And it was like Vooom!, reality hits you hard, bro!


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Man when I was watchin this I was like UUuuhh but then I saw the car and it was eeeEERROOMand my eyes were like WHOAa nd my fingers were like typetypetypetypetypetypetypetype and my mouth was all weeehooooooo weeehooooooo weeeehooooooo from the breathing that my lungs were doing


You just got onomatopoeia'd matopee'd? onopoded? I dunno, someone should do this like an old batman and keep putting the words on the screen

Also does anyone have a longer version? I want to see the rest of those news casters reaction


Funniest part of the whole thing is the two in the studio laughing their asses off.

You know I've done something like this. Not on live TV but when I was telling a friend about an accident I was nearly involved in. At the time I was about 20 years old and, oh yea, I was also tripping my ass off on acid.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'accident, story, Voom, reality hits you hard, bro' to 'accident, story, Voom, reality hits you hard, bro, George Lindell' - edited by Fusionaut

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