Charter Woes
Any other charter members have a ridiculously hard time selecting their commenting background colour?
It seems there are very few choices, as "two of the colors must be at least D0 and the third F0"
Which I guess is why I see a lot of similarly coloured comment backgrounds. It's kinda lame.
A broader array of colours to choose from would be nice, would allow for more distinguishment among us charters!
I try to match my username colour, my comment background colour, and the colours in my avatar so it all looks nice, but it's difficult when I have to spend 10 minutes trying to pick a colour that contains "two D0's and one F0" and end up having it still look crappy.
Heh. Can any other charters empathize?
It's a bit limiting, for certain, but that's the price we pay to have the site have such a sleek look.
I for one would have loved the old "quick look" thing that was used for usernames, to be shown for background colors in a box next to the field, so you could get a fast look at that. In the old system, I tested by background color in the username field, so I could see it immediately.
A preview for the background color could be included if that's desired.
You should see a preview of how your username looks with the chosen color and that's new in 4.0, so I'm not sure I understand how you tested it in the old system and how that's no longer possible, gwiz.
Oh, well the new thing is probably better. Just needs some adjusting. Like going from a command prompt to a GUI.
One thing I would like in the new color chooser thingie is a cancel button though, so I could quickly reverse to my color before and see the difference.
Good point. I made a note of it on and it'll be included with the next set of fixes
how about in that new quick color picker, it only shows colors you CAN choose for your comment background. I can only count in decimal...i don't get that hex stuff.
I've always had problems picking a BG color. It seems like there are maybe ten colors to pick from, but finding them is like finding Osama Bin Laden.
I have no idea if these two pages will help anyone - they are from one of my old / obsolete web pages... There is also a neat little javascript conversion tool!
Hexadecimal Notation:
Hexidecimal Conversion Chart:
I like the restriction. It makes the comments easier to read. It's very straining for my eyes to read on a garishly colored background, and it also gives me flashbacks to the internet of the 90's.
There is quite a lot to choose from within the pastel range though. This is a great resource, and I'm sure you'll find something pretty there:
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