
Her metaphor doesn't even make sense. It's not that the kid getting punched won't do anything back, it's that he won't pull out a shotgun and blow the other kid's head off for simply hitting him in the face.


^Republicans are all about framing. Putting this analogy on the playground does several things:

-Invokes the familiar frame of being bullied
-Invokes cowardice
-Portrays the conflict as one of equals
-Portrays the conflict as being between immature irrational parties
-Portrays the conflict as one of self defense

Not saying it was a successful bit of propaganda, but I believe this is what her writers were probably going for.


Despite an aversion to violence, when she says "punch me in the face", I wish I was. In reality, at some point, punching her into a faceless pulp would cease to be satisfying, but in my fantasies I just pressure-wash the mess into the gutters and let the small portion of the world with brains thank me for my good work.


And the shotgun is loaded with radioactive bullets.

>> ^IronDwarf:

Her metaphor doesn't even make sense. It's not that the kid getting punched won't do anything back, it's that he won't pull out a shotgun and blow the other kid's head off for simply hitting him in the face.


...and the bullets are filled with killer bees!
>> ^HaricotVert:

And the shotgun is loaded with radioactive bullets.
>> ^IronDwarf:
Her metaphor doesn't even make sense. It's not that the kid getting punched won't do anything back, it's that he won't pull out a shotgun and blow the other kid's head off for simply hitting him in the face.


At some point in this thread there was a reasonable argument, but then you had to mention killer bees =( Those things are dangerous man!>> ^kymbos:

...and the bullets are filled with killer bees!
>> ^HaricotVert:
And the shotgun is loaded with radioactive bullets.
>> ^IronDwarf:
Her metaphor doesn't even make sense. It's not that the kid getting punched won't do anything back, it's that he won't pull out a shotgun and blow the other kid's head off for simply hitting him in the face.

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