Orgasmic Birth

When a woman gives birth, the usual Western approach is to panic, create a major upheaval and treat her like she's a medical disaster. This video shows a better way.

This may have been meant to be funny...but I gotta say I agree with them. Expectations imposed on women don't help at all. Childbirth is a trip like none other when you are aware of what's going on and not preoccupied with anything else.


These videos, of this 'extreme' hippy content (meaning using the words, spiritual, transcendental, sensual etc. etc.) tend to have a high turn off factor for many, and push people away from what SHOULD be a natural thing rather than the ridiculous medical procedure it's become.

I think films that are slightly less 'hippy', like The business of being born I think, perhaps may be a better introduction as to why the medical led birthing industry has it all wrong.

(Of course I was actually quite disappointing with that film in the end where it goes all soft on the intervention side of things just because the director has a birth via c-section)

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