Neural Network Prototyping On the Go


There are quite a few different languages which can all be compiled down to something that can be run on a system like this. On the whole though the system isn't writing code itself.

Imagine you have a magical problem solving machine with a fixed input, all sorts of switches and levers, and an output. You chose the shape and the size of the machine but you don't chose where to set the levers or which switches to set.

The machine learning process works by having lots and lots of examples of good inputs and matching correct outputs known as a training set. It starts with all the levers and switches set randomly. Each time it makes a guess it looks how far it was from the right answer given from the training set and sees how it could change its settings to get a little closer to the right answer next time.

Given enough time and computing power it can fine tune the settings to get to the point where it's very accurate for a wide variety of complex problems.


This is a pretty bad video. This is essentially just a sponsored commercial for Intel. Gets a downvote from me here and on youtube. I don't want to see marketing bullet points regurgitated to me.

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