Marine Surprises His Father In The Hospital

This is a heart warming video. A Marine surprises his father at the hospital where he is being treated. They share moments where happiness is guaranteed-- So simple, so tender.

"My brother Michael drove from California to Massachusetts to surprise my dad at the hospital. My dad last saw him in February, but I think this may be the first time he remembers seeing Michael again. Here's a video to show the bond between a father and son. Enjoy!"

At first I was like "So what? Son visits dad in hospital, big deal...", then I read the YT description:

"My brother Michael drove from California to Massachusetts to surprise my dad at the hospital. My dad last saw him in February, but I think this may be the first time he remembers seeing Michael again. Here's a video to show the bond between a father and son. Enjoy!"

Makes more sense now.


>> ^TheGenk:
At first I was like "So what? Son visits dad in hospital, big deal...", then I read the YT description:
"My brother Michael drove from California to Massachusetts to surprise my dad at the hospital. My dad last saw him in February, but I think this may be the first time he remembers seeing Michael again. Here's a video to show the bond between a father and son. Enjoy!"
Makes more sense now.

Even though I thought the actual content of the video spoke for itself, I adjusted the description to include your info. Thanks Genk.


>> ^ant:

>> ^smooman:
upvote for Imagine......and sharp marine dress
why did i join the fucking army =(

Army is still cool, dude.

our uniforms sure as hell arent (the new multi-cam garrison uniforms are awesome but thats it)

wouldnt you know it that the new Class-A blue uniform, the only good looking army dress, is standard issue after i get out =(

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