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Comments to westy

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Westy- this is your official reprimand notification for this comment. I believe what you said was ironic satire- but it could set a low bar and encourage hate speech in less sophisticated members - which is something we'd like to avoid in our community. I also don't enjoy the shit storm your comment stirred. You've disturbed the Sift wa.

Your sentence is 30 days hobblement with remand credit to be given for hobble time served. Your release date is Thursday, August 6th - 2009. During this period, any further actions contrary to the Sift community guidelines may result in temporary or permanent banishment.

JiggaJonson says...

I'm always for protecting un-popular opinions and while I didn't agree with what you said I dont think it was right even to hobble your account.

Even Nazi's deserve protected speech, let the public judge the opinions for what they are; even if it's hate mongering propaganda.

Drax says...

I'm with vairetube in my admiration for the epic downvote-sauce!! I hope you've won a bet or something >D

Gotta wonder if Siftbot puts a contract out if you hit -50..... Uh.. GL!!!

vairetube says...

its pretty obvious you are not a "racist" lol way to stir it up..

haven't seen 29 downvotes in a while. now what is there left for QM to aspire too?

poolcleaner says...

Transcendence (in some form) is the unrealized goal of all life. However, who says we aren't already an amalgamation of transcended beings behind one ego that is our human form?

In reply to this comment by westy:
why is it unsettling ? I don't care if black culture/skin is no longer practiced/disappears any more or less than if white culture skin color no longer existed / was practiced. just shove photographs and writings in a musiim so whatever can be learned from the past can be learned and move on.

Within the next 60 years i think its likely that people will distance themselves from there physical entity of flesh to some existent , maby we will be able to separate ourselves from our body , evan if we are still locked into our bodies i can see a large number of people exsperanceing alot through vertual reality where u interact fully with people in some invented world. its alredy happning now to some exstent with internet chat MMO,s only its just shit at the moment with exstremily limited interactivty and sences.

once we can exist outside of our born bodies race prejudice will seem Evan more absurd.

griefer_queafer says...


You make some salient points. I am trying to stay away from posting on this particular submission of mine. But there is an Errol Morris film, I don't know if you have seen it, but it is about this man Fred Leuchter (I think thats who it is--the man williamson speaks of in the interview), the infamous holocaust denier. Really complicated and interesting profile of a very strange, intelligent, perhaps crazy and conflicted man.

Too bad the video didn't get more attention. I think it could spark some interesting dialogue here on the sift.

Thanks for the neat posts.


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