Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Republican Shutdown Threats

Of course a partial shutdown has already started as of today and I'm sure Ms. Warren would be turning over in her grave. If she were dead.

Here we go again. You want access to birth control? Go down to the pharmacy and pick some up. Don't make me pay for it. You don't pay for my meds, I don't pay for yours.
Fucking gov't lying toads.


But where does that stop? Should insurance be able to deny pregnancy aid if it is not high risk? (You could argue fuck yes! Pregnancy is a woman's choice. You want to get pregnant, you get help from the pharmacy down the street! Sonograms? Fuck you.)

What about things to reduce pain like epidural? If they denied that maybe women would stop having babies so don't you think that wise?


Here we go again. You want access to birth control? Go down to the pharmacy and pick some up. Don't make me pay for it. You don't pay for my meds, I don't pay for yours.
Fucking gov't lying toads.


But a great point we fail to see here--Warren might be right, but she is still a political whore beholden to the corporate masters. Just like all the men are studs to their political masters...


Health insurance is priced to be profitable taking into account the group that is being covered.

For example:

If an individual (group of 1) woman gets coverage, birth control costs will be in her monthly payment.
She however won't have high risk of prostate cancer factoring into her payment.

If an individual (group of 1) man gets insurance coverage, he won't have birth control costs in his monthly payment.
He will however have the higher risk of prostate cancer factoring into his payment.

If an employer gets coverage, the payments will be the average cost of each individual (aside from a 'group discount')
If there is 1 woman and 1 man, they are splitting the cost of 1x birth control and 1x higher risk of prostate cancer.

This is why businesses like to hire young employees, and don't like to hire older employees.
Younger employees keep the monthly insurance payments lower, older employees make monthly insurance payments higher.
That way a bunch of kids get to subsidize the old farts running the place.

Anyways, point being...

Women getting birth control coverage will NOT mean that an individual man with his own plan will have to pay anything for birth control.

It does mean that if birth control coverage is required, then groups containing women will be required to pay for birth control for the women in that group.

In a group, women already subsidize men's prostate cancer, and men already subsidize women's breast cancer, etc.
Birth control would just be another of many items that are mostly male/female specific that people already pay for when in a group.

It's worth keeping in mind that plans commonly offer 'blue pill' coverage for men, so it's not like women are getting ahead in the sexy-time costs.



But I do pay for your meds. At least, I do if we're on the same health plan. That's how an insurance policy works. The money from policy premium is pooled to pay for the cost of medical treatment.


Here we go again. You want access to birth control? Go down to the pharmacy and pick some up. Don't make me pay for it. You don't pay for my meds, I don't pay for yours.
Fucking gov't lying toads.


Here's a bigger picture of mandatory " health insurance" , one that resembles another failed institution's successes and failures through extortion with the goal of diverting capitol to private coffers.

Fuck birth control, I don't feed myself as influenced by the corporate media machine's saturation diet of shit food but the majority of unhealthy, overweight, drones in sector EVERYWHERE do-The bulk of health care expenses in the U.S. are squandered on correcting or marginally forestalling the inevitable cascading failures associated with these poor diet habits fostered by the machine. The SAME machine owns the insurance companies, the medical establishment, down the fucking line.

Chicago 1921-1923- New York, Boston, hell pick a city on the east coast.
The mafia invented it, gangster fucks perfected it, it continues under the guise of the Affordable (fuck you, I have my own insurance) Care Act.

If people, were not such fucking imbeciles, they'd see through the simple veil of graft and extortion these suited, elected (joke) criminals use to continue to divert attention away from the obvious criminality of their ruse.

Get me started on eating healthy and the lack of availability and inaccessibility of the healthiest of raw materials...of how staple crops have been hijacked and genetically coded with ONE goal preeminent: To increase the profits of the monopolies that control the food supply.

The fastest way to fix the problem of affordable health care, is to fix the broken habits of dumb-ass humans who allow themselves to be bent-over and ass-fucked into thinking they need insurance AT ALL!

Teach people that their diets are being being systematically and fundamentally altered to keep them in this loop and the insurance companies and the cunts who make the laws that benefit them, will collapse under the weight of their own, orchestrated illusion.


sounds good on a blog maybe but one scenario of what will have to happen before people see trees in this forest of shrubberies is rendering into glue, the health care and insurance scamstym (which is what these institutions are) THEN, we systematically make examples of the families and beneficiaries of the scam (public executions would be more than appropriate considering their crimes), and we do this for the next 100 years. (because after 60 years the world has all but forgotten the inevitable end of massive control grids and their perpetrator'(s) methods. The empire never died, it has been given a green-light to refine her, mass-ass-fucking techniques

Ain't gonna happen without major shocks from without because from within, it can not be corrected without a revamp of critical thinking for the masses....who are largely ineffectual robot-slaves.\

*edit, here's a fun one..


Or you could, I dunno, just remove the profit motive from health care and treat people like humans if they get sick?

I don't think people in the US actually realise just how disturbed and fucked up their whole system seems to the rest of us.


Agree.. Universal healthcare to me is a human right. It makes my heart go all warm and gooey inside when i look from my balcony and know that no matter what apartment i'm looking at, the people inside are taken care off if they need help.

It's cheaper and above all, more equal. That last concept is totally unknown to modern USA, the American dream seem to be "more for me, less for you". Rather than just success you need to be better than the rest. Inequality is one way to accomplish that.


Or you could, I dunno, just remove the profit motive from health care and treat people like humans if they get sick?

I don't think people in the US actually realise just how disturbed and fucked up their whole system seems to the rest of us.

RFlaggjokingly says...

But America is a Christian nation, unlike the rest of the heathen world, we were chosen by God to be an example to the world.

Don't you recall when the ill, lame and infirm came to Jesus and asked for healing and Jesus said, "Get up you lazy Socialist, I take care of my own health, why should I take care of yours?" It was around the same spot that Jesus said, "Blessed are the warmongers and war profiteers".

And just a chapter or two later Jesus told the poor and needy "to get off your lazy bum and become rich so that you may enter the kingdom of God" and told the rich man "acquire more wealth, then follow me to get into the kingdom of God" as he wasn't rich enough to enter Heaven yet.

Helping the needy and poor is what destroyed Sodom according to Ezekiel 16:49. [I can't even figure out how to make that read that it wasn't the fault of that era's Republican mentality in sarcasm mode here... of course most modern Republican Christians blame the destruction of Sodom on the gays based on what happened to the angels, that the all knowing God, who knows the heart of all men, sent there to see if there were any good people in Sodom. Not finding any people willing to help the needy and the poor, the cities sealed their fate, and the angels went to escort Lots family to safety. Which is when the whole thing with the angels and the crowd takes place; where Lot pulled the father of the year award by offering his daughters (think Olson twins) over the big angelic warriors with magical powers (think Rambo and Conan the Barbarian with magical powers) ...or just saying no when the crowds wanted them which one would think would be the logical way rather than offering one's innocent daughters, but hey... anyhow the angels escort the family to safety rather than God just teleporting them to safety for some odd reason...]

Jesus said that if somebody hurts you to destroy them and protect your stuff with force, because stuff matters more than their puny lives. That's why all good Christians fight to let everyone have guns, to protect their stuff the way Jesus said to.


Or you could, I dunno, just remove the profit motive from health care and treat people like humans if they get sick?

I don't think people in the US actually realise just how disturbed and fucked up their whole system seems to the rest of us.


I agree that universal healthcare is necessary, but a right? I myself say hardly.

A freedom is something that everyone within its parameters should be entitled to but can be taken away. A right is something that we were born with that should be global in nature. Freedom = Voting (Citizen, non-felon, etc.) Right = No cruel and unusual punishment, person(s) we choose to marry, etc.


Agree.. Universal healthcare to me is a human right. It makes my heart go all warm and gooey inside when i look from my balcony and know that no matter what apartment i'm looking at, the people inside are taken care off if they need help.

It's cheaper and above all, more equal. That last concept is totally unknown to modern USA, the American dream seem to be "more for me, less for you". Rather than just success you need to be better than the rest. Inequality is one way to accomplish that.


We understand. I believe it is you who does not. And that's sad...very sad...


Or you could, I dunno, just remove the profit motive from health care and treat people like humans if they get sick?

I don't think people in the US actually realise just how disturbed and fucked up their whole system seems to the rest of us.


Hrm, no, although I VASTLY disagree with lantern over there, I cannot agree with what you said either. I have chosen to have three high risk pregnancies with my beloved wife, which have cost hundreds of thousands, and we are working on the last one. We have had four miscarriages, but this is what she wants and I will give her that. You pay my share, not the other way around. I just pay my 180 dollar premium with high deductibles.

Ie., if the new service applies towards women, men pay that share. If it is the magical blue pill for men, then women and functional men pay it. Etc.


But I do pay for your meds. At least, I do if we're on the same health plan. That's how an insurance policy works. The money from policy premium is pooled to pay for the cost of medical treatment.


Don't know where you live but here in Finland, the whole concept is something you're born with. For most of my adult life i really thought that it is the same for all in the "western" world and once i learned the truth my instinct was "damn that is just wrong". In the 80s, i thought that our concept CAME from USA, not that we should be exporting that concept there. It is the land of the free, ffs. (it came here from Sweden, actually..)

Just the fact that if you get hit by a car or develop cancer, health payments is the least of your worries, just like it should be. Patient can concentrate, stress free, on recovery and you don't need to miss any treatment because you ain't got the money for it. Just the concept that profit should not be a part of health care industry (unless you want to, we got private clinics that are above the universal health care in term of waiting times etc.) that is ingrained to the culture brings comfort and equality. The middle class chooses between the two, the high end goes private and poor get the same quality from general healthcare, there's something very comforting there. Every person i see, i just know that he/she is taken care of. I'm not better or worse than the rest.

In my mind, it's a question of human rights to get the same treatment than the wealthy get. Money should not be a part of that equation. The same principle goes for education, it is a human right to get the same education as the rest will, money should not be a part of that either. We are here because of our culture and wouldn't be able to survive without past generations knowledge. One crucial part of that knowledge is how to treat wounds. Denying that is just sick, demented, plain wrong.

This is how much my life differs from you. I get all the possibilities and it's my freedom to use them or not. And on top of it all, we do it cheaper than you. How is that not implemented everywhere baffles me.. How sick a parent must be to deny his child all the possibilities, how sick you neighbor has to be to deny that from you?


I agree that universal healthcare is necessary, but a right? I myself say hardly.

A freedom is something that everyone within its parameters should be entitled to but can be taken away. A right is something that we were born with that should be global in nature. Freedom = Voting (Citizen, non-felon, etc.) Right = No cruel and unusual punishment, person(s) we choose to marry, etc.


Honestly not sure what your point is here.

Are you saying I don't understand how fucked up your system is?
Or that you appreciate how fucked up it is and I don't?
Or that it's not fucked up?

I'm all for pithy responses, but you really need clarity as well as brevity.


We understand. I believe it is you who does not. And that's sad...very sad...


Sorry for the lack of clarity, but it isn't that unclear unless you would be stunned with disbelief by the answer. We, America--as I said--we understand how fucked up the system is. Through apathy or fear or some other reason, we, America, don't care.

Not being sarcastic, just pointing out that America is different from other Western nations, and not in a good way. When I say "we" I don't mean all Americans. Just enough to keep universal healthcare out of our laws.


Honestly not sure what your point is here.

Are you saying I don't understand how fucked up your system is?
Or that you appreciate how fucked up it is and I don't?
Or that it's not fucked up?

I'm all for pithy responses, but you really need clarity as well as brevity.


You are free to disagree with me, but you cannot disagree while agreeing with me. And make no mistake, we DO agree. If I was unclear, be like @ChaosEngine and ask me to clarify before you respond.

I said two things in my post. One directly and concisely pointed out my view. Universal Healthcare is a must for everyone born or who have come to the states! (This includes Illegal Immigrants, but that is a whole other topic.) It should be everyone's freedom.

The second thing I said in my post was more implied (But it wasn't vague.) I said it wasn't a right, but then went on to explain the difference between "rights" and "freedoms." The conclusion? It should be everyone's freedom. Here is why I feel the way I do:

1a-As you say it is cheaper, and Medicade and Medicare prove that here in the states. No overhead, no profit to be made.

1b-Every human being deserves it as a "freedom." It is just compassionate and human to give it.

2-The second point, as to why it should be a freedom instead of a right is two pointed as well.

2a-It can be willingly given away or two it taken away in extenuating circumstances. "Rights" are imposed, by force if necessary, ironically. Yet a man deserves to be able to end his own life, with dignity, in his own house if he so chooses. But if Healthcare is a "right," as opposed to "freedom," he does not get that choice. He has to enjoy his terminal cancer. A mother's "freedom" to give home remedies to her deathly ill child, also, can be taken away. That is a good thing for the children. Yet honey and alfalfa would be the top cure for sick and dying children in some households if healthcare were a right.

2-There are some classes I don't think deserve Healthcare. To me Julie Schenecker does not. Nor does Kenneth Jackson. He, for example, denied "healthcare" to a woman when he raped her. And just for good measure he then slashed her throat because she was screaming. I know him and he is not insane or someone to be pitied. He just doesn't give a fuck about human dignity or rights. If he were released he would gladly do it again. (I do believe he has the "right" to a fair trial, so a trail should be forced.)

In fact inmates all around the country hurt themselves just to make life difficult for guards, and they know they will be fixed up. They inflict suffering upon others, and then cost money to taxpayers so they can do it again. So no, I don't think the worst of the worst deserve it. (Even though, ironically, they get it far better than those on the streets who try hard to make it.)

So in summary, we agree on the most prolific and most important least here in Lawdeedaw land...


Don't know where you live but here in Finland, the whole concept is something you're born with. For most of my adult life i really thought that it is the same for all in the "western" world and once i learned the truth my instinct was "damn that is just wrong". In the 80s, i thought that our concept CAME from USA, not that we should be exporting that concept there. It is the land of the free, ffs. (it came here from Sweden, actually..)

Just the fact that if you get hit by a car or develop cancer, health payments is the least of your worries, just like it should be. Patient can concentrate, stress free, on recovery and you don't need to miss any treatment because you ain't got the money for it. Just the concept that profit should not be a part of health care industry (unless you want to, we got private clinics that are above the universal health care in term of waiting times etc.) that is ingrained to the culture brings comfort and equality. The middle class chooses between the two, the high end goes private and poor get the same quality from general healthcare, there's something very comforting there. Every person i see, i just know that he/she is taken care of. I'm not better or worse than the rest.

In my mind, it's a question of human rights to get the same treatment than the wealthy get. Money should not be a part of that equation. The same principle goes for education, it is a human right to get the same education as the rest will, money should not be a part of that either. We are here because of our culture and wouldn't be able to survive without past generations knowledge. One crucial part of that knowledge is how to treat wounds. Denying that is just sick, demented, plain wrong.

This is how much my life differs from you. I get all the possibilities and it's my freedom to use them or not. And on top of it all, we do it cheaper than you. How is that not implemented everywhere baffles me.. How sick a parent must be to deny his child all the possibilities, how sick you neighbor has to be to deny that from you?

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