Adam Savage - WTF, TSA?


Its because the TSA is a high priced joke. It is to give a false image of security. The actual chances of a so-called attack are astronomically low, but the government wants you to 'feel safe'. The aim is to funnel a lot of your tax dollars to their friends who conveniently invested in the industry.


I have to say... as an outside spectator of the charade that is TSA and privacy in general in the USA, I find this subject quite frightening.
If the American people are able to withstand all the humiliation and mockery, I really begin to see how dictatorships are possible.
I never understood how a whole nation is able to accept whatever their leaders tells them and always assumed the nation in question was/is weak and unstable (like many of the Eastern European or Asian countries). It seems that even people in "advanced" countries are just as gullible as anybody else. Even with all the freedom of speech and information, people are still easily deceived.

With this in mind, the future looks quite grim.

PS: sorry for the long post.

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