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May be the cutest weasel ever

The Fine Tuning of the Universe

wraith says...

This video DOES include suppositions about the nature of the designer simply by naming it the designer of our universe.

1. The designer must be even more complex that it's design.
2. The designer must be able to shape at least one universe.
3. ...

To simply state that this designer in itself is un-designed because it is eternal carries the same argumentative weight as saying that the universe was not designed because it wasn't.

Regarding the assumption that this video does prove that there are design features to be found throughout the universe, the other participants in this thread have shown more eloquently than I would be able to that thsi is not the case.

shinyblurry said:

This video doesn't include any suppositions about the nature of a designer, it simply purports that it is more probable that the fine tuning in the Universe that we observe in the Universe points to design rather than chance or necessity. If the designer is God, then the designer is eternal and the infinite regression you spoke about wouldn't apply.
Chance can be ruled out if we find design features in the Universe. This is an argument to prove just that.

The Fine Tuning of the Universe

The Fine Tuning of the Universe

wraith says...

I would venture that these two statements are not "equally false", they are instead "not even wrong"..

StukaFox said:

Correct --

And there's no empirical evidence of design. Zero. Zilch. None. Nada.

These statements are equally false from a scientific standpoint:

1. God created the universe for humans to live in.
2. My cat created the universe so she could get cat treats.

There's no empirical evidence for either theory.

The Fine Tuning of the Universe

wraith says...

If I can spot a logical fallacy in their arguments, it must be huge.

"There is no scientific evidence for the existence of this multiverse, it cannot be detected, observed, measured or proved and the Universe Generator itself would require an enormous amount of fine tuning"

also means

"There is no scientific evidence for the design and Designer of this universe, it cannot be detected, observed, measured or proved and the Designer itself would require an enormous amount of fine tuning and would require a Designer itself that would require an enormous amount of fine tuning and would require a Designer itself that ... -> infinite regression"

And generally:

The weak anthropic principle only states that for us being able to observe this universe and wonder about why it seems to be so fine tuned to allow our existence it must have been tuned so fine to allow for our existence. It does not state how this came about and it most certainly does not call for a multiverse.

Chance cannot be ruled out. If something has happened, no matter how unlikely we think it might have been, it was just likely enough to have happened.

For it to become likely enough, there can be any number of reasons, two of them being universes existing in parallel (ie. a multiverse), as well as universes existing in series.

The problem that the maker of this video cannot see is that the theory of a designer only adds to the number of additional unproved assumptions on your effort to prove a number of unproved assumptions.

republican party has fallen off the political spectrum

wraith says...

Ooops. Forgot a winking smiley after my whining.

enoch said:

so i changed the title cuz:whining
but i thought i had tried the correct tense and it did not fit,turns out i just suck.

republican party has fallen off the political spectrum

wraith says...

That statement shows that you really really really really really really really really really really really really really don't know what socialism means.

I assume that you are from the USA, the "land of free" where peole routinely forget that "liberal" is not a swear word?

BTW: It's not my mother tongue, but shouldn't the headline read something like "THE republican party has FALLEN off the political spectrum"?

bobknight33 said:

BS The Democrats have turned socialist and Republicans have become Democrats.

George Washington Vs William Wallace

George Washington Vs William Wallace

wraith says...

Hm. A moderately (If I can judge that) historically acurate George Washington vs. the Mel Gibson fantasy of WIlliam Wallace. ERB has certainly done better in the past.
"Sir William Wallace (...) was a Scottish landowner (...) a member of the lesser nobility (...)"

Most important, he was not a Highlander an as such did not wear a kilt or paint his face.


"("Braveheart"), however, is a highly fictionalized account of Wallace's life and has been described by some as one of the most historically inaccurate modern films."

Vagina Cake, Uterus Pinata and a Vagician!

wraith says...

The US commercialises everything. A Period starter kit?
What about the hello boner package or the "My First Dump" toddler present (I used the name first! Back off!)

Neil deGrasse Tyson schooling ignorant climate fools

wraith says...

Thank you robbersdog49, your reply said everything I meant to say only more concisely than I would have managed.

To your fears for the future of our children: I fear that our children will one day realize what a bunch of assholes we have been to the environment.
Then they will bitch about our stupidity while screewing over the environment on a much bigger scale than we ever did.
Stupidity tends to repeat itself throughout history.
Our ability to protect the environment has grown through history to the same extend as our ability to wreck it. Take a look around what abillity we use to the fullest .....

robbersdog49 said:

I think the parallel with gravity is that although the exact cause is debatable, the effect isn't.

If gravity were to be discussed like climate change is then we'd have people arguing about whether or not a ball will fall downwards if dropped, not about whether a graviton is the cause. The right would be arguing that the 'scientists' only observe the ball going down because they're throwing it down.

We're living under a cliff and rocks are starting to fall down on us with alarming regularity, far more often than they used to. We should be building shelters to hide from them or moving away, or strengthening the cliff to stop more rocks from falling but we aren't because we don't know if the graviton exists or not.

I just don't understand the controversy. The earth is warming, and it's going to have a catastrophic effect on a lot of the life on the planet, including us. We could potentially do something about it, or at the very least try to do something about it. But instead there's all this fighting and bitterness.

I'd resign myself to the fact that the human race are a bunch of fucking idiots and we'll get what we deserve but six months ago my wife gave birth to our first child. Every time I look at him I think about the world we're going to leave for him and his kids and realise what a bunch of arseholes we're being. I would love to know what catastrophic things the deniers think will happen if we do try to do something about climate change. What could be worse?

Neil deGrasse Tyson schooling ignorant climate fools

wraith says...

To label "climate change" as a controversy is the same as labeling gravity as a controversy.
Even the question whether the climate change that we are undeniably experiencing right now is human induced, human accelerated or has nothing whatsoever to do with humans is not that much of a controversy as over 97% of 12.000 peer revied papers were arguing for a human cause.

How Mass Murders Should NOT Be Covered By The Media

wraith says...

As far as I understand the psychological reasoning behind this, it is the same as a well known effect in the area of suicides which in Germany we call Werther Effect after a novel be Wolfgang Goethe (published 1774), which caused a number of "copycat suicides".

It seems to me that a potential spree killer is desperately trying to be noticed by society either out of personal, religious or political reasons.

If you show such persons that they will get noticed, that they will get there 15 minutes of fame, it might push them a closer to the realization that committing mass murder is a way to be "noticed".

Light painting with pixelstick

wraith says...

And btw it takes out every bit of "creativity" and "art" from light painting too!
It's like "painting" the Mona Lisa with a color printer!

Light painting with pixelstick

wraith jokingly says...

Wow, now they invent (and finance via kickstarter) special hardware for silly internet memes that will be totally forgotten next year.

Strange that nobody thought about breeding an actual flying cat that farts rainbows.

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