lertad says...

It's a very good album. The over the top expectation and its dabbles in different genres were never going to get it top ratings.

lucky760 says...

Is that Axl? Holy cow. I haven't seen any pics of him in ages. I thought that was Danny Bonaduce.

I've listened thru the entire album once and, yes, struggled through most of it, unfortunately. I was happy to hear that it had a contemporary sound and wasn't just a rehash of their hits of old (unlike Metallica's latest effort, which sounds like it was recorded 15 years ago), but it made me sad that I didn't hear anything I'd want to intentionally listen to again.

rottenseed says...

Sometimes the ones that grow on you are the ones that stick with you the longest. With that being said, I've never been a GnR fan so I haven't really been chompin' at the bit to listen to it.

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