Weekly Achievements for 06Feb22 thru 12Feb22
#1 Video
"Know Your Rights" David Cross by eric3579
Ohio Turnpike snowplow damages 40 vehicles, injures 12 by BSR

Vote While It Counts by newtboy

Jonathan Pie explains Boris Johnson to the NYT by noims

The simple tool that can open most US stores by eric3579

Top 15 Videos
What Makes Hans Landa One Of The Most Terrifying Villains by BSR
The American Interstate's Forgotten Code | CGP Grey by eric3579

Restaurant worker refuses to rent someone a yacht

Bald Eagle decided to make Paxton its landing spot by BSR

Pence Finally Tells The Truth by newtboy

THE BATTLEFIELD - Unreal Engine Star Wars short film by toferyu reached #2
THE TANGO: VACCINE - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody by BSR

NOAA's GOES-16 Satellite Spies Megaflash Lightning by ant

How a Pro Grizzly guide handles a curious charging bear by eric3579

I miss Wintergatan Wednesdays, so I Made This Linerider Run by newtboy

When Nirvana had to play with a pre-recorded back track by eric3579

It's "just" basal cell by C-note

If NFTs Were Honest | Honest Ads (Bored Ape Yacht Club, etc) by ant

Why the Olympic monobob event is only for women by eric3579

True Facts: Proboscis Monkey by w1ndex

Wood is good - Xylophone magic in a Japanese forest by BSR

The Time An Indian Ocean Mega Swell Hit Western Australia by eric3579

Eta Carinae: 3D Model of the Most Dangerous Star Known by noims

Lightyear | Official Trailer by ant

Summer of Soul - 2021 by newtboy

Kyle's Mom's a Bitch - orchestral version by noims

STUDY: $500 Per Month Life Changing For The Homeless by surfingyt reached #10
Lost Trust: Unraveling of the Marlboro County sheriff’s by BSR

When you think no one is home... by ant

VLDL: Exploiting your follower to carry loot by ant

Top Comments
The issue is the wrong guy, a dishonest blowhard trying... by newtboy
Watch it, I know nobody likes lawyers, but likening... by bcglorf (7 votes)
That is against my HIPPA law! What a *quality human... by newtboy

I don't normally make fun of speeling or grammar mistakes,... by noims

One of my very smart coder former coworkers had a saying: ... by fuzzyundies

Most Votes Cast
Jonathan Pie explains Boris Johnson to the NYT by noims
"Know Your Rights" David Cross by eric3579

Pence Finally Tells The Truth by newtboy

If NFTs Were Honest | Honest Ads (Bored Ape Yacht Club, etc) by ant

Restaurant worker refuses to rent someone a yacht

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