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Spend 40 minutes of your life learning how to live via sartre http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5997040150951355473 if you dont...well.... http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_li94xm5A9W1qcu0bjo1_500.gif

Member Since: June 11, 2008
Last Power Points used: June 30, 2021
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Comments to JiggaJonson

bobknight33 says...

What BS are up pushing?

Blaming Trump for begin at the for front and Democrats railing against his measures.

Personal responsibility and sensibility are foremost not government.. Protect yourself and your loved ones..

Your spin is like blaming Obama for SARS or EBOLA. Grow up.

Trump is the right man for this job.

JiggaJonson said:

I now have 5 students who have lost parents, ??? how many have lost grandparents.

These are the parties responsible for this mess in the USA:


These are the fruits of your labors; I hope it comes back on you TEN-FOLD.

bobknight33 says...

Trump is doing a great job.

Local state leadership is ALSO needed not the bitching from Democrats, and fear mongering from the fake news.

Federal rules and laws helped slow down actions of federal actions. Trump took care of those.

Also Trump indicated that hydroxychloroquine is a promising solution and media dogged him.

Media has Trump wrong 100% of the time. You know that cant be true.
Heep you head up CNN ass and drink their Kool Aid.

JiggaJonson said:

300,000 infected. South Korea isn't a communist country, it's a democracy modeled after the United States.

They are also an ally of the USA and have done (based on a percentage of total population) more testing than us. Still, they were able to contain this virus with decisive action and clear guidelines.

That's called leadership.

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your dedication to finding diamonds in the rough and pushing videos of other members to success has earned you your "Assister" Level 26 Badge!

bobknight33 says...

Priorities USA. Totally Anti Trump, Anti American.

But hey that the lane your in.

For al the bluster Trump does, He still way teh fck better than Biden or Sanders.

Thump has a good team in place to fight this. Can it be stopped? only in a Communist country can lock down 100%. America cant do that with out bitching and lawsuits and state / local opposing, not to mention the media jumping piling on even more for Anti Trump Slant.

JiggaJonson said:

this is one of the more sensible things you've said, but it's a bit late for that


newtboy says...

I agree with your comment too. We said the pledge in kindergarten, and would have been punished severely for that behavior even at that age. It's sickening that the "leader of the free world" doesn't have the decorum expected of a 5 year old. Kappernick should make a commercial out of it, juxtaposing his behavior with Trump's, asking the question, "who's disrespecting America?".

JiggaJonson said:


siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your dedication to finding diamonds in the rough and pushing videos of other members to success has earned you your "Assister" Level 25 Badge!

newtboy says...

I know what you mean.

I'll stoop to watch those sometimes, but as a starting point that needs (sometimes lengthy) investigation to know if I'm listening to obscure but real stories or the next round of BS propaganda. They're usually awful, full of mistakes or misrepresentation paired with feigned naivete or ignorance, and are often created by foreign agencies that use the computer voice to hide their accents. When I do visit those rabbit holes, I excuse myself by pretending I'm only getting prepared to contradict it with fact when someone uses it in a discussion....but that assumes I'll follow up with the investigation.

JiggaJonson said:

I'll get back to you after reading, but i actually cringed when my dad sent me a video read by some computer generated voice he said he listens to daily.

newtboy says...

I found some interesting reports today about republicans faking hundreds of local news sites to pass propaganda as news in swing states... expect Trumpites to use them as a reference to back up some of their ridiculous fact free propaganda....
Google "metric media, fake local news"

JiggaJonson said:

yeah im sure once she hands them over you'll consider them validated and you're not a two faced fucking hypocrite traitor who believes what he wants when it's convenient

JiggaJonson says...

And now he's rekindling the iran war to stay in power. Who left the iran nuclear agreement?

Now a bombing and they attacked our embassy. I thought we had to stop endless wars?

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