gorillaman GB

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Comments to gorillaman

chingalera says...

...not a damn thang 'cept bein' the gorillaman-I get randy when I drink Cheers from choggie☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯

gorillaman said:

Hey thanks mate, what did I do to deserve that?

hpqp says...

Just because I condemn riot police ripping into peaceful protesters does not mean I adhere to the "fuck the cops/fascist police state" mentality. Moreover, it's useful to remember that the cops themselves are under a lot of pressure: http://videosift.com/video/Secret-Recording-of-NYPD-Stop-and-Frisk

edit: completely unrelated, but I just had to say that I love your new avatar pic
In reply to this comment by gorillaman:
Your ignorance/paranoia speaks for itself.
In reply to this comment by hpqp:
Fuck everything about this. I usually am very pro- law enforcement but this isn't law enforcement, this is totalitarian oppression. And yes, it is mostly "the rich"'s fault. It's the fault of those who gamble with the funds and resources of whole populations and then get reimbursed when they lose their bets by robbing said populations blind. Spain is doing what the Rethuglicans in the US are doing and want to do even further: raise taxes on the poor and middle class and cut the most vital social spending (education and health) so they can pay debts caused by criminal banking shenanigans and fill their thieving pockets. Keep the people poor, hungry and uneducated so you can have an easily manipulated mass to generate riches for a tiny elite, who have the government solidly in their pocket. It's the middle ages all over again.

SDGundamX says...

Either this was a brilliant troll attempt or a hilariously written rant. Either way, good job. Upvoted.

In reply to this comment by gorillaman:
I only wish this were true, but so many homos have allowed themselves to be conditioned to tolerate and even respect, uncritically, inferior cultures.

I care that they're offended. I can sense their confused, mooing outrage like a bad smell. It's psychic baggage I'm tired of carrying. There are too many muslims in the world and the stink is becoming unbearable.

As a proudly hardened islamophobe, let me tell you apologists something. The correct word for islamic 'fundamentalist' or 'extremist' is muslim. These are the ones who actually believe in the doctrine of their absurd cult. I bet you don't even know what that doctrine is; go do some research instead of just smugly congratulating yourselves for holding the sanctioned position. The so-called majority, which is not so much a majority as you like to tell yourselves, of peaceful muslims aren't muslims at all; they're liars and cowards who pay lip service to their cultural standards without really believing in them or having the strength to form contrary ideas of their own - they're just like you.

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