thanks to @Hastur for asking the question that got me to figure out the misconception I had!

Elmo gets fired...

notarobot says...

HBO? When did it move to HBO?

On August 13, 2015, as part of a five-year programming and development deal, Sesame Workshop announced that first-run episodes of Sesame Street would move to premium television service HBO beginning with season 46, which premiered on January 16, 2016. HBO will hold first-run rights to all newer episodes of the series, after which they will air on PBS member stations following a nine-month exclusivity window, with no charge to the stations for airing the content. The agreement also gives HBO exclusive rights to stream past and future Sesame Street episodes on HBO Go and HBO Now – assuming those rights from Amazon Video and Netflix; on August 14, Sesame Workshop announced that it would phase out its in-house subscription streaming service, Sesame Go, as a standalone service; the service will remain in operation, likely with its offerings reduced to a slate content available for free or serving as a portal for Sesame Street's website.

The deal came in the wake of cutbacks that had affected the series in recent years, the changing viewer habits of American children in the previous ten years, and Sesame Workshop's dependence upon revenue from DVD sales.


Roger Waters - In the Flesh?

StukaFox says...

I'm so pissed.

In 2015, I was in London when this premiered. I went an saw it in Fulham and the movie STUNK (and this is coming from a total Floyd junkie).

I later found out Gilmour was doing a live show in London that same night and there were tickets available. So instead of watching Rog rehashing The Wall, I could have listened to Gilmour playing some of my Floyd favorites.

It's 2017 now and missing that show still pisses me off.

Should we Build a Wall? Great Walls through History

MilkmanDan jokingly says...

I am attempting to play Devil's Advocate and argue that while none of those walls really did much to serve their design goal of keeping "others" out, they may have been "successful" in other ways. This is what I came up with:

Hadrian's Wall: Served as the inspiration for The Wall in A Song of Fire and Ice / Game of Thrones. GoT is awesome, so ... totally worth it.

The Great Wall of China: Did essentially nothing to keep out Mongols, and up to a million or so people died making it, but hey -- today it is one of the biggest draws for tourism into China. China made $618 billion in tourism in 2015 alone, so surely it has already covered the adjusted-for-inflation cost to build it of $380 billion!

The Atlantic Wall: Sure, the Allies broke through it in Normandy in one day. But it forced them to plan how and where to attack it for months, and did result in ~10,000 Allied deaths compared to ~6,000 Germans.

However, that is tiny compared to the really bloody battles of WW2 like Stalingrad (~1.5 million dead), basically the result of Russia using their people as an expendable "meat wall" against the far better-equipped Germans.

...Hmmm -- maybe instead of a literal wall, we should follow a similar approach and just throw lots of expendable bodies at our border with Mexico. I suggest starting with 435 utterly worthless people (US Congressmen) and 55,600 functionally worthless people (TSA employees). Everybody wins!

Lava flows in Pahoa

Donald Trump's newest senior adviser: Locutus of Borg

Donald and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad ...

Mordhaus says...

No, I didn't confuse anything. Almost every single country benefits from 'illegal' immigrants as well as regular ones. France, for example, has thousands of illegal immigrants from mostly Islamic countries that provide services to it's mostly aging native population. We benefit no more and no less than any other nation from illegal immigration, as @newtboy mentioned, if you import food products or grow them locally you probably are benefiting from illegal immigration.

As far as your evidence, I hope this will suffice as 'some':

Steven A. Camarota, PhD, Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies, in a Jan. 6, 2015 article, "Unskilled Workers Lose Out to Immigrants," available at, stated:

"There are an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the country and we also admit over a million permanent legal immigrants each year, leading to enormous implications for the U.S. labor market. Bureau of Labor Statistics data show that there are some 58 million working-age (16 to 65) native-born Americans not working — unemployed or out of the labor market entirely. This is roughly 16 million more than in 2000. Equally troubling, wages have stagnated or declined for most American workers. This is especially true for the least educated, who are most likely to compete with immigrants (legal and illegal).

Anyone who has any doubt about how bad things are can see for themselves at the bureau's website, which shows that, as of November, there were 1.5 million fewer native-born Americans working than in November 2007, while 2 million more immigrants (legal and illegal) were working. Thus, all net employment gains since November 2007 have gone to immigrants."

Jan. 6, 2015 - Steven A. Camarota, PhD

George J. Borjas, PhD, Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Economics and Social Policy at Harvard University, in a Sep./Oct. 2016 article, "Yes, Immigration Hurts American Workers," available at, stated:

"[A]nyone who tells you that immigration doesn't have any negative effects doesn't understand how it really works. When the supply of workers goes up, the price that firms have to pay to hire workers goes down. Wage trends over the past half-century suggest that a 10 percent increase in the number of workers with a particular set of skills probably lowers the wage of that group by at least 3 percent. Even after the economy has fully adjusted, those skill groups that received the most immigrants will still offer lower pay relative to those that received fewer immigrants.

Both low- and high-skilled natives are affected by the influx of immigrants. But because a disproportionate percentage of immigrants have few skills, it is low-skilled American workers, including many blacks and Hispanics, who have suffered most from this wage dip. The monetary loss is sizable...

We don't need to rely on complex statistical calculations to see the harm being done to some workers. Simply look at how employers have reacted. A decade ago, Crider Inc., a chicken processing plant in Georgia, was raided by immigration agents, and 75 percent of its workforce vanished over a single weekend. Shortly after, Crider placed an ad in the local newspaper announcing job openings at higher wages."

Sep./Oct. 2016 - George J. Borjas, PhD

Vernon M. Briggs, Jr., PhD, Emeritus Professor of Labor Economics at Cornell University, in an Oct. 14, 2010 briefing Report to the US Commission on Civil Rights, "The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers," available at, stated:

"Because most illegal immigrants overwhelmingly seek work in the low skilled labor market and because the black American labor force is so disproportionately concentrated in this same low wage sector, there is little doubt that there is significant overlap in competition for jobs in this sector of the labor market. Given the inordinately high unemployment rates for low skilled black workers (the highest for all racial and ethnic groups for whom data is collected), it is obvious that the major looser [sic] in this competition are low skilled black workers…

It is not just that the availability of massive numbers of illegal immigrants depress wages, it is the fact that their sheer numbers keep wages from rising over time, and that is the real harm experienced by citizen workers in the low skilled labor market."

Oct. 14, 2010 - Vernon M. Briggs Jr., PhD

There are more educated people than I that hold the same opinion, but let me give you an easier to understand, and absolutely true, example. How do I know it is true? When I was a much younger man, I worked for a roofing company. So I lived it.

The company I worked for was owned by a family friend, who had worked for most of his life in the field and had an excellent reputation. However, in the 90's around the time NAFTA was passed and (not related, I hope) illegal immigration spiked in Texas, he began to lose out to other companies. He did some snooping around and found out they were often charging hundreds of dollars less in their estimates than he could possibly offer, at least while still making a profit. He also found out that the two companies that were taking most of his business were staffed with illegal workers, being paid much lower wages than he could give to his legal employees.

Fast forward a year and he was close to declaring bankruptcy. Just like any type of labor where you pay your employees little to nothing comparatively to their compatriots in the same field, you cannot compete fairly. Net result, he was forced to let us go one by one, replacing us with illegals.

Obviously, I moved on, learned a different skill and began to make far more than I would have as a simple laborer. But the fact remains that an entire industry was undermined and radically changed by the inclusion of cheap illegal labor. This will not change if we simply ignore illegal immigration because it is the 'nice' thing to do. What it will accomplish is that young people will slowly find that certain jobs are out of their selection. It also will get worse the more accepted and commonplace illegal immigration becomes. I know for a fact that while I worked at Apple there were entry level support techs that were illegally here. Perhaps you will say that it is a benefit because it would prevent offshoring, but I disagree. What it does is make the working class poorer and doesn't solve the other issues brought about by illegal immigration, such as Emergency Rooms being flooded by people who can't afford insurance. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that it is common to go to the ER and see people stacked like cordwood because they can't refuse patients unless they are a private hospital.

As far as The Jungle, and my statement about it and it's author, I was merely pointing out that as much as you try to put forth that illegal immigrants have a bad life here in the USA, the fact is that we used to treat legal immigrants far worse. Perhaps it was a reach on my part, but it seemed logical at the time.

I doubt we will agree on any of this, but I respect your opinion. I live in a state that has a very large proportion of illegal immigrants, and while you are correct that they are generally not a criminal negative to society, they do have severe effects which I think you are overlooking. I do think that legal immigration policy needs massive change and businesses that exploit the almost slave like labor of illegals to make more profit should be punished severely. In the meantime, when we do catch illegals, they should be deported, not protected by a sympathetic politically motivated law enforcement group.

Drachen_Jager said:

You conflate illegal immigrants with immigrants.

Learn the difference and your first paragraph is pure nonsense. Also, what support do you have for the conclusion that illegal immigration has more negatives than positives? Illegal immigrants in general have a lower crime rate, support businesses, they work hard and pay taxes (which is more than can be said for Trump). Give me some data, ANY data to support your claim.

They "could" have come legally, you say. Well, no, that's the thing, most of them couldn't have. So that's a straight-up lie on your part. Couple that with the incentives the US government gives them to come illegally and why wouldn't they come? Yes, incentives, if the govt doesn't want them they need to take away the jobs, instead they pass rules to protect businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

The rest of your "argument" is mostly nonsense, so I won't even bother with it. WTF does Upton Sinclair have to do with it?

Stephen Colbert Is A Bowling Green Massacre Truther

transmorpher says...

A couple.... is an bit of an understatement, we're talking a 1500% rape increase in Sweden over the last 20 years, which are disproportionately committed by immigrants.

And this was before 2015's mass wave of immigrants started to come into Germany.

To deny that there is a valid correlation between immigration and crime is just as ignorant as any of Trumps policies. Possibly more because it's coming from people who are far smarter than Trump.

artician said:

Unfortunately there have been a couple events in Europe that were largely perpetrated by immigrants (and the desire to not stir up more racial-hate was one reason the government pressured the media to not report them). The ones in Germany kind of give Trump the only example he needs to make one of his vague, ignorant claims, in this case, even though he's clearly just spouting his usual dipshittery here.

keith olbermann-bespoke prophecy 7 years ago-special comment

moonsammy says...

It is rather disturbing how accurate he was. Trump isn't really too far off from a Palin, all idiotic bluster and charisma masking an intellectual and ethical vacuum. He's clearly just signing off on whatever he's told, with his own pet issues getting most of the media flak. Can't imagine Trump from before 2015 or so giving much of a crap about the Johnson amendment or anything Jesus-related, but tell him in 2017 it'll get the evangelicals on his side and of course it's a vital issue.

I think I would have preferred Palin, as her family in the White House (rather than swinging quasi-bachelor Trump) would have been entertaining on some level.

Might have to look into seeing what Olbermann is saying about the next few weeks / months / years...

USA and russian relations at a "most dangerous moment"

Did a 3D Laser Printer Kill A Bay Area Couple?

shagen454 says...

Here you go, don't test the nerds

Oct 22, 2015
"To call the Glowforge a 3D laser printer isn’t quite right. But the liberties the machine’s three co-founders have taken with the name are really more for the sake of having an intelligible way to describe a working laser cutter that’s the size of a desktop yet can perform the functions of the hulking, 700-plus pounds, $10,000-plus laser CNC cutter-engravers that are found in makerspaces and garages.
“I had a traditional laser cutter in my garage, and I would show it to people all the time,” says co-founder Dan Shapiro. “They would say, ‘Your laser printer is amazing.’ I’d say, ‘That’s not a laser printer.’ … At some point I learned the business advice that you’re supposed to be learning from your customers rather than lecturing to them.”
The machine Shapiro and co-founders Tony Wright and Mark Gosselin have created from their headquarters in downtown Seattle is really a laser cutter. It’s a subtractive manufacturing tool, as opposed to the additive nature of 3D printers." - Fortune Magazine

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