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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

FEC case exposes paid actor Trump supporters

Trump-Funded Operative CAUGHT Soliciting Illegal Acts?

Godless – The Truth Beyond Belief

shinyblurry says...

Ephesians 4:26 Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath

There is room for righteous anger; it is right to get angry at injustice and sin. What we are not permitted to do is react inappropriately or harbor anger towards others. Jesus was righteously angry at His Fathers house being profaned, and he drove out those who were profaning it. That is why He said this after he drove them out:

Matthew 21:12 And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves

There was no sin there. Neither was Jesus in sin when He asked the Father to take away the cross. He was still submitted to the will of God, willing to do whatever He commanded:

Luke 22:41-42 And He was withdrawn from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and prayed, saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done

God will tell us to do things that we don't want to do, or don't think we can do. We can't pretend we want to do something we don't want to do; the sin would be in refusing to do it

That is where you are at; you don't love God, and you don't want to do Gods will, and you are acutely aware that things would need to change in your life if you followed the Lord. You would rather spend a limited amount of time doing your will than an eternity with God. You don't have to pretend you feel any differently than you do, God knows.

The thing is, even though you feel that way God still loves you. He is reaching out to you in love and is calling you to commit your life to Him. I used to feel the same way you do, that is until He revealed His love to me. I wasn't even looking for it, and certainly had done nothing to deserve it. He didn't love me any more than He loves you, because while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. If you knew His love, instead of saying what you've said, you would wish more than anything that you had met God earlier in life. I know how you feel, believe me, but there is a lot to know about God that cannot be described in words, and has to be known through His personal revelation to you alone.

ChaosEngine said:

You mean apart from the time he got angry in the temple (or is wrath not a deadly sin if your dad is god?).

How about the time he questioned gods plan (let this cup pass from me)?

Jesus wasn't perfect.

And "good enough" for what? To get into heaven? Thanks, but no. If it's a choice between fornication and indulgence for my mortal time or having to spend an eternity with god.... sign me up for the sex, drugs and rock'n'roll.

Godless – The Truth Beyond Belief

ChaosEngine says...

You mean apart from the time he got angry in the temple (or is wrath not a deadly sin if your dad is god?).

How about the time he questioned gods plan (let this cup pass from me)?

Jesus wasn't perfect.

And "good enough" for what? To get into heaven? Thanks, but no. If it's a choice between fornication and indulgence for my mortal time or having to spend an eternity with god.... sign me up for the sex, drugs and rock'n'roll.

shinyblurry said:

Jesus had met Gods moral standard, He had never sinned.

Atheists can be good without God, so can hindus, buddhists and even Christians. The trouble isn't whether they can be good, the trouble is that it isn't good enough.

This Sums Up Motherhood In 34 Seconds

robbersdog49 says...

Ok, I'll play.

I have two boys, 19 months and three years old. I'm in my late thirties, wife in mid thirties. We waited until we were in a decent position financially before having kids. I saw my brother bring up my nephew who is now six so I knew what babies are like and toddlers are like before we had kids ourselves. I took a year and a half off to be a stay at home dad for our first child.

But there's this massive taboo in the UK, and I'm going to guess in America too. Having kids is good, and you're not allowed to say otherwise. I knew that there would be sleepless nights, that on occasion I'd be covered in vomit, or poo, or both. I knew that kids could be annoying.

But I didn't really understand what all that meant. To hear anyone talk about having kids it makes it seem like these things are just background noise for all the wonderful, giggly happy times.

No one told me how relentless it would be. While you can know that you'll be tired if you have a kid that wakes at night you don't really understand it until you haven't had a full night's sleep for three years. Not a single one.

Yes, somehow I should have fully understood everything before actually experiencing it. And of course I shouldn't say anything bad about it, it's all good.

But that's bullshit.

Having kids can be amazing, and getting to know my children's personalities as they've grown has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life. If I had my time again I would do it again.

But seeing some sanctimonious arse bitching about other people's experiences, which could be very different to their own, just makes my skin crawl. You're saying that because you made a decision you're not ever allowed to moan about it? Even if your whole life leading up to it was full of misleading misinformation? Even if the experience you chose turned out to not be typical through no fault of your own?

Pretty much any path a person takes in life can be framed as a result of a decision somewhere along the line. It's like saying that no one can complain about anything, anytime.

Despite what you say having kids is different to what just about anyone expects. If it wasn't for you then well done, you're in the tiny minority. You probably deserve some kind of prize for being so amazing. Here, I've got a little cup around here somewhere. Wait, I'll find it. Here it is. It's engraved. It reads 'Fuck you, you sanctimonious prick'.

Life is full of ups and downs. For me having kids has made the highs higher and the lows lower. I've never felt as amazing as I have when my kids do something brilliant. But I've never felt as down as I did about three months into my second child who was very colicky and just cried almost constantly and at night slept for an hour or so then was awake and screaming for an hour then slept and so on. For three months solid.

No one told me about that. No one made it clear that this was to be expected. My first was a reasonable, average baby. He had his moments but we thought we really understood what we were getting into.

But there's the rub. All kids are different. Even two boys, close in age to the same parents are like chalk ad cheese. To think you understand someone else's situation enough to bitch about them like you have is just stupid. So your child is good and you've enjoyed being a dad? Good for you. You were lucky. Others aren't so lucky and arses like you bitching about them doesn't help. Stop patting yourself on the back and realise that a large part of you having a good experience is nothing more than luck.

So, there you go. I'm sure I fit into your bad parent category. But at least I don't belittle the experiences of others and don't assume that I fully understand their experience.

Yes, some parents can be annoying, but the vast majority who are moaning are genuinely stressed and down. A little empathy can go a long way. Or you could just be an arse hole and bitch about them.

Esoog said:

Exactly. Not everyone on this earth is meant to be a parent. Just like most things in life, it takes a person with the right personality, skills, traits, whatever, do be a good parent. I'm a father of a 4 year old, and while I think I'm a good dad, I have my flaws. But I knew what I was getting into. While is also why I stopped at 1 kid. He's awesome. (so far) We hit the jackpot, and I'm good with 1 and done.

It drives me crazy when I hear parents of 1, 2, 3, 4+ kids complaining that they never have free time....don't have enough money...bad mouthing their kids...

If that's how you feel, then why did you have kids?! If that's what you wanted, then you need to be all in and don't complain about something you had total control to prevent. "But I got 4 kids!" Well, you know how that happened right?

And don't get me wrong. I'm not judging the lady in this video. It could be short, tongue in cheek humor. I'm talking about people I personally know.

Adam Ruins Everything - The McDonald's Coffee Lawsuit

Mordhaus says...

As I mentioned in your related post, they knew they were at fault and made significant changes to cup safety features/warnings, as you yourself mention. A company not at fault would not bother making these changes.

You are welcome to your opinion, but 12 people who were there decided otherwise.

nanrod said:

Maybe the rest of you were unaware of the facts of this case until you watched some video but I researched this story in the 90's so this video by Adam didn't tell me anything new and Adasm didn't ruin anything for me. I simply disagree with the emotional bias people seem to bring to the case. In my opinion there is one issue. Was McDonald's negligent in serving coffee at 180F. The answer regardless of botched testimony is no. The proof is in the fact that virtually all major vendors of coffee from Starbucks to Dunkin Donuts serve their coffee at that temperature to this day. The difference now is that they are more careful about warnings and labels to let their customers know that, you know, their coffee is hot.

They could have made a case that the cup was too fragile but that wasn't the problem. The woman even made a point of saying that she opened the cup away from herself to avoid spilling but spilled it anyways which to me indicates that she was aware of the risk.

Were the woman's injuries horrible. Yes. Was McDonald's response and testimony incredibly douchy? Yes. Does that in and of itself make them liable. No

And @enoch thanks for the link to the video I watched 3 years ago. You'll notice I didn't upvote that one either. You could have linked me to the documentary "Hot Coffee" that I watched 5 years ago. Here's a new one for you but maybe you've seen it.

Also, I may not be as much of a bleeding heart as you but no, not a sociopath.

The Truth About the Infamous McDonald's Hot Coffee Incident

Mordhaus says...

This is more of an opinion. While other lawsuits have failed and Mcdonalds as a chain has not changed their holding temperature, they and other retailers have made significant effort to make warnings clearer, as well as adding cup features to mitigate or prevent the likelihood of spills.

In the case of the original lawsuit, 12 jurors found that they agreed that Mcdonalds had failed in providing adequate recompense. The lady simply wanted her medical bills covered, a statistical zero loss for a company the size of Mcdonalds. They made a huge error in deciding this was the case that they were going to take to court to prove, once and for all, that they were right and that customers who burned themselves could go pound sand. In retrospect, they should have settled for the medical bills out of court.

Adam Ruins Everything - The McDonald's Coffee Lawsuit

nanrod says...

Maybe the rest of you were unaware of the facts of this case until you watched some video but I researched this story in the 90's so this video by Adam didn't tell me anything new and Adasm didn't ruin anything for me. I simply disagree with the emotional bias people seem to bring to the case. In my opinion there is one issue. Was McDonald's negligent in serving coffee at 180F. The answer regardless of botched testimony is no. The proof is in the fact that virtually all major vendors of coffee from Starbucks to Dunkin Donuts serve their coffee at that temperature to this day. The difference now is that they are more careful about warnings and labels to let their customers know that, you know, their coffee is hot.

They could have made a case that the cup was too fragile but that wasn't the problem. The woman even made a point of saying that she opened the cup away from herself to avoid spilling but spilled it anyways which to me indicates that she was aware of the risk.

Were the woman's injuries horrible. Yes. Was McDonald's response and testimony incredibly douchy? Yes. Does that in and of itself make them liable. No

And @enoch thanks for the link to the video I watched 3 years ago. You'll notice I didn't upvote that one either. You could have linked me to the documentary "Hot Coffee" that I watched 5 years ago. Here's a new one for you but maybe you've seen it.

Also, I may not be as much of a bleeding heart as you but no, not a sociopath.

How the NFL's magic yellow line works.

vil says...

They used something this (except with infra red paint (Im guessing infra red light absorbing paint)) to change advertising on the boards for the "world cup of hockey" this year and it was still annoying - anything that moves that should not be moving is very visible.

Hockey is much better on TV in HD than it was a couple of years ago so I understand what FOX were after, but it sure did not work. It must be the camera panning much faster in hockey that makes this kind of trick difficult to pull off well.

Liberal Redneck - Trump and Turkey

"You're so damn dumb it isn't funny...KISS MY ASS!!"

Falling Brick Coffee Table

I dare you not to find this mind-blowing!

curiousity says...

Admittedly, i don't watch this type of video often, but it the twist of the ragdoll is interesting and it must take a great deal of skill, concentration, and body control. Kudos.

To be honest, this video made my heart unexpectedly ache so intensely that I had to take a walk after watching it and then sit in a quiet corner for some self reflection time. After an uncertain amount of time and 2 cups of tea, I realized what memory string this was plucking. Suddenly the magnitude of this emotional disturbance made sense. This wasn't a single thread, but something that spanned across years of my life. This girl reminds me of an exgirlfriend from long ago. She loved theater and did events part time. We were deeply in love and I thought we would be married, but life often doesn't fit in with unsought expectations. Often we are told to chase our dreams; however, this, for me, was only told to me in relation to what job or career I went into. I guess that I'm slow or just never thought about applying this advice to life as a whole. Well, regrets are a waste of time, but it nice to revisit the memories. Thank you for the sift. If I might beg your indulgence, I did do have one picture that was snapped of us in an unrelated news story. Unfortunately, it's the only photo left as I lost all of mine. Here is Bella and I getting a drink at the local bar.

Don't Give A One Armed Man A Cup And A Saucer. Not Cool.

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